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CC - Ep 227
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Coin Concede - Episode 227 ""

Hat * Botticus * Appa* Guest*

Intro (~10 min)

Welcome to Episode 227 of Coin Concede, a Hearthstone podcast dedicated to making the competitive side of the game more accessible to you.

It is Thursday 02/13 in the evening

Joining us from Gadgetzan, New York, it’s RidiculousHat!

Also joining us - from Karazhan, California it’s Botticus!

Joining you all from the Maelstrom, Louisiana, it’s Appa!

Joining from Northrend, Massachusetts, it’s WickedGood!

Coin Concede is supported in large part by you, the listener. If you’d like to find out how you can support us and receive rewards in return, head to

Huge thanks to Prakash!

You can also support us by leaving an iTunes review!

Brief Steve introduction - we're going to talk a lot about Off Curve in Tournaments so no need to overdo it here

Hi Steve!

For the maybe one person that doesn't know who you are but also listens to this show, tell us about your involvement in the HS community

Why Priest?

Anduin, Tyrande, or Lazul?

How has it been getting involved in both the official and grassroots HS tournament scene more over the past year or so, both as a caster, developer, and player? @Botticus

What are you playing on Switch right now?

How's life and ladder? -

Hat -

Appa -  

Botticus -

WickedGood -

News Highlights -  (~30 min)

Tournament Results -



The ladder


Coming Soon

Decksplanations - Galakrond's Awakening Retrospective


Card you overrated: Twisted Knowledge

Card you underrated: Winged Guardian

Positive thing: Kept Things Interesting

Constructive/disappointing thing: Adventure wasn’t fun


Card you overrated: Boompistol Bully

Card you underrated: Animated Avalanche

Positive thing: Pacing of mini-metas and self-correcting aspects

Constructive/disappointing thing: Adventure structure


Card you overrated: Sky Gen’ral Kragg

Card you underrated: Rising Winds

Positive thing: Shifting the meta without giving us a broken deck (yet)

Constructive/disappointing thing: Trying to keep up with the constantly changing meta

Cards that I think fit these categories based on my opinions if you want to use them:

Over: Fist of Ra-Den, Bully, Maybe Erkh or Gazer, Cleric of Scales, Kragg, Reno?, Licensed Adv

Under: Air Raid, Rising Winds, Skipper, Manasaber, Guardian, Fresh Scent, Skyvateer, Scalelord

Cards that were exactly as good as we thought: Felwing

Things I thought of that could be considered good or bad

Good things: Meta freshness, pacing of card releases/changes, pacing of mini-metas, appropriate power level, sneaky variety of options over time, experimentation with different set release formats, dev communication, Togwaggle's voice lines, the puppet show

Bad things: Cost, pacing of card releases/changes, pacing of mini-metas, Embiggen druid, initial polarization of the meta towards a small number of classes, timing with esports events, late card reveals, adventure structure, adventure difficulty

Outro (~5min)

Thanks and contact!

We have many folks we'd like to thank - check out our THANKS! section on the website at, where you can also find our contact info, our show notes, and our Patreon information!

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And write in to our email at

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-If you would like some CC swag, head on over to our shop at

BIG THANKS to our producers VIRIATUS, nmbrthry, ItinerantWizard, and DogeTK!!!

Coin Concedes (Shout Outs):

Hat - Appa, Pasca, Benjamin_Roller, StormRaige, Mojopowell, FrenchToast, Firebat, Decktech+Eldorian, Donde and Saku
There once was a player named Hat,

who knew face was always where it's at.

However, he had,

at tourneys forbad

Face Hunter, saying "don't pick that".

Botticus -

Appa -

WickedGood -

Keep Calm and

And if you see us on ladder…

“Coin Concede” Hat

“Coin Concede” Bott

“Coin Concede” Appa

“Coin Concede" WickedGood