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KA Horses Terms & Conditions

Cancellations and re-booking

It is much appreciated if customers can provide as much notice as possible of cancellations in order to accommodate other customers on the wait list and minimise disruption to staff, horses and ponies. Also, for the sake of the horse or pony who will be brought in and prepared for you, please always let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to make any session – even if this has to be at the last minute.

As horse riding is an outdoor activity, we continue in all weathers however during extreme weather conditions when it may be unsafe or uncomfortable to ride outside, we may cancel lessons.

KA Horses will now be taking payment in full when booking a lesson. This will guarantee you a place in the lesson and help us continue to deliver a reliable service

If you wish to cancel a lesson, we will require more than 24 hour’s notice and the amount paid can be transferred onto your next lesson.

If you cancel with short notice (less than 24 hour’s) we reserve the right to keep the payment made.


Please note your booking is not confirmed until you have had email, text or verbal confirmation. If you have not had a reply within 48 hours, please contact KA Horses.

If it is your first time horse riding with us or you have not ridden with us in the last 12 months, you may be asked to attend an introductory session before the activity to assess your skills in order to allocate the correct level horse/pony. If this is not possible, a suitable horse/pony will be allocated.

We reserve the right to substitute a horse/pony at any stage before or during the activity.

Methods of Payment

We accept cash and cheques and card payments. We are also able to take payment over the phone.


Safety is something we take very seriously at KA Horses. We pride ourselves on the high standards we require right through from horse selection and behaviour to the training of our staff. Our excellent facilities provide people of all ages and abilities to be involved and enjoy the sport in the safest environment possible. We also have Policies and risk assessments in place which can be seen on request. We are happy to help any visiting groups with any supporting paperwork you may need for your visit.

Beginner Riders/ Ability Grouping

Lead rein may be required for beginner riders for safety reasons. This is provided usually by the centre. The Instructor will advise when lead rein is no longer required. All of our groups are organised so that riders of the same ability ride together. This is assessed by our Instructors and you will be advised which is the most suitable lesson for your ability.


We hope you will be happy with all of our Instructors but if you feel you are not getting the best from the lesson please discuss your concerns with them or the Management Team. You are more than welcome to transfer to another Instructor if you wish.


We have a wonderful selection of horses and ponies for all abilities and levels. They also have individual weight limits. We will match you with an appropriate horse and if you find a horse which you particularly like, the KA Horses Team is more than happy to add this ‘request’ to your details. We try to meet all horse ‘requests’ but we cannot guarantee this for all lessons as we limit their work loads and they require days off.

Equipment & Safety

All riders are required to wear:

·        A riding hat. This must be BSEN1384 Kite marked as a minimum and we strongly recommend a PAS015 Kite mark or above. This can be your own riding hat or you can hire one at no extra cost. The KA Horses team will assist you in fitting your hat. We can also order hats in if you if you would like to purchase one.

·        Appropriate foot wear; boots or wellingtons- something with a slights heel (roughly half and inch) Trainers are unsuitable for riding in.

We strongly recommend wearing:

·        Long sleeved tops

·        Gloves

·        Back protectors (Can be provided by KA Horses).

·        Loose trousers; jodhpurs or leggings as they give you more movement.

And that you do not wear:

·        Strappy Tops

·        Trainers

·        Jeans or Shorts

·        Skirts of any description

The Ka Horses Team are happy to advise you further and order any equipment which you may require.

Accident Forms

Horses can sometimes be unpredictable and accidents occasionally happen. If you should have any kind of accident an Instructor will be on hand to assist you, implement First Aid if: needed and/or get you back into your lesson. With any accident, however small, you will be required to complete an accident form. The Reception Team will assist you with this. We follow strict Health & Safety guidelines and you may receive a call after the lesson to see how you are.

Social Media & Website

You can follow us on Facebook. We use these to update our clients and to advertise Events, Special Offers or Discounts. Special Offers and Discounts are on a first come first served bases so early booking is recommended. Our 24 hour Cancellation policy will still apply to last minute bookings.

Compliments and Complaints

If you would like to put forward a compliment please speak to the KA Horses staff who will pass it onto the relevant member of staff. We would also like to encourage you to put it in writing which we would then like to use in our ‘Customer Testimonials’ on our website.

