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Warrior Weekly 6-4
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                              Warrior Weekly

Nokomis Regional Middle School                                                      June 4, 2021

From the Principal’s Desk:

As we approach our last full week of the school year, I want to remind families that school work is still being assigned and collected.  There are some fun activities planned for later next week, but the grading window is open until we are officially done.  It’s important that students continue to prioritize their class work/assignments so they can “Finish Strong”.  It has been a long year in so many ways, but the end is in sight and ending on a positive note is a top priority!

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” M. Angelou

Warrior Athletics

The spring season has come to an end.   Athletes need to be sure to turn his/her uniform in to Mr. Crockett by next Tuesday.

Last day of school dismissal

June 15th, the last day of school, will be a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:00 a.m.

Dress Up Days June 7-11

Monday--Pajama Day

Tuesday-Color Day (gr. 5-yellow, gr. 6-red, gr. 7-blue, gr. 8-green)

Thursday--Hawaiian Day

Friday-Warrior Pride Day



5th and 6th graders will need to return their laptops, bags, chargers, and any hotspots they may have into the school (their teachers) by Friday, June 11th.  Grade 7 students can keep their technology devices UNLESS they are planning on moving out of the district over the summer.  This includes remote students so please make arrangements to get the devices returned to the school next week.  Thank you for your assistance!

8th Grade Recognition Nights

Families of 8th grade students should be getting a letter soon that gives details about our two evening events; one on June 14th and one on June 15th. The events will also be livestreamed on our RSU 19 YouTube channel for any remote students or families that would like to watch from home.  

Library Books

As students are cleaning out their lockers and backpacks (and maybe bedrooms?!), please make sure if they unearth any library books they get them returned to the library before they leave for the summer!  

Thank you!