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2022 Nov 25
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Friday November 25, 2022        

vendredi le 25 novembre 2022

Humewood’s Website

C. Closner - Principal

Humewood’s Twitter

 J. Efthymiadis - Vice Principal

We have had a busy and productive week at Humewood.   On Monday we had photo retake and sibling photos day.  Our student athletic council hosted their first Fifa World Cup viewing party in the west gym during lunch on Monday.  Mme Z’s grade 6 French Immersion class visited the AGO on Tuesday.   Today we are hosting a TDSB Division 2 Basketball Tournament.

Please find the following information in this Humewood Howler:

  1. Picking Up For Appointments
  2. Winter Road Safety
  3. X Movement Community Event - December 1 @ 6:30 PM
  4. Bold & Cold Running
  5. Humewood Choir
  6. Cell Phones @ Humewood
  7. FIFA World Cup Viewing Party
  8. Virtual Community Fair
  9. Catch Up Payments
  10. Humewood Holiday Gift Campaign
  11. Preparing for High School Information Sessions for Grade 8 Families
  12. Ujima Project
  13. Early French Immersion
  14. OPAL
  15. Bullying Prevention and Intervention
  16. Red Cross Babysitting Course - New Dates
  17. Trustee Update

Picking Up For Appointments

When picking up your child(ren) for appointments during the school day, we strongly encourage all families to arrive at the school well before their appointment to provide your child(ren) with enough time to gather their belongings.  This will also give staff an opportunity to notify your child(ren)’s teacher(s).  Please be advised that picking up students during recess or lunch transition will result in a longer wait.  Recess and Lunch times are indicated below.  


Grade 1 - 8


11:25AM – 12:40PM


10:10AM – 10:25AM (15 minutes)


11:35AM – 12:40PM


1:50PM – 2:05PM (15 minutes)

We appreciate your patience with office staff as they work to address your needs and that of the whole school community.  

Winter Road Safety

As winter approaches, we know that severe weather will be part of our daily lives for the next several months. We encourage all families to walk to school.  When picking up and dropping off by car, we strongly encourage that traffic rules are adhered to, in particular we are kindly asking that cars are not parked in pedestrian crosswalks and/or intersections.  

While traffic safety is an important matter all year long, this is a particularly good time to review what we can do to keep students safe.

The need to be aware and alert at all times, on any road, and even in the most routine circumstances is key to traffic safety. This applies to students and drivers alike. Road conditions can be challenging in the winter months. So to those of us who drive, please take extra care on the roads and in parking lots, especially in areas where children might be present.

The safety of our students is always a top priority. Let's work together to make the winter season safe so we can enjoy all it has to offer.


Humewood Choir

Back again this year is the Humewood Choir!  

Students from Grades 2 - 4 are invited to join Mme. Rutledge every Wednesday over lunch recess. To build on their enthusiasm, a google classroom has been created, class code is 7mcau5f.  Choir members are encouraged to join so they can practice songs they are learning with Mme. Rutledge.

Cell Phones @ Humewood

Our school  has updated the guidelines for cell phone use for the 2022-2023 school year. We recognize that many of our students own a cell phone and that they can be used in classes to enhance learning when the teacher decides it is relevant to their learning. However, we are very fortunate to have access to many technological devices throughout our building and want to ensure that cell phones are being used for the right reasons when students are at school.

Students will be expected to:

  • Power off their phones when they enter the building. Cell phones will be collected by homeroom teachers and stored  in their classrooms.
  • Use their phones only when it is relevant to their learning and teacher directed
  • Keep cell phones stored with their teacher during recess and lunch recess unless you are in Grades 6-8 and have permission to go off school property.

Please be assured that students are allowed to use the school office phone if they

 need to reach home.

Should a student not adhere to these guidelines parents will be contacted so we can

work together on a solution.

FIFA World Cup Viewing Party!

In order to raise money for the Phys Ed. program at Humewood, the athletic council is hosting a FIFA World Cup viewing party!

Students in grades 1-8 are invited to watch games LIVE in the west gym during their lunch hour. Games will be airing every Monday starting November 21st to the week of December 5th.

If your child(ren)  are interested, we ask that you make a donation via school cash online.  Please click HERE to make a contribution.   Starting at just $1, a single contribution gives students access to watch all games! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Velici (

Catch Up Payments

Parents/guardians can apply for direct Catch Up Payments to get $200 to $250 to help pay for student learning supports to help fill gaps that may have emerged because of COVID‑19. As a parent or guardian, you can use this one-time funding for things that best suit your child’s needs like tutoring services, supplies and equipment.

