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TES Parent Handbook
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Troutville Elementary School

Parent /Student Handbook

12 Barron Drive

Troutville, Virginia 24175

Telephone: (540) 992-1871

Fax: (540) 992-8382 

“We are a Community of Learners”

School Policies and Procedures                                

      Important Phone Numbers                                4                        

     Absences                                 4

     Accidents or Illness                                   4

     Assembly Programs                                 4

     Birthday Recognitions                                5        

     Bus Information - Transportation                                5

     Cafeteria                                 5

         Meal Prices                                   5

         Free or Reduced Meals                                 5

         Menus                                                                                       5

         Offer vs. Serve                                5

     Cafeteria Visitors                                5        

     Character Counts Education                                 5

     Checking Out of School (prior to dismissal)                         6

     Childcare Centers                                                 6

     Class Parties                                                         6

     Client Surveys                                                6        

     Clothing                                                          6

     Computer Use                                                6

     Conduct                                                         6

     Correct Change                                                 7

     Directory                                                         7

     Dress Code for Students                                         7

     Electronic Devices                                                7

     Emergency Procedures                                        7        

     Equal Education Opportunity Statement                        7                                        

     Firearms and Weapons                                         8

     Fundraising                                                         8

     Glass Containers                                                      8

     Graduation Requirements                                         8

     Homework                                                         8

     Honor Roll                                                         8

     Honor Recognition                                                                      8

     Insurance                                                         8

     Instructional Time                                                 8

     Invitations                                                         8

     Kindergarten Registration                                         8

     Lost and Found                                                 8

     Medical Information                                                9

          Illness                                                        9

          Fever                                                        9        

          Description of Fever                                        8

         Immunizations                                                9        

     Medication                                                        9

     Minute of Silence                                                 9

     Mission Statement and Beliefs                                        9        

     Money and Toys Brought to School                                 9

     Parent Teacher Association                                         9

     Parent Teacher Conferences                                    10

     Parent Portal                                                             10                                                        

     Party Invitations                                                10        

     Photographs                                                        10

     Physical Education                                                10

     Policy Manual                                                 10

     Promotion/ Retention                                                10

     Punctuality                                                        10

     Pupil Evaluation and Report to Parents                         11

     Safety Drills                                                        11

     SCA (Student Council Association)                                 11

     Scholastic Records                                                11

     School Board Members                                        11

     School Calendar                                                 11

     School Closings                                                 11

          Emergency Closings                                        11

     School Crime Line                                                11

     School Hours                                                 11

     School Parties                                                12        

     School Pictures                                                 12

     School Store                                                        12

     Snack                                                        12

     SOL’s /Learning Essentials                                        12

     Sports                                                        12

     Tardy Students                                                                            12

     Teacher In-Service                                                12

     Teacher Qualifications                                         13        

     Telephone Use                                                 13

     Textbooks                                                                                       13

     Transportation                                                 13

     Traffic Control                                                 13

          Morning Car Riders                                         14

          Afternoon Dismissal Procedures                                14

     Tuesday Note                                                     14

     Virginia Standards of Learning                                                    14

     Visitation in Classrooms                                         15

     Visitors                                                         15

     Volunteer Program                                                 15

     Website                                                         16

     Weekday Religious Education                                         16

     School & Day Care Minimum Immunization Requirements        16        

      Parent Verification – to be signed and returned                16        


        Troutville Elementary School                992-1871                Fax        992-8382

        School Board Office                        473-8263

        Director of Transportation                              473-8259

                School Colors – Red and Gray                School Mascot – Eagle


Mission:  The joint mission of Troutville Elementary School and its community is to provide students the opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens.


Absences (see also Punctuality)

Every effort should be made to avoid excessive absences from school.  Although students can make up missed work, there is no substitute for the valuable instruction lost.  Parents are requested to contact the school by phone by 8:30 AM if their child will not be in attendance that day.  The school will attempt to notify you when your child is absent by an automated call system.  When your child is absent or leaves early from school a written excuse is required.  On your note, please include pupil’s name, dates of absence, and a definite reason for absence.  It is always best not to interrupt your child’s education due to trips or vacation.  However, we do know this is not always possible.  In the event that your child will miss school for a planned absence, parents should notify the school in advance.  Parents should also contact the teacher to make arrangements for making up missed work.    

