Stranger Things Episode 1 – Scene by Scene

1.         Each group is assigned a section. As you watch, make notes on the events that unfold in the sequence with the timings of when they occur and, if possible, how long each event lasts.

2.         Once you have analysed the sequence, as a group, agree on the chain of events as they happened and write down a group version of the order events unfold in your sequence in a chronological, linear format.

Scene Name


What happens

Timings and Order

Resolved, unresolved, open ended


Opening Scene – Hawkins Laboratory


  • Scientist running down corridor
  • Gets into the lift to escape
  • Scientist snatched by unknown thing



00:20-00:25- time and date (Sunday November 6th 1983)

00:25-00:33- outdoor shot of Laboratory

00:33-00:49-focus on door

00:49-1:00-scientist running

01:00-01:12-frantically pressing lift button

01:12-01:22- mid long shot of scientist

01:22-01:28- corridor

01:28-01:34- bird eye view of scientist

01:34-01:40- scientist vanishes

Open ended. This is because we are only shown the last few moments of his life. There is absolutely no sign of what has caused this to happen, and this isn’t concluded in this scene. Therefore, it is open ended.


Boys playing Dungeons and Dragons

  • Mike is the DM and introduces the Demogorgon
  • The boys try to ‘fight it’ by rolling a dice to attack with a fireball



01:40-01:48- outdoor shot of sprinkler

01:48-02:50- close up shots of them playing game

02:50-02:58- trying to find the lost dice  

Unresolved At this time, the game is still ongoing, and have lost the dice. There is still a lot to be decided (I.E. Will rolling a 7?)


Mike talks with his mother

  • Game took ten hours
  • Disinterest of the mother
  • Ignored by the father

Before dinner, 7:40pm


02:58-03:05- Mike’s mum at top of stairs

03:05-03:09-Mike running up stairs

03:09-03:40- Mike talking with his mother and ignored by dad

Resolved This altercation ends with Mike’s mother deciding that they must all go home because it is a school night. Mike’s mother gets this to happen, and the situation draws to a close.


Boys find the dice

  • Boys find the dice – Will is ‘got’ by the Demogorgon
  • Encouraged to lie

Before dinner, 7:45pm

03:40-03:51- find the dice

Resolved We finally learn the outcome of the game, and the boys have found the dice. At this point, the game is closed.


Dustin goes to Nancy

  • Nancy is on the phone to Barb
  • Dustin attempts to offer pizza
  • Nancy slams the door


03:51-4:16- Dustin offers Nancy pizza, she slams the door

Resolved Relatively short scene where Dustin offers pizza to Nancy. The situation is cut off once the door is slammed, cutting the situation.


Cycling home


  • Flickering porch lights
  • Will says “the Demogorgon, it got me”
  • Will cycles off alone and falls from his bike – he is pursued

November 6th evening

4:20 - After dinner at 8PM

6:05 - Pursuit starts at 8:15PM

Resolved - All the boys leave the house ending the scene at Mikes house  


Byers’s home

  • Chased through the house
  • Silhouette of the Demogorgon at the window
  • Telephone not working
  • Will pursued to the shed where he is taken by the unseen monster


6:35 - Chased at 8:25 PM

7:30 - Runs at the shed at 8:27 PM

8:20 - Goes missing  at 8:30PM

Unresolved - On the way home Will dips and leaves us not knowing where he is


Opening Credits

  • Red font
  • Minor key increasing tempo music


8:30 - 9:33



Hopper’s Home

  • Hopper waking up and getting ready
  • Cigarettes, alcohol and prescription drugs

November 7th morning

8:40 - Hopper wakes at 9:05 AM

Resolved - Hopper wakes up and leaves


Byer’s Home

  • Joyce Byers also getting ready
  • Jonathan Byers cooking breakfast
  • Joyce Byers ringing Mike's mum

11:11 - Searching house at 7:05AM


Middle School


  • Boys confronted by bullies
  • Will noticed to be missing

MONDAY MORNING, NOV 7 1983, HAWKINS, INDIANA  - 8:45 - school is starting

open ended because Will could be anywhere and the bullies left them alone but not forever just for now.


High School

  • Nancy and Barb talking dating
  • Nancy and Steve make out in the bathroom
  • Nancy and Steve talking about tests and studying

8:45 AM- Barb and Nancy

8:50 AM - Nancy and Steve

open ended because they are able to meet up later however it might not be that important to the viewer so who knows


Police Station

  • Local police offices – Powell and Callaghan
  • Hopper interacts with his colleagues

8:55 AM- Hopper gets to work late

unresolved - it is mentioned that someone took the gnomes however we never find out what is wrong with the gnomes


Joyce and Hopper

  • Talking about Will’s absence
  • Hopper’s local knowledge
  • Joyce’s concern for her son

9:00 AM Joyce has been waiting for an hour

unresolved because they have no true answers - they just opened the case


Hawkins Lab


  • Dr Brenner’s first appearance
  • Changing into Haz-Mat suits and arming themselves
  • Upside Down portal

7th November 1983 10-11 am

(19:10/19:20) - Dr Brenner’s first appearance

(19:28/19:43) - changing into Haz-Mat suits and arming themselves.

