The frog life cycle


 Frogs are amphibians that means they can go on land and can go on water. The female mates with the male then they lay their egg where there is water.

Stage 1  

 The egg has a black dot named the embryo. Now it is hatchet the tadpole eats the yoke of the egg. Their habitat is in the water next to rock. The male frog keeps the egg safe by standing next to it to protect the eggs.

Stage 2  

The tadpoles have outer gills, and they still can not go on land yet. Their habitat is a pond or freshwater. 6/9 weeks they get back limbs. They start to eat all different plants and algae.

  Stage 3  

The froglet has gills, front and back limbs and has lungs too. It eats algae and moss. They feed entirely on small insects, be sure to not disturb or damage their habitat

Stage 4 The frog

The frog has a long sticky tongue to catch Insects. Its tail is shrinking  into its body and it feeds on its tail, now it eats Insects and bugs. It can go on land, and water, gills have disappeared and it now has lungs. Next the female and male mate and the female lay the egg and the life cycle starts Again and again.  


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Here is a quick question to see if you were focused: went do they get their back limbs?