PLEASE NOTE:  The Elementary Absence Policy has Changed!  Please find the details in School Board Policies: SBP JED and SBP JED-SR1

Absences will be categorized as either ‘excused’ absences or ‘unexcused’ absences.  The following would be examples of excused absences: student illness, medical appointments, death in the family, prearranged absences, court appearances, and school sponsored activities.  A student absence will be considered unexcused if contact cannot be made with the parent regarding the reason for the absence.

See also  Checking Out of School.

Accidents or Illness

Parents will be given a log in to complete student information forms, which must be filled out online. Troutville Elementary School forms must be completed and returned to the school.  Included in these forms is one that tells us whom to call in case of an emergency or illness.  Include on the form the names of two relatives or neighbors who live close to you and who have given their permission to be called in the event we are unable to reach you.  Please keep the office up-to-date on any changes of phone numbers, address, email address, or employment. Other electronic forms include: Student Information, Demographics, Family, Medical, Emergency Contacts, Parent Student Handbook Agreement, Mobile Device Agreement, Acceptable Use Agreement, Parent Student Verification, and Transportation.

Assembly Programs and Special Events

During the year we will have a variety of assembly programs with both students and professionals participating. On occasion, we offer a special activity during the school day. We usually contract for these assemblies and events to provide them free of charge or at the smallest charge possible.  Children will be informed in advance if there will be a charge for an upcoming program or event.

Birthday Recognitions

In order to comply with the Code of Virginia regulations, we ask that only non-food items be sent to school to recognize a student’s birthday.  If you wish to provide a food snack, ice cream may be purchased from the school cafeteria.  

Bus Information - See Transportation.

Parents may access their child’s transportation information online using the BCPS website under the parent/resources/bus information tab.  


Breakfast and Lunch

Nutritious meals are served daily in our school cafeteria.  Menus will be sent home monthly. Parents may choose to pack their child’s lunch or they can purchase lunch at school.  Each student has an account in the school cafeteria and a debit number is issued to individual students. Students may bring money on a daily basis and pay as they go through the cafeteria line or parents may choose to send money on a weekly or periodic basis to be deposited in the student’s debit account.  Parents may also electronically add money to their child’s debit account for a small fee using the website:

Account payments may be paid by cash or by check.  Checks should be made payable to Troutville Elementary School Cafeteria and given to the front office or sent with your child.  Students will be reminded when the amount of money remaining in the account reaches a low balance.  Parents will be notified by written notice or phone call when the account becomes overdrawn. Charges will not be allowed to accumulate over $6.00.  When a student’s account reaches this limit he or she will be allowed a peanut butter or cheese sandwich and milk, until the account is paid in full.  Please be reminded that our cafeteria is self-supporting and cannot permit charges.

Breakfast is served each morning beginning at 7:30 AM and ends at 7:50 AM.  Students may report directly to breakfast when they arrive at school each day.  Lunch is served between 10:40 AM and 12:30 PM daily.  Breakfast will not be served in the cafeteria in the event of a delayed opening due to inclement weather.  

Meal prices are:

                Student Lunch                Full Price        $  2.90                Reduced Price        $    .40

                Student Breakfast                Full Price        $  1.90                Reduced Price        $    .30

                Milk/Juice                 $    .50                   

                Adult Lunch                $  4.05                                Adult Breakfast                 $  2.40


Extra food items are offered for sale.  These include milk, bottled water, fruit drinks, snacks, ice cream/fruit bars, etc.  If you wish for your child to purchase extra food items using the money deposited in his/her account complete and return the Permission to Purchase Extra Food Items form that is included in your child’s back to school packet. This form is also available on the school website.  The student will also be able to present cash to the cashier at the time of service for any purchases other than a full meal if the parent does not wish the student to use his/her lunch account.  

A student, whose lunch account does not have sufficient funds for purchases, will not be permitted to purchase extra food items.  Students may purchase any extras as they go through the lunch line.  They are not permitted to go through the line a second time. 

Free or Reduced Meals

Free or reduced price meals will be available during the school year for children who are eligible.  Application forms for free/reduced price meals are available on the BCPS website.   People whose income rises above the scale while they are on free or reduced lunches must complete a new free/reduced lunch application. Income verification is required for a certain number of randomly selected applicants.  

Offer vs. Serve

Botetourt County Schools participate in the Offer vs. Serve program of the National School Lunch Program.  Offer vs. Serve allows students to decline to take all offered food/milk items on the tray.  Students are required to take a minimum of three of the required items (for example a meat, vegetable and milk would meet the requirement).

