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2025 DC Trip Reminder WEB
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               Washington, DC Trip Dates: May 30th to June 2nd, 2025

      My name is Donna Kirkland.   I am a retired teacher who taught at St. John School in Plaquemine for 44 years.  I planned my 1st DC trip in 1991.  34 consecutive years later, I am still  coordinating this trip.   Students and adults of all ages are invited to participate.   Students must be accompanied by an adult who accepts responsibility for that student.  Adults without students are not only invited but encouraged to join us. This is not a school sponsored trip.  It is a private trip that you will remember for a lifetime.  

Trip fee includes:                  Roundtrip Air                    

                                       Hotel Accommodations

                                        Full day guided tours
                                    Private Bus for Daily Tours                                                      
                                    3 Breakfasts and 3 Dinners

Guided Sightseeing includes the following based on availability includes most of the following:

Wreath Laying                        Subway Ride                Tomb of Unkowns         Reflecting Pool

Natural Science Museum         Sculpture Garden           FDR Memorial           Ford’s Theater & Museum

Peterson House                        Embassy Row            WWII Memorial         Washington Monument

Capitol Tour                          Kennedy Gravesite             Einstein Statue         Vietnam Wall  
Lincoln Memorial                   Korean Memorial          Iwo Jima Memorial          Jefferson Memorial  
Mt Vernon Tour                 Dinner Theater         FDR Memorial                Shrine of Immaculate Conception
Air and Space Smithsonian     Air Force Memorial         Pentagon Memorial      American History Smithsonian    

White House                        FBI Museum                Arlington Cemetery        Changing of the Guard 

Registration fee:  $99 deposit PER PERSON     Cancellation insurance is optional.   

Estimated* Trip Fees PER PERSON are listed below these prices are based on the number of people sharing a room and reaching the listed quota. If there are fewer travelers, the price will be adjusted accordingly.  Prices below are per person based on a group of 35 or more travelers staying 4 to a room. The estimated trip fee PER PERSON staying 4 to a room is $2327 per person.        

*Additional costs PER PERSON for optional rooming occupancy are listed below.
Triple room price adds  $233 (per person) to the above base price.
Double room prices add $349 (per person)  to the above base price.
Single room prices add $698 to the above base price.

    For additional details contact Donna Kirkland.      225-802-6013


Website:  2025 Washington, DC | home (
To be added to my email list go to:  
DC Interest Contact | home
To register by phone call 1-800-468-5899    Refer to Trip ID 215473     DC Trips by Donna Kirklan
Scan the QR Code to register and/or to view additional information.

What to expect:   If you are want to see alot of Washington, DC, you are in the right place!   You might be wondering how much of DC can I see in 4 days.   With my group trip and a private guide and a private bus, I believe that you can see more in 4 days than you would see in a week on your own.   There are so many hidden elements in the monuments that you would never notice.   I have attached the REAL TIME itinerary from out last trip.

What you should know:   Yes many of the museums etc in DC are free BUT what you do not know is that you need tickets and appointments to get into these places.   After 33 times doing this, along with the company I reserve those tickets in advance.   Over the years, I watched as people showed up at sites only to be turned away.   One of my favorite reservations is the opportunity to walk with the soldiers at Arlingington Cemetary to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns.   I booked this reservation last week.   This must be reserved 180 days prior to the visit or you probably will not be accepted.  I also put in a White House request that is on a timed schedule but never guaranteed.    We have been very lucky lately.    I could go on with reservations that must be made in advance to optimize your trip but just know I take care of that.

More on the logistics:   We depart out of Baton Rouge (unless unforeseen circumstances require a change).   We usually have an early morning departure.   Again, I take care of ticketing and the flight is included in the trip price.  We usually arrive in DC around lunch time.  After a quick bite, we are off!  (Lunch cost is not included in the trip fee.)  Our bus is at the airport and we are off for a full day, into the night touring. See in REAL TIME ITINERARY  below.   We tour all evening and then go for our prepaid dinner.   One of my favorite dinner places is Alfio’s Italian restaurant.  We have dined here on all 34 trips.  

     After dinner we are not done.  We are off to do a night tour.   On my first trip, I thought “night tour”?”  Now I would not have it any other way.  The monuments are beautifully lit at night and are amazing.  And just think that is extra tour time so that we can fit lots into the tour.   We keep the same bus throughout the trip.  If you were on your own, parking is nearly impossible.

    Usually around 9pm we are headed to the hotel.  We stay a little out of the city, which is actually a good thing.  We are able to get information with a microphone as we travel into and out of the city.   Check in is a breeze.  Once we get to the hotel, we grab our bags from the bus (notice we did not waste time going to the hotel.   We went straight to touring. ) I hand off the keys you head to your room to prepare for the next day.  We are placed on the same floor and we have an overnight security guard outside of our room.  This is not because it is dangerous.   This is just an extra measure that the company provides us and I love it.  

   The next morning complimentary breakfast is provided for us at the hotel.   We usually take off around 8am and again will be out until late at night.  This is typical for each day.  

   On the final day of the trip, we usually depart around 8am.  We load our bags onto the bus and then we do a full day of touring.  Somewhere around 3pm to 5pm we usually leave the city for the airport.

What are we going to see:   If you have ever traveled with me, you know I am always on the hunt to add ONE MORE THING to the itinerary.   The exact sites and order may vary depending on availability.  But I can assure you that your itinerary will be full.  No wasted time here.  