If you have any complaints please speak with the KA Horses team straight away and we will assist in resolving your concerns as quickly as possible, keeping you informed every step of the way. A Copy of the Complaints procedure can be seen on request.



Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies to better the user’s experience while visiting the website.

Cookies are small files saved to the user’s computer’s hard drive that track, save and store information about the user’s interactions and usage of the website. This allows the website, through its server to provide the users with a tailored experience within this website.

Users are advised that if they wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from this website on to their computers hard drive, they should take necessary steps within their web browsers security settings to block all cookies from this website.

Other cookies may be stored to your computer’s hard drive by external vendors when this website uses referral programs, sponsored links or adverts. Such cookies are used for conversion and referral tracking and typically expire after 30 days, though some may take longer. No personal information is stored, saved or collected.


Client data Policy


 As you may be aware new data protection laws are in force from the 25th May 2018. We are now obliged to ask if you are agreeable for us to retain the data we have about you i.e. Name, address, mobile number, email etc.

We can tell you that any information / data we hold, will not be passed onto any third parties. We take every precaution possible to ensure all data that we hold is kept as secure as possible in a locked office.

If you are agreeable for us to retain this information / data for the future please tick the GDPR compliance boxes on the booking / enquiry forms or fill in the GDPR compliance sheet provided by KA horses.  

If at any time in the future you wish us to destroy or update your information / data, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Data processing

All data will be processed to ensure appropriate security of information given, and it will be protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing, and against accidental loss, destruction or damage by using appropriate processes.  All data will be held manually in a secure manner, and/or electronically on a secure server.

It is a requirement for health and safety reasons, for all clients to supply certain personal data by completing a Rider Registration Form.  All information held on this will be used as detailed in this policy.  Refusal to hold this personal data may result in the ‘contract’ being terminated.  

After the ‘contract’ is terminated, and personal data is no longer required for health and safety reasons, the client has the right to ask for said data to be removed.

Data collection/sharing

Data will be collected and used for legitimate purposes only.  This is to include collection of data for the purpose of statistical information to enhance business practices, and to keep clients updated with promotions and offers.  Data will not be shared with other third parties.

Accuracy of data held

Every endeavour will be made to ensure accurate data is held.  In the event of any errors, it will be rectified without delay.  Clients may be contacted periodically to request updated information, but it is also the personal responsibility of the client to ensure that any changes are informed in writing to the office address/email.  

Data retaining

Manual data will be held for a period ‘no longer that is necessary for the purpose for which the personal data are processed’.  After this time data will continue to be stored electronically on a secure server for no longer than is necessary for the purpose of the data collected.  In certain circumstances manual paperwork may be required to be retained for longer periods in accordance with legal requirements ascertaining to Insurance claims.

Financial data

Direct debit where monies are due by process of Direct Debit, the Direct Debit guarantee will be adhered to, alongside the current storage of data relating to Direct Debit rules.

Electronic payments are received in accordance with the relevant banking authority guidelines.  Card details are not kept after each transaction.  

Copies of financial records, including invoices, are held manually in a secure manner, and electronically on a secure server for the duration of the ‘contract’ and for a period after relating to the current requirements of holding the ‘businesses’ financial records relating to accounts procedures.


Contact Details Data (including email preferences)

Contact details such as email addresses and telephone/text numbers, will be held in accordance with our data protection policy for the following reasons:

·        To contact clients regarding their ‘contracted’ services – this is required and necessary so forms part of the ‘contract’ of services provided.

·         For direct marketing and personalised online marketing purposes to ‘contracted’ data subjects – to keep clients informed of updates to services, price changes and any other activities/services the ‘businesses’ believe are directly associated.  On termination of ‘contract’ the client may request that this is removed from their records.

·         For direct marketing and personalised online marketing purposes to non-‘contracted’ data subjects – for updates of activities and services directly relating to the ‘businesses’.  These details can be removed immediately upon request.

Access to stored personal data

Access is only allowed by staff members who need to access the information to perform particular service tasks.  The secure server used has password protection made available to relevant staff and managers.  Certain data may be shared with relevant employees in order for the service requested to be carried out.  Individual documents and databases containing personal data are password protected and stored on a secure server.