Cafeteria Visitors – see VISITORS

Cell Phones – See Telephone Use

Character Counts Education

The CHARACTER COUNTS! Program is a developmental program that provides instructional materials to K-5 classroom teachers as they teach the six pillars of character to students: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.  

The Virginia Extension Service works collaboratively with Botetourt County Public Schools and provide some materials for the Character Counts Program and are reviewed annually by parents.  Questions regarding this program should be directed to the building principal, school counselor, or elementary supervisor.

Checking Out of School (prior to dismissal)

Written notification is requested when your child will be picked up early.  The note should name the person that is picking the child up, the relationship to the child and why the child is leaving. Any parent who wants to pick up a child during the school day, no matter what the purpose, must come to the school office to do so.  We require identification from any adult who comes to pick up a child, and whom we do not recognize.  We reserve the right not to release the child to anyone other than the parent; in cases of doubt, we will phone the custodial parent to confirm that someone else has been authorized to pick up a student.  When picking up a child, parents may wait for their child in the front office.  This provides extra safety and less confusion for students. Student Check Outs from Special Events:  When students are checked out early for any reason (including class parties and field day) they are marked as an early check out in our attendance reporting.  See  also Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures.  

Childcare Centers

The following childcare centers are located within the Troutville Elementary bus routes.  Botetourt County school buses provide transportation to and from these centers:

        Daleville Baptist KidZone 375 Orchard Dr – 992-4270

        Mill Creek Childcare Center 11475 Lee Highway – 992-2232

        Other childcare centers in the area may provide van drop off and pick up services.  

Class Parties  (see also Invitations)

There are two events planned each year for the students.  These events take place (1) before winter break, (2) before spring break. The room parents assume the responsibility for coordinating these events under the direction of the classroom teachers. Individual classrooms may take part in special events throughout the year such as the 100th day of school, Dr. Suess Day, etc.  

Client Surveys

The Botetourt County Teacher Evaluation Plan requires teachers to administer client surveys to students and parents.  Designated teachers will administer these surveys at specific times during the school year.  Both student and parent surveys will be returned to the teacher anonymously.  Please feel free to contact the principal with questions concerning client surveys.  


Please mark your child’s clothing and other school possessions – especially lunch boxes and bag lunches with their full name.  Please instruct your child to check the lost and found cabinet in the Cafeteria for any lost article.  Parents are invited to do the same should they find it necessary.  Items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated to a charity.

Please see Dress Code for the Botetourt County Dress Code.  

Computer Use

An Acceptable Computer System Use Agreement form will be included in your child’s electronic forms.  Students will not be allowed to log in and use the computers if this form is not signed by student and parent electronically.

This form should be completed by August 20, 2022.  For new students enrolling during the school year this form will be completed at registration.

Conduct and Division Handbook

A Parent/Student Handbook for Botetourt County Public Schools is available electronically. This handbook includes expectations of student conduct as well as division regulations and expectations. Parents and students are requested to review the division handbook carefully.  Our school will continually strive to guide the physical, mental, social, and emotional development of its students.  The cooperation of the home is an absolute necessity if we are to accomplish this goal.  A child must have consistent patterns of desirable behavior and opportunities to practice them if he or she is to be prepared for life. Student directory information may be provided as outlined in the Parent Student Handbook for Botetourt County Public Schools.

A Parent/Student Handbook for Troutville Elementary School is available electronically. This handbook includes expectations of student conduct as well as division regulations and expectations. Parents and students are requested to review the school handbook carefully.

If you do not have web access, a hard copy of both handbooks may be obtained through our school office upon request.

Both the Parent and Student Handbook for Botetourt County Public Schools and this school-based handbook have separate verification pages.  Both forms must be completed.

Correct Change

Students who bring money to school for making various types of purchases should have correct change.  Parents are asked to label what in the intended use of the money is for to aid in confusion.   This will greatly facilitate the collection for the teacher.

Dress Code for Students

Clothing should fit, be neat and clean, and conform to standards of safety, good taste and decency. Clothing that exposes cleavage, private parts, the midriff, or undergarments, or that is otherwise sexually provocative, is prohibited.  Parents of students requiring accommodation for religious beliefs, disabilities, or other good causes should contact the principal. Students not complying with this policy will be asked to cover the noncomplying clothing, change clothes or go home.

This information along with additional information can also be found in SBP JFC-R under Student Dress and the Division Handbook.