    Because we are traveling on a weekend we will visit the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  This is a gorgeous church with many amazing chapels.  We do go at mass time for those who want to attend mass.   However; there is a beautiful gift shop, a restaurant in the church.  And it is across the street from Catholic University so you do have options for that time.

    I always receive questions about visiting the Smithsonian museum.   Traditionally we try to visit the American History Museum, the Natural History Museum, and the Air and Space Museum.  Because the museums are generally on the Mall, you can always opt to spend your museum time at one of the other museum.

Below is a REAL TIME Itinerary that we followed in 2024.   You can see that we pack alot into a day.

May 30, 2024

11:00 am arrive DCA Reagan Airport

Lunch Crystal City

Natural Science Museum

Sculpture Garden

Original FDR Memorial

Ford’s Theater & Museum

Peterson House

Embassey Row

Alfio’s Restaurant


Washington Monument

WWII Memorial

Hotel at 9:30

Friday, May 31, 2024

Breakfast at 7:15

Depart 8am


10 AM

White House


Lunch in Capitol


Wreath Laying

Kennedy Gravesite or Tram

Dinner Smokehouse


Vietnam Wall

Lincoln Memorial

Korean Memorial

Iwo Jima


Saturday, June 1, 2024


Jefferson Memorial

Lunch at Mt Vernon

Mt Vermon Tout

4:30 depart for Toby’s

Sunday, June 2, 2024

9am Mass at Shrine of Immaculate Conception

11 departed

11:40 Air and Space

12:15 Archives

1pm to 3 pm

American Histoey Smithsonian

3:15 FDR Memorial

3:45 Pentagon Memorial

4:30 AirForce Memorial

5pm Airport

     Night visits usually include Jefferson Memorial, FDR Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Korean Memorial, Vietnam Wall.   We also include one night time activity which is usually a dinner theater.  No need to dress up.  We go in our casual attire, including shorts.  It is a fun night with a deviation for tour tour tour. That night we is usually an even later night.  But it is worth it!

     Of course we will visit Arlington Cemetary and have a reservation to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns following the Changing of the Guard.  The wreath laying is always subject to cancellation. But we have been very lucky.

     Other plans are to visit Mount Vernon (home of George Washington).  I always request a White House tour, which is never guaranteed.  However, we always do a photo stop.  The Capitol is generally easy tickets that I request.   We try to make it to the top of the Washington Monument, but those tickets can be hard to get.  We try to get into the Library of Congress, which is not as hard.  We do a Supreme Court photo stop, and have gotten in before.  The Archives is usually available and we stop to see the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  Ford’s Theater is always on our list, provided there is not an active play going on.   And then there is the museum and the Petersen House, where Lincoln died, that we try to visit.  Oh, and let’s not forget the Reflecting Pong.  Our plans usually include a subway ride.  This is a highlight for some who have never done that.  You will see so much.

What age group is this trip designed for?      This trip is truly meant for all ages.  I brought my daughter when she was in kindergarten and I have returned with my adult children.  This is not a watered down tour.  It is a full blown informational trip for all ages.  Our guide talks to us throughout the trip explaining all of the monuments and always with us to answer questions.  Please do not be deterred thinking this is just a student trip.   The students are traveling with a guardian and making great family memories.  I definitely have adults, even on this trip, who are traveling without students.  
  I would love to coordinate your trip to DC.  Students and adults of all ages are invited to participate.   Students must be accompanied by an adult who accepts responsibility for that student.  Adults without students are not only invited but encouraged to join us.   Actually we almost always have more adults than students.  Please do not be misled, this is a tour of Washington, DC. It is not a school sponsored trip.  It is a private trip that you will remember for a lifetime.  

Pricing?     Pay your deposit to guarantee your place today. The deposit is applied to the trip fee.  Once you pay the deposit, PER PERSON,  the trip fee is reduced by that amount.  If you want to purchase CANCELLATION INSURANCE you MUST indicate purchase that within 14 days of registration.  The optional Worldstrides insurance cost is $305 per person.  You may want to explore other insurance options found online.    

Estimated* Trip Fees PER PERSON are listed below these prices are based on the number of people sharing a room and reaching the listed quota. If there are fewer travelers, the price will be adjusted accordingly.   Prices below are per person based on a group of 35 or more travelers staying 4 to a room.  The estimated trip fee PER PERSON staying 4 to a room is $2327 per person. *Additional costs PER PERSON for optional rooming occupancy are listed below.
Triple room price adds  $233 (per person) to the above base price.
Double room prices add $349 (per person)  to the above base price.
Single room prices add $698 to the above base price.

Below is the estimated* supplement for a group less than 35. *Check website for smaller group pricing

35 paying  +  $0 per person

34 paying  + $12 per person

33 paying  + $24 per person

32 paying  + $37 per person

31 paying  + $51 per person

30 paying  + $66 per person

29 paying  + $79 per person
28 paying  + $96 per person

27 paying  + $114 per person
26 paying  + $134 per person
25 paying  + $155 per person
24 paying  + $178 per person
23 paying  + $203 per person
22 paying  + $231 per person

    For additional details contact Donna Kirkland.      225-802-6013


Website:  2025 Washington, DC | home (
To be added to my email list go to:  
DC Interest Contact | home

To register by phone call 1-800-468-5899    Refer to Trip ID 215473     DC Trips by Donna Kirkland

Scan the QR Code to register and/or to view additional information.