What to do if you object to the way your data is being stored/used

If you object to us holding certain data, or are unhappy with the way we are using this data and want us to remove your personal data, please inform us, in writing for the attention of our Data Protection Officer, and we will investigate this for you.  If it is deemed that the data being held is necessary for reasons such as health and safety, or legal reasons, we will provide a full breakdown of this for you to consider.  Removal of certain data may restrict the services we can offer, but will be fully explained to you at the time of response to the complaint.  In such instances that it has been agreed any data can be removed, only such personal data pertaining to that data subject that is

necessary to ensure no further processing of their personal data takes place will be retained, and in any case held in accordance with the data protection policy.

Unless we have reasonable grounds to refuse to erase personal data, all requests shall be complied with, and the data subject will receive confirmation that this has been done within one month.

Social Media

Any related social media pages are accessed by the data subject.  If at any time you wish to be deleted and it is not possible to delete/remove yourselves please let us know and we will remove you immediately.

Data Breach Notification

If a personal data breach occurs that is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects (eg financial loss, financial disclosure, breach of confidentiality, reputational damage or other significant social or economic damage), the details of the breach will without undue delay, and within 72 hours of being made aware of the breach, be disclosed to those involved and rectified.  


Contract – this may be a verbal or written agreement in which services relating to the businesses are provided/received, whether contracted, on membership, or casual services.  

Businesses – all businesses directly associated with : KA Horses LTD or Parker Davies 2013 LTD

Rider Registration Form – this is a legal document required to be completed by any potential or current client.

Data subjects – persons supplying personal data to the ‘businesses’

Clients – those entering a verbal or written contract for us to provide any associated services of the ‘businesses’.

HR Related Data


This policy sets out the obligations of KA Horses LTD and all it’s associated companies (to include Parker Davies LTD) hereon known as the ‘businesses’, for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the rights of our clients, staff and other business contacts.

We are committed to uphold the law of data protection and we place high importance on the correct, lawful and fair handling of any personal data.

Our Data Protection Officer is Kerry Parker Davies to whom any concerns or questions should be directed.

Data processing

Potential employees are required to complete an application pack prior to possible employment.  If successful to interview stage, the application pack will be discussed with relevant employees.

Application data will be processed fairly within the terms of the law.

Personal data such as height and weight are only requested and considered for welfare reasons to horses when applying for a yard/rider/instruction role.

Application packs are kept manually in a secure location, within the required data protection laws until the position has been filled.  Any application packs from applicants not successful will be destroyed within one month.

References are requested in accordance with the application pack consent upon acceptance of position.

Data retention

Employee personal data, including application pack, references, staff information, medical questionnaire and any other relevant employee data will be held manually in a secure location, and electronically on a secure server for the duration of employment.  

Any legal checks such as DBS checks, documentation will be held in accordance with the current requirements.  

Data access

Access to these records is only permitted to Management level employees and above.

Within 3 months of termination of employment all manual data will be destroyed.  Electronic copies of any associated personal data relating to the employee may be held on a secure server for up to 6 years, unless deemed necessary to increase this time period for legal reasons or if the ‘businesses’ feel necessary to reasonably protect their interests.

Sharing of data

Data will not be shared outside of the ‘businesses’ to any third parties relating to marketing.  

Data will be shared with third parties relating to HR requirements of the business, for example HR processing company, and Payroll processer.  These third parties will also be GDPR compliant.  

Social Media

Any related social media pages are accessed by the data subject.  If at any time you wish to be deleted and it is not possible to delete/remove yourselves please let us know and we will remove you immediately.

Data Breach Notification

If a personal data breach occurs that is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects (eg financial loss, financial disclosure, breach of confidentiality, reputational damage or other significant social or economic damage), the details of the breach will without undue delay, and within 72 hours of being made aware of the breach, be disclosed to those involved and rectified.  



Contract – this may be a verbal or written agreement in which services relating to the businesses are provided/received, whether contracted, on membership, or casual services.  

Businesses – all businesses directly associated with : KA Horses LTD or Parker Davies 2013 LTD

Rider Registration Form – this is a legal document required to be completed by any potential or current client.

Data subjects – persons supplying personal data to the ‘businesses’

Clients – those entering a verbal or written contract for us to provide any associated services of the ‘businesses’.