The Botetourt County Public Schools dress code for Grades PK-5 prohibits the wearing of any of the following:

Some classroom activities or curriculums call for specific dress guidelines.  Any such changes will be explained to students by the teacher.   This information can also be found in SBP JFC-SR2 

Electronic Devices

While electronic games are not permitted at school, E-Reader devices are permitted, but may only be used for the purpose of reading school appropriate books/reading materials. Please see the following link SBP JFC-R or the Division Handbook.

Emergency Procedures

Your child’s safety is our utmost concern.  For this reason, procedures and plans are in place to address various safety issues.  This handbook and the Division Handbook describe many important rules and procedures.

Each school has a Crisis Management Plan in place with written guidelines for faculty and staff.  A Crisis Management team reviews the plan annually with staff, which then review guidelines and procedures with students during the first week of school. Safety drills are practiced regularly. See Safety Drills.

 In the event of an emergency, the crisis management team coordinates necessary services and procedures.  Students are encouraged to report any type of threats, harassment, acts of violence or illegal activity to school personnel.

Equal Education Opportunity Statement

Equal Employment Opportunity/Non-Discrimination

The Botetourt County School Board is an equal opportunity employer, committed to non-discrimination in recruitment, selection, hiring, pay, promotion, retention or other personnel action affecting employees or candidates for employment. Therefore, discrimination in employment against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, gender, age, marital status, or disability is prohibited. Personnel decisions shall be based on merit and the ability to perform the essential functions of the job, with or without reasonable accommodation. See school Board Policy JB.

Sexual Harassment/Harassment Based on Race, National Origin, Disability, and Religion

Botetourt County Public Schools is committed to maintaining a learning/working environment free from sexual harassment based on race, national origin, disability or religion. Therefore, Botetourt County School Division prohibits sexual harassment and harassment based on race, national origin, disability, or religion of any student or school personnel at school or any school sponsored activity.  See School Board Policy JFHA/GBA.

The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the above:

Mr. Michael Tetreault

143 Poor Farm Road, Fincastle,VA 24090


Firearms and Weapons

Carrying, bringing, using or possessing any firearm, dangerous device, or dangerous or deadly weapon in any school building, on school grounds, in any school vehicle or at any school sponsored activity without the authorization of the school or the school division is prohibited, and grounds for disciplinary action. Toy guns should not be brought to school for any occasion.  More detailed information on this topic can be found in SBP JFCD and the Division Handbook.



School sponsored fund-raising activities, which involve elementary students in door-to-door solicitation, shall be prohibited.

Glass Bottles at School

Students are not permitted to bring glass bottles to school.  This regulation is intended to protect the safety of our students.

Grading – See Pupil Evaluation and Report to Parents

Graduation Requirements 

This information can be found in the Division Handbook 

Homework  (see also Pupil Evaluation and Report to Parents)

Homework requests (for students who are absent due to illness) should be made by 9:00 a.m. and picked up after 2:30 p.m.  This allows teachers the opportunity to collect the assignments without the loss of instructional time.

Please refer to Policy SBP IKB

Students are given time at the end of the instructional day to pack the materials needed for homework.  Students will not be permitted to return to their class to retrieve homework after school hours.  

Honor Roll

Students in grades three, four and five are recognized at the end of each grading periods for outstanding academic achievement by having their names placed on the school honor roll.  Please see Policy: SBP IKF-BR2. 


Student accident coverage is provided and is secondary to any other coverage the family may have and will pay only eligible medical expenses not payable by other sources of coverage.   

Instructional Time

Troutville Elementary School has a six-hour (with an additional half-hour added on for lunch) instructional day.  The principal, faculty and staff make every effort to eliminate interruptions and protect allocated instructional time. Parents and other visitors to the building are asked to protect instructional time by refraining from interrupting classes. Please try to schedule appointments accordingly. If you must pick your child up for an appointment please send a note to the teacher so he/she can help your child be prepared to leave in an attempt to cause less disruption in the classroom during instructional time.


Birthday invitations are not to be passed out at school unless every child in the classroom receives an invitation.  Students are not permitted to hand out invitations on the school bus.  Individual party invitations should be delivered outside school.  The student directory created by the PTA can assist with addresses and phone numbers of individual students.  

Lost and Found

Lost and found items are stored in the cafeteria.  Students and parents are encouraged to check the lost and found for missing items. (Lost items which are fragile, such as glasses, are kept in the office.  Please ask the office staff if you are missing this type of item.)  Many articles of clothing and glasses are never claimed and are donated each summer to charity.  The school will not be responsible for any lost articles, including books. Please label all of your child’s clothing and personal items so they can be returned to the student instead of being placed in the lost and found cabinet.  