(20:06/21:14) - upside down portal

unresolved - because they don’t know what is the thing in the lab


Benny’s Diner

  • 11 arrives at Benny’s diner and steals food
  • Is caught by Benny

7th November 1983 after lunch

(22:02/22:44) - 11 arrives at Benny’s diner and steals food

(22:50/23:09) - 11 is caught by Benny

resolved - because benny saw 11 stealing food and


Middle School

  • Teacher introducing the AV Club
  • Boys talking to the teacher
  • Interviewed by Hopper

7th November 1983 2-3 pm

(23:31 - teacher introducing the AV Club

(23:36 - boys talking to the teacher

(24:25 - interviewed by Hopper

unresolved - because Hopper doesn’t know what happened to Will yet


Castle Byers

  • Flashback to Joyce and Will talking
  • Back to present and he isn’t here

12th October 1982 3 pm

(26:01 - flashback to Joyce and Will talking

7th November 1983 2-3 pm

26:39 - back to present and he isn’t here


unresolved -


Benny’s Diner

  • Discussion with Eleven and her lack of speech
  • Benny phones ‘social services’
  • Eleven reveals her powers

7th November 1983 2-3 pm

27:05 - discussion with Eleven and her lack of speech

28:49 - benny phones “social services”

29:16 - eleven reveals her powers

unresolved - because 11 is not speaking so Benny doesn’t know where is she from




  • Searching for Will Byers in the woods
  • Discovery of Will’s bike

29:15-30:10  November 8th

  • Police cars driving down road
  • Camera tilt down from sky, Hopper walking towards camera
  • Close up of Sheriff taking tablets
  • Bike found
  • Camera pans down, camera follows Hopper
  • Hopper picks up bike
  • Ends with long shot

Unresolved/Open ended: characters don’t find out why the bike is there however use of dramatic irony means the audience knows (we saw Will leave the bike there).



Hawkin’s Lab

  • People listening on local telephone conversations
  • Implication that they are listening to Benny


  • Long shot of smoke and satellites on roof of Government building
  • Camera pans left on 6 listeners, individually listening to different conversations

Resolved: We know that they are listening to Joyce’s conversation and the whole town’s conversations


Byer’s House

  • Joyce Byers ringing ex-husband
  • Hopper brings Will's bike to the Byers household
  • Hopper checks the shed


  • Joyce on phone to Lonny’s girlfriend
  • Jonnathan looks concerned at Joyce (long shot)
  • Jonathan is making posters
  • Joyce rings Lonny again
  • Police cars turn up
  • Joyce running outside
  • Hopper returns bike
  • Joyce and Jonathan look worried
  • Camera follows Hopper around Joyce’s house
  • Close up of dog, shifts focus from dog to Sheriff
  • Hopper walks toward shed
  • Hopper walks in shed with light-bulb being the main focus
  • He picks up bullets then light goes off
  • Light goes back on
  • Hopper and police officer walk back into house  

Unresolved: because Hopper says we need to do a search party therefore we still  don’t know where Will is.


Mike’s House

  • Mike’s house at the dinner table
  • Different family relationships


  • Long shot of dinner table
  • Camera focuses on one individual at a time eg mum then Will then Mum then Dad
  • Nancy shouting at mum
  • Nancy runs away from table
  • Little sister looking worried
  • Will leaves table
  • Mum leaves table leaving Dad on his own

Resolved: The scene ends because they all leave the table and we know why because we heard them arguing at the table.



  • Night search for Will Byers
  • Hopper’s daughter discovered


Boys Houses

  • Discussion on walkie-talkies
  • Plans to find Will
  • Setting off on bikes


Nancy’s Room

  • Steve sneaking into Nancy’s room
  • Study cards
  • Kissing


Benny’s Diner

  • Female ‘social worker’ arrives
  • Benny is shot
  • Eleven is pursued and escapes
  • Attacks the two government officials



  • Boys looking for Will


Nancy’s Room

  • Moved from studying to kissing
  • Nancy argues with Steve
  • Nancy throws Steve out


Byer’s Home

  • Joyce and Jonathan Byers reminiscing
  • Will Byers? On the telephone



  • Boys discover Eleven