Supplier Data


This policy sets out the obligations of KA Horses LTD and all it’s associated companies (to include Parker Davies LTD) hereon known as the ‘businesses’, for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the rights of our clients, staff and other business contacts.

We are committed to uphold the law of data protection and we place high importance on the correct, lawful and fair handling of any personal data.

Our Data Protection Officer is Kerry Parker Davies to whom any concerns or questions should be directed.

Data processing

Within these companies we will process any Supplier data lawfully and fairly, and in a transparent manner, with the consent of the data holder.  All data will be processed to ensure appropriate security of information given, and it will be protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing, and against accidental loss, destruction or damage by using appropriate processes.  All data will be held manually in a secure manner, and/or electronically on a secure server.


Data collection/sharing

Data will be collected and used for legitimate purposes only, and only shared with relevant third parties.  This is to include collection of data for the purpose of statistical information to enhance business practices, and to keep in contact with suppliers.  

Data will be shared with third parties relating to Accountancy practices of the business.  These third parties will also be GDPR compliant.  

Accuracy of data held

Every endeavour will be made to ensure accurate data is held.  In the event of any errors, it will be rectified without delay.  Suppliers may be contacted periodically to request updated information, but it is also the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that any changes are informed in writing to the office address/email.

Data retention

Data including copies of financial records and invoices, are held manually in a secure manner, and electronically on a secure server for the duration of the ‘contract’ and for a period after relating to the current requirements of holding the ‘businesses’ financial records relating to accounts procedures.  Any payment details will be processed according to bank regulations.

What to do if you object to the way your data is being stored/used

If you object to us holding certain data, or are unhappy with the way we are using this data and want us to remove your data, please inform us, in writing for the attention of our Data Protection Officer, and we will investigate this for you.  If it is deemed that the data being held is necessary for reasons such as health and safety, or legal reasons, we will provide a full breakdown of this for you to consider.  If compliant all data will be removed within one month.


Social Media

Any related social media pages are accessed by the data subject.  If at any time you wish to be deleted and it is not possible to delete/remove yourselves please let us know and we will remove you immediately.

Data Breach Notification

If a data breach occurs that is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects (eg financial loss, financial disclosure, breach of confidentiality, reputational damage or other significant social or economic damage), the details of the breach will without undue delay, and within 72 hours of being made aware of the breach, be disclosed to those involved and rectified.



Contract – this may be a verbal or written agreement in which services relating to the businesses are provided/received, whether contracted, on membership, or casual services.  

Businesses – all businesses directly associated with : KA Horses LTD or Parker Davies 2013 LTD

Rider Registration Form – this is a legal document required to be completed by any potential or current client.

Data subjects – persons supplying personal data to the ‘businesses’

Clients – those entering a verbal or written contract for us to provide any associated services of the ‘businesses’.


KA Horses Complaints Procedure.

If you are not happy with the service you (or your horse) have received, you have the right to complain, have your complaint investigated and be given a full and prompt response.

Most issues can be resolved without you having to make a formal complaint.  Try having an informal chat with the relevant member of staff first.  A formal complaint takes time and minor issues are resolved quicker if you just speak to a person.  

It is also important that if you are unhappy you let us know as swiftly as possible, firstly because we would appreciate the opportunity to reassure you we are taking your complaint seriously and secondly because most of the site is covered by CCTV and visual evidence (if appropriate) will be helpful towards investigating your complaint.

If it is not possible to speak to the relevant person immediately, ask the KA Horses team to organise an appointment. The Team member should only be involved to the extent of ascertaining who it is you need to speak to and to organise a mutually convenient appointment for you.

If this discussion does not solve the complaint to your satisfaction, or even if it does but you would still like to make a formal complaint, please put this in writing (hard copy or e-mail) to the business owner:

Owner - Kerry Parker Davies         Address; Lakehouse, Turley Green, Bridgnorth, WV15 6LR


Please include as much detail as you possibly can, such as dates, times, who (including horses if relevant) was involved, who may have witnessed, etc. so that a thorough investigation into your complaint can be take place.  You will receive a response to your complaint within one working week of the business owner after submission.  This will be in writing and may be supported with a verbal explanation/reassurance if appropriate.

Please be assured at KA Horses we take any customer complaint extremely seriously, if it is important to you, it is important to us and we will do everything in our power to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction.