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Privacy Policy Vinylage EN
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Privacy Policy

of Vinylage Audio Player mobile application

Developers of a Vinylage Audio Player mobile application fully recognize the importance of protecting the personal privacy of our app users.

This document explains what information we collect when you use the application, how and why we use it, and what we do to protect it. We hope that these facts will help you make a conscious decision about information provided to us.

Information we collect

The Vinylage Audio Player application includes a banner advertising. When you view an ad or click on a banner, the app gets an user-specific Android Advertising ID.

How we use information we collect

The Android Advertising ID identifies you as the recipient of advertising content and is used for advertising purposes. It can also be used to analyze advertising indicators and take into account your preferences regarding the selection and personalization of advertising.

Who has access to information

The Vinylage Audio Player transfers the Android Advertising ID only to trusted advertising content providers.

A trusted advertising provider can collect and store the Android user’s advertising identifier on its storage media and use it to display, analyze and personalize ads. A trusted advertising provider must follow the rules for using an Android Advertising ID, which prohibits the use of this data for any other purpose.

The Vinylage Audio Player does not transfer the Android Advertising ID to any third parties, applications, sites or services, except as indicated above.

Information security

We care about the privacy of user information and data of his device as follows.

Firstly, the Vinylage Audio Player application fulfills the requirements for the use of an Android Advertising ID and cooperates only with trusted advertising content providers.

Secondly, data is transferred securely through a standardized API built into the Android system.

Third, the application does not receive any other confidential data and does not associate the identifier with any other data that allows the user to be identified, or permanent device identifiers, such as SSAID, MAC address or IMEI.

These steps allow you to use the Vinylage Audio Player application without the risk of losing or misuse of your confidential data.


You can refuse to provide us with these data. In this case, we ask you to remove the application from your mobile device.

You agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy if you leave the app installed on your device.

When this Privacy Policy applies

Our Privacy Policy applies to all versions of the Vinylage Audio Player mobile application obtained from a single official distribution source - Google Play application page.

When this Privacy Policy cannot be applied

Our Privacy Policy cannot be applied and guarantees regarding the protection of user and device data cannot be provided in the following cases:

Contact Us

You can ask your questions about the Privacy Policy by e-mail:

Valentyn Vieshchunov,

Mobile application developer

Last updated: August 21, 2023.