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2022 10/5 Minutes
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


DATE: October 5, 2022

TIME: 12:15 PM


  1. Call to Order/Quorum Check: 12:18 pm
  1. P. Joe Pavia-Jones
  2. V.P. Jake Colberg
  3. Sec. Sophia Martin
  4. GSA Rep. Trinity Hopkins
  5. Rob. Rep. Gatlin Nelson
  6. ADVet Rep. Hannah Nelsen
  1. Adopt the Agenda - M: JPJ, 2nd: GN, Passed
  2. Approval of minutes - M: JPJ, 2nd: GN, Passed
  3. Persons to be heard - None
  4. Executive comments or announcements
  1. President-Joe Pavia-Jones - meeting Oct. 6 regarding UA’s proposal to change Thanksgiving break to Fall break
  2. Vice President-Jake Colberg - NTR
  3. Secretary-Sophia Martin - NTR
  1. Secretary Report
  2. Treasurer Report- Recycling club is in $250 debt somehow. So, we are going to take funds from the Veteran club since they are inactive to pay the debt off.
  1. Committee meetings
  1. Student Media Board - deadline for articles was last Friday
  2. Planning Committees -
  1. Halloween Blast (Oct 28 3-6pm) - still working on tickets and ordering supplies
  2. Spirit week - Oct 24-28; schedule will be confirmed soon
  1. Rules Committee- NTR
  1. Unfinished Business- none
  2. New Business
  1. Door decorations - approved; competition will take place during the All Hallow’s Eve event
  2. New Club Recognized - Math Club - M: JPJ, 2nd: GN, Passed
  3. Gym Survey - will be sent out soon
  4. Senator recognition - 2 new senators

                        Elliana Overstreet - M: JPJ, 2nd: GN, Passed

                        Kaia Richardson - M: JPJ, 2nd: GN, Passed

                        Amber Bratlie - next week

  1. Club Reports
  1. GSA (Recognized)- working on setting up donation boxes for My Open House
  2. Robotics (Recognized)- making progress with small projects
  3. Veterinary Club (Recognized)- working on setting up a budget; no fund requests yet; working on donations for animal shelter
  4. Math Club- planning events; cleanup Oct 6; working on Thanksgiving drive
  5. Alaska Native Cultures- NTR
  1. Faculty and staff reports
  1. Faculty Advisor Craig Ballain - Mat-Su College is in the Northern Light
  2. Faculty Judy Montalbano - NTR
  3. Staff Advisor Audrey Badger - stepped down
  4. Physical Plant Rep. Joe Weber - not present
  1. Open Floor-
  1. Stop the bleed kits
  2. Contact Facebook w/ minutes
  3. All Hallow’s Eve event (Oct 31): bring your families
  4. ADVet has classes during Student Gov meets this semester
  5. Ask Middle College Student Gov to become a club (Hannah will talk to them)
  1. Final Thoughts- none
  2. Adjournment- 12:49 pm, M: JPJ, 2nd: GN, passed