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Madison Turner_Locked Love
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Locked Love

She appeared bored, her eyes vacant, looking outside the bedroom window in a daze. The room was barren, having only a king sized bed, two wooden drawers, and a wardrobe against the wall. Mostly everything was locked and bolted, a key needed to open most things. She sat on the bed, alongside her husband, her head leaning against his shoulder, as she took in the sunlight, peeking in between the curtains to deliver a golden ray across the room.

Her husband  hummed softly, his touch neither soft or ruff, as he petted her hair, her head leaning against his shoulder.

“Dear, you know I love you right?”

Her eyes looked to the side, meeting him for a brief moment before looking down.

He sighed, “It hurts me when you do things like this.”

She squeezed her hands together, biting her lip.

“I'm tired…”

“I know, It’ll all be over in a second.” His hands reach for her wrists, a rough patch of red skin, circling around her wrist like a hoop.

He only sighed, his fingers digging into the skin, as she flinches back softly,

“I'm sorry, did that hurt?”

She doesn't respond,but the bubbling tears in her eyes give her away.

He kisses them away.

She whimpers pathetically, as he shushes her.

“I’ll be right back, let's get those wounds wrapped. I'm trusting you this time.”

He leaves her with a lingering kiss on her cheek before exiting the room, hesitating slightly before locking it from the outside. He makes his way down stairs. It's quiet, and the lights are all turned off. A child's backpack sits on the couch, its insides spilled out across the coffee table. He ignores it, instead heading toward the living room closest, unlocking it with a key to take out a first aid kit. He heads back to his wife's room, unlocking before entering again. She hasn't moved, but her fingers trail over the wound.

“You shouldn't touch it, it’ll get infected.”

She flinches, her body jumping in surprise before her eyes dim seeing him.

“Nothing to worry about, it's just me.”

She sits back down. He sits right next to her.

He starts bandaging the wound, moving quickly and easily with practiced skill.

“You should take better care of yourself, your skin and bones…”

His wife speaks, her voice dry, her lips rubbing over another cracking even further.

“When is Emily coming back from school?”

His eyes followed her pitfully, finishing the bandage with a final wrap. “Dear, I'm sorry, but you won't be seeing Emily for a while.”

Her eyes widen in shock, she tried to take her hands away, but he held on tightly,

“Where’s Emily!?”

He rubbed soft circles around her hand, “Emily isn't safe with you right now, you're poisoning her mind, you're hurting yourself, you're hurting this family.”

“You promised! You-!”

He shushed her. He held her tightly, her head buried against the blades of his shoulder, eyes wetting the fabric.

“I know, I know. She’ll be fine, I left her with toys and some things to do while she's away.”

“S-Shes doesn't like being away from me, she hates the dark, she-”

“It's not that bad, it's a comfortable place. I’ll let her back once you behave.”
        She sobbed, into his shoulder, clawing his back in frustration

“It’ll be ok, you were doing so well recently. I even took you off the meds. I don't need to put you back on again do I?”
        “N-No, I'll be good I promise…”

“Thank you dear, I'm sorry for being so rough today. I just want us to be happy. You're making it very difficult.”

“I'm sorry.”

“I know. You promise you won't do it again?”

“I won't.”

“I'm trusting you alright?”


He heaves a sigh, “You make me go crazy sometimes, you know I love you right?”

She nods, her eyes look at him empty.