Medical Information


If your child has symptoms of illness or has a fever, please make sure he or she stays at home so that other children do not become infected.  Please notify the teacher, principal or school nurse if a lengthy illness is expected.  In case a child becomes ill during the school day, the parent will be called at the discretion of the principal or designee.


Fever is a physiological response to inflammation or an infection that helps the body’s defense mechanism. The only valid reason to try and reduce a fever is to make the child more comfortable, or to prevent seizures in the very young child.

Description of Fever:

A fever is considered a temperature of 100º F or higher. In most childhood illnesses, fever is lowest in the morning, rises in the afternoon, and is highest in the evening and night. As a child begins to recover, his/her morning temperature may be normal with fever still present later in the day. Students must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school without the use of a fever reducing medication.


See Policy SBP JHCB.  Please see the school nurse for all immunization requirements.


Generally, schools do not unilaterally dispense or administer medications to students.  The following procedures are to be followed when parents or guardians request that medications be given students during school hours or activities.  It shall be the parent’s responsibility to provide and ensure that the medication is delivered safely to and from school. Students may not carry medications to and from school or administer medications themselves.  (Exceptions include asthma inhalers and epipens if the student has a written order from their physician and a current asthma &/or allergy action plan on file in the school’s clinic stating they are allowed to carry their own medication on them at all times.)

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications

Parents must come to the school and sign a medical permission form in order for medication to be administered to a student.  This request shall state the amount of the dosage to be given, the time it needs to be given and any other information needed for the safe and proper administration of the drug. If a medication is discontinued and then restarted for any reason it is considered a new medication.  The parent must come to the school to sign a new form.  

Parents shall provide the medication to the school in the original, labeled container.  The labels shall include the name of the pharmacy, the name of the drug, the name of the prescribing physician, expiration date and the proper directions for use and dosage.  Pharmacies are usually willing to provide an extra container for this purpose. The nurse or health aide will check in the medication while the parent is present. The school cannot administer medications past their expiration date.  

Storage of Prescription Drugs and Over-the Counter Medications

All prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications will be stored in the school nurse’s office in a locked cabinet or other secure area established by the principal.  The principal may approve exceptions for storage when a drug may be needed immediately in extreme or life threatening circumstances such as allergy medications or inhalers.

Record Keeping

Each school shall keep a daily log of all prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication that have been administered.  The log shall include the name of the student, the time the medication was given, the amount of the dosage and the school personnel administering the drug.

Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance

At the opening of each school day, a moment of silence is observed and the Pledge of Allegiance is recited.  SBP IE and SBP IEA

Money and Toys Brought to School

Students should not bring extra money, radios, electronic games, cards, toys, or similar items to school that may be traded, misplaced, or damaged at school or on the way to and from school. (Exceptions may be made upon staff request for specific school activities.)   These items will be confiscated and a parent may be required to pick them up from the school.

Parent Teacher Association

Research indicates that the distinguishing characteristic of the best schools is involved parents.  Let’s keep Troutville performing at its best!  Each parent is encouraged to be involved in the activities of both the school and the Troutville PTA to the maximum extent possible.  

“Back to School Night” is scheduled each year. We hope you plan to attend. This is a good time to join the PTA and decide how you can best use your time and talents to help the PTA.  Any assistance you can give will be appreciated.  Call the PTA Volunteer Coordinator if you are interested in volunteering. Please reference the PTA link on the school website for information regarding committees and contacts, meeting dates and other information.

PTA Meeting Information:  General Meetings at 6:00 p.m., Executive Board Meetings at 5:00 p.m.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Dates have been set aside for parent-teacher conferences. Please see the Botetourt County School Calendar or the school website for dates and time.  A special effort will be made to schedule as many conferences with parents as possible on these days.  However, parents are encouraged to request conferences with teachers at any time during the school year when questions arise.  Although we do not call teachers out of class to take phone calls, teachers usually can find time to return your calls if you wish to have a phone conference. Teachers can also be contacted by e-mail which can be found under Faculty and Staff on school’s website: .

Parent Portal        

Parents may use the link on the division website to access information on student grades and attendance and update contact information.  A password is necessary to get into your child’s information and cannot be given out over the phone.  Information will be sent at the beginning of the school year for grades 2-5 only. Login information will be included in Back-to-School packets for all students.  