These Catch Up Payments are available to parents/guardians to help their child get back on track during the 2022–23 school year.  To apply please click HERE 


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In the spirit of the season Humewood Community School is asking for your help to create the Holiday Gift Campaign for families in need in Toronto. Due to the ongoing pandemic, now more families than ever could use some help this holiday season.

Let’s spread a little holiday magic again this year Humewood!

Each grade (Kindergarten to Grade 8) will be receiving a profile of a family in need and learning about their story to make more of a connection to them.

Donations are made online HERE.  Please indicate “Humewood Holiday Gift Campaign” on the message section of the donation page to ensure we receive the funds for the 9 families in need.  

For more information, please click HERE to view the flyer.  

Preparing for High School Information Sessions for Grade 8 Families

UPCOMING DEADLINE: The Student Interest Application opens November 7th due on November 25th by 4pm

Please click on the image below to see the full infographic that includes all of the steps in your road map to High School.  This image is only part of the road map.

To support our Grade 8 students and families, the TDSB will be hosting a series of Preparing for High School Information Sessions.  For an overview of what to expect in secondary school, click HERE.

Students and families from any grade are welcome to attend.

The series includes:

  1. The Virtual Secondary Alternative Schools Fair, taking place on November 9, 2022, will introduce families to the Alternative schools in the board that offer Grade 9 to 12 programming. Alternative schools are highly engaged, smaller school environments. They use non-traditional hands-on approaches to learning. These schools are ideal for students seeking an alternative to mainstream education and who want to take an active role in their own learning.
  1. To further support students and families with the application process, central TDSB staff will be hosting Centralized Program Admissions Support Sessions to answer any questions that students or families may have when completing the Centralized Program Application.  Live, online support will be available on the following day: November 24 - 4:00pm – 5:30pm (LINK)

Rosedale School of the Arts

Secondary Central Student Interest Programs, which includes all arts focused schools, closes on November 25th at 4pm. This is a hard deadline with no flexibility, so it is imperative that interested applicants complete the online form as soon as possible. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to access the application:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "High School" in top menu
  3. Click on "Going to High School" in side tab.
  4. Click on "Secondary Central Student Interest Programs" in side tab.
  5. Click on "Application Form"

Be sure to have your child's Ontario Education Number (OEN) on hand.​

 If you have any questions about applying to Rosedale Heights School of the Arts, do not hesitate to contact the Rosedale Heights Guidance Department at 416-393-1590 ext 20040.

Ujima Project

The Maternal and Infant Mental Health Program at the Massey Centre for Women is offering developmental screening (using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire) for babies and children 0-5 years old and their parent/caregiver.

For more information please click HERE.

For families interested in the Toronto District School Board's Early French Immersion Program, we offer an online process to apply. The entry point to Early French Immersion is Junior Kindergarten. An offer of placement in the program (not a specific school) is guaranteed to all on-time applicants. While every effort is made to place students in the school identified as their area French Immersion school, this is not always possible. Students may be redirected to another school with available program space.

  1. All applications received by November 25, 2022  are treated with the same priority and are guaranteed a place in the program (we cannot guarantee placement in a given school).
  2. All applications received after the deadline will be held on a waitlist and considered subject to available space until the end of September of the entry year.

Families with an older sibling currently in an Early French Immersion program and who will be in attendance next year are still required to complete an online application for the new student. Ensure to select the “sibling option” within the online application.

For more information about French programs, the application process and important dates, interested families may visit or click on Application Process. Early French Immersion flyers are also available in multiple languages.

OPAL (Outdoor Play & Learning)

Bullying Prevention & Intervention  

Red Cross Babysitting Course - New Dates

The babysitting course is being held in person.  Please see the dates and locations listed below along with the links to the flyers.

Dec 2 (PA Day) at Henry Kelsey Sr P.S. - Dec 2 Flyer

Dec 2 (PA Day) at Westwood Middle School - Dec 2 Westwood Flyer

To view Trustee Laskin’s most recent update please click HERE


                  Please support your child(ren) in organizing  all belongings (e.g. lunch, outwear, etc.) and placing these items into their school bag before going to school each day.  

           Doing this will reduce the number of interruptions to classes during instructional time when items get dropped off throughout the day.

Where and when possible please try to schedule appointments outside of the school day to avoid late drop offs and early pickups that can disrupt student learning.

Cindy Closner

Josie Efthymiadis


Vice Principal

Thank you for your continued support.  For more information about our school please:

Follow us on Twitter:Humewood’s Twitter 

Go to our Website: Humewood’s Website