Party Invitations – see Invitations

Photographs – see School Pictures

Physical Education

Rubber soled tennis shoes that protect the toes are suitable for use on the gymnasium floor and outside equipment are a must for safety during physical education class and recess.  Your child should keep a pair of gym shoes in his or her backpack for physical education class and recess if they are not worn every day. Shoes are not available in the clinic.  If your child cannot take physical education, send a note explaining why he/she cannot participate and how long they will be unable to join in activities. Parents may send notes excusing students for up to three days.  If a student must miss physical education for more than three days due to illness or injury a doctor’s note is required.  

Policy Manual

A policy manual for Botetourt County Schools is maintained on the school system website under the School Board tab.  This manual contains the policies and regulations of the Botetourt County School Board. The website is  

Promotion / Retention – see division Parent/Student Handbook

Promotions in grades K-5 are to be made annually based on the student's overall progress in achieving the standards established for each grade level. Each student should learn the relevant grade level subject matter before promotion to the next grade.  Please find complete information regarding promotion and retention at SBP IKF-SR2 and the Division Handbook

Punctuality (see also Absences and Checking Out of School)  

Please find the school board policies here:  SBP JED and SBP JED-SR1

ATTENDANCE  -  It is very important that children form, at an early age, the habit of always being on time.  Arriving late to class is disruptive to the tardy student because of the missed instructional time.  Help your child learn this valuable lesson by seeing that he/she arrives at school promptly.  

TARDIES- A student who arrives to school after the morning bell rings will be required to have a parent bring them into the school and sign them in at the office where the student will be issued a tardy slip. Parents are not to escort their children to the classroom as this will interrupt instructional time. The tardy slip must be presented by the student to his/her homeroom teacher.  Students are not marked tardy because of late buses; however, being late for any other reason will be shown as tardy on the attendance record.  Every effort should be made to always arrive at school on time. If your child is not in the classroom or at breakfast when the 7:50 bell rings they will be considered tardy.

EARLY CHECK OUTS - Early releases are also extremely disruptive to a student’s academics.  Every effort should be made to keep children in class for the entire school day.  When students must leave school early they must also be signed out.  Please see the section titled checking out of school.  

MORNING ARRIVAL - Students  may arrive at school at 7:25 a.m. through the car rider lane.  Students will wait in the cafeteria until 7:30 a.m. and are not permitted in any other area of the building prior to 7:30 a.m. For safety reasons, students are not permitted in the building prior to 7:25 a.m.

Pupil Evaluation and Report to Parents

Pupils are evaluated by informal and formal means.  Teacher tests, observations, standardized tests and other criteria are used to measure pupil progress.

The progress of each pupil will be reported to parents every nine weeks.  Please see Policy SBP IAA-BR for grading information.

Additionally, parents of students in grades 2-5 can check Parent Portal (link available on division website) at any time to see student progress and attendance.  Information on accessing parent portal will be sent home at the beginning of the school year.

Safety Drills

Our school regularly practices safety drills throughout the school year.  Fire drills and other safety drills are held periodically. These drills include: Fire, lock-down, evacuation, bus evacuation, tornado, and earthquake.

SLC (Student Leadership Council)

The SLC is made up of the entire student body.  Head Sponsors– Mrs. Henry, Miss Ratcliffe, and Mrs. Clontz

Obligation:  “As a member of the SLC, I will seek to prepare myself physically, mentally, and morally, to express good citizenship, attitudes, and practices, and to promote the general welfare of the school.”


Scholastic Records

A scholastic record is kept for each student at Troutville.  Parents may review these records by contacting the principal.

School Board Members

Anna Weddle - Chair Amsterdam District

Dana McCaleb - Vice ChairFincastle

Jenny Wilson- Buchanan District

Tim Davidick Valley

Matthew EastBlue Ridge District

School Calendar

A copy of the school system calendar is located on our division website.  

School Closings

School will be in operation unless otherwise announced.  Parents are requested to monitor TV, radio, media websites, or the Botetourt County website ( if weather conditions are threatening. Please avoid calling the school unless absolutely necessary so that our phone lines can remain open for calls to and from the school board office and bus drivers.  Please note that some TV stations will allow you to sign up with them to have text alerts sent to your cell phone and/or e-mail regarding school closing information for the division you select. The school division may use an automated telephone message and/or email to alert you to this information, if you have signed up to receive these messages.

Delaying the Opening of School for One or Two Hours:  All buses will run one or two hours later than usual.  The school day will end at the regularly scheduled time.  The school will not offer breakfast when operating on a delayed schedule.

Emergency Closings:   Students will follow their regular after school routines unless the school is notified of a change. A form is included in your back to school packet to notify the school of an emergency change.  Please have a pre-arranged plan in place for your child if special arrangements need to be made on early dismissal days.  Send a written note to the homeroom teacher on the morning of early dismissal. If your child must ride to another bus stop please check the division website for a current list of bus stops and choose an address that is closest to the location where your child needs to be dropped off. Bus drivers will no longer stop at an address that is not an approved bus stop.

School Crime Line

In accordance with the Code of Virginia § 22.1-280.2, Botetourt County schools will participate in School Crime Line.  Students who have information regarding hazards, threats, or crimes may anonymously call Crime Line at 540-344-8500.  Calls could bring cash rewards of up to $100.00, which would be paid off school property to ensure confidentiality.

School Hours 

The school building is open 7:30 a.m. until 3:30p m. Unless there is an advertised program in progress, the school building is considered closed to the public before and after these times.

* The teachers, school nurse and guidance counselor’s contracted day ends at 2:30.

Wednesday afternoons are reserved as Faculty Meetings.  Teachers will not be available for telephone calls.  However, you may send an e-mail and they will return your call as soon as possible. Staff email addresses can be found on the school website.


School Pictures

During the school year there are many activities and events that are photographed or videoed for our school website, school  

newspapers and local news media. Additionally, fall photos are published in the school yearbook.  Parents who wish to exclude their child from photos taken by school photographers, PTA volunteers or school staff must notify the school office in writing by the end of the 5th day of school.

Each year the school arranges for color photographs of each child to be taken.  These pictures are for sale if parents wish to purchase them.  The school makes a profit from the sale of school pictures and uses the money to assist with the purchase of needed equipment and supplies.  Dates will be posted on the website and information will be sent home with your child prior to the event.

School Store

The school store is operated by the SLC and their sponsors.  Basic school supplies are available for sale in the school store.  It is open from 7:40 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. most mornings beginning in September.  Students shall not engage in trading or selling any type of products at school or on the bus.  


In order to comply with the new healthy student regulations, teachers will no longer provide snacks for their students.

Students will be responsible to provide their own snacks.  

SOL (Standards of Learning) / Learning Objectives

 Elementary Essentials can be found on, the BCPS website under Parents > Elementary Essentials  ore the Virginia Department of Education website (  A link to the BCPS page can also be found on our school’s website under Elementary Essentials.


Troutville Elementary does not have a sports program.  However, Botetourt County Recreational Department coordinates many activities for students living in the county.  Sign up forms may be found in the front office. The phone number for the Recreational Department is 540-473-8326.

Student Directory

The PTA will provide a student directory to all PTA members.  Information included may be:  Student’s name, Parent’s Name, Student’s Mailing Address, Parent’s E-mail  Address, Parent’s Phone Number, Teacher and Grade Level.  A form will be sent home requesting this information. Returning the completed form indicates your permission to publish it in the school directory.

Teacher In-Service Days

Botetourt County teachers take part in numerous staff development days. Troutville Elementary School has taken full advantage of these days by participating in a number of activities to improve instructional practices.  As in any profession, it is important to promote ongoing education. Botetourt County teachers are modeling what we expect of our students - lifelong learning and ongoing improvement.

Teacher Qualifications

Parents may request information regarding the teachers professional qualifications of the school division.

Telephone Use

Students are expected to be responsible for remembering their homework, tennis shoes, bus notes, lunch money, etc., and should not make calls to parents to bring them to school.  Therefore, the use of the telephone by students will be allowed only for emergencies.

Teachers will return a parent’s call at a time when they are not responsible for children. Parents may also e-mail teachers. See Faculty and Staff Directory on the school’s website

Cell phone use – While we discourage cell phones at school and on school buses , we understand that in some cases a parent may give their child a cell phone to use before or after school.  Students must keep their cell phones turned off and out of sight at all times during the school day and on the school bus.  If a cell phone is taken out of the book bag or rings during the school day or on the school bus it may be confiscated, turned in to the office, and must be picked up by a parent.  Please see Policy SBP JFC-R


Students will be responsible for the textbooks that are issued to them to use during the school year.  Students who lose or damage a textbook will have to replace it at its current cost.

Toys (see Money and Toys Brought to School)

Transportation (see Regulations for Pupils Riding School Buses)

An electronic form is to be completed that includes regulations for pupils riding school buses is sent home at the beginning of the school year. This information is used in case of an emergency.  EVERY student needs to return this form, since every student will likely ride a bus at some point during the school year (even if only for a field trip).

Transporting Groups of Students to Special Events

Arrangements must be made in advance to transport groups of children on school buses to special events such as after school birthday parties, scout meetings, slumber parties, etc.  The school system reserves the right to refuse to transport groups of students if the bus is full.

Children are not permitted to ride buses other than the one assigned to transport them to and from school.  No exception to this rule will be approved unless by a written bus note issued from the school.  Students are expected to get off at their own stop and go directly to their afternoon location.

Students will follow their regular after school routines unless the school is notified of a change.  The custodial parent must send a written note to the homeroom teacher on the morning of a transportation change. If your child must ride to another bus stop please check the division website for a current list of bus stops and choose an address that is closest to the location where your child needs to be dropped off. An adult must be at the bus stop to meet students in K – 2 unless prior arrangements have been made with the school principal. If your student is riding to the home of another student, we request the receiving parent also send in a note, approving the change.  Bus drivers will not stop at an address that is not an approved bus stop.

We are requesting that bus changes by phone be reserved for emergency situations since we cannot verify those requests.  Any changes should be made prior to 11:00 a.m. This allows time for the request to be processed.

We ask that the custodial parent use the Transportation Change Booklet that is provided to each student.  If the custodial parent must write a note please provide the following information when your child needs to get off at a different stop, ride a different bus, ride in a car, or remain after school for any reason:



Traffic Control

Patrons are requested to take extra care when driving on school property.  Every effort is made to promote safety and prompt movement of traffic.  Observe and obey all traffic laws when driving on school property.

Parking and Traffic Flow

Morning Car Riders

After 7:50 a.m. children are considered tardy.  Please pull into a parking space and escort your child into the building to sign them in at the office. 

Afternoon Dismissal Procedure

In the interest of the safety of all concerned, the following procedure will be used for afternoon dismissal.  There will be two categories of students leaving school in the afternoon: Bus Riders, Car/Day Care Van Riders.  Please see the procedures below for each category.  

Parents who request that their child(ren) be car riders must be at the school at the time of dismissal.  Parents who repeatedly fail to pick their children up at dismissal will be asked to make other transportation arrangements.


*Note: Buses have priority in afternoon dismissal.  Exit lanes must not be blocked and all vehicle traffic must halt until buses have exited the parking lot.  The duty custodian will direct traffic. Your cooperation with him/her is required for the safety of all involved.  

Tuesday Folders and Note

Tuesday Folders are sent home each Tuesday. These contain important information regarding classroom and school events. Teachers are requested to send home graded papers in this folder.

Please check your child’s folder each Tuesday evening and teacher folder nightly.  

Virginia Standards of Learning

All schools are required to provide each student with a program of instruction that corresponds to the Virginia Standards of Learning for English, mathematics, science, and history/social science.  A copy of the grade level expectations will be available on the division website.  SOL tests will be administered in the spring of each year in elementary grades 3, 4, and 5. Tests are given in the areas of reading, mathematics, science, and history/Virginia Studies. SOL test results will be used as one criterion for making decisions regarding promotion, retention, and remediation.

Local Assessments will be given in the area of writing to students in grade 5 and in the areas of science and social studies to students in grade 3.

Visitation in Classrooms

We want parents to be familiar with our school programs and to understand the methods by which their children are being taught.  However, in order to avoid unnecessary distractions to class work, we request that a parent who wishes to visit a class contact the principal so that the most convenient arrangement may be made.  School Board Policy KK-SR requires that classroom observations be scheduled in advance through the principal.

In order to prevent disruptions to instruction, parents should not enter classrooms without prior permission.


Please see School Board Policy KK regarding school visitation.

Volunteer Program

One of our most valuable assistance programs is the volunteer program.  The current volunteer coordinator can be found with the PTA committee chair listing in this handbook as well as on the PTA website.  All volunteers are required to attend a volunteer training session.  



Troutville Elementary School maintains a website linked to the Botetourt County School’s homepage.  The school’s web address is:

The school calendar, information regarding current activities, PTA information and other interesting information regarding the school, is found at the website and is regularly updated.

Weekday Religious Education

Weekday Religious Education is a release time program for students in grade 2. This means that students are released by the school upon written request by parents to accompany the WRE instructor to a learning space located off  of school property.  This is not a school sponsored activity and school employees are not involved in this program.