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Scott 2 School Plan for 2022-2023
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Scott County School District 2

Educational Plan

2022-2023 School Year

Instructional Programming:

Scott County School District 2 will provide In-Person Instruction during the 2022-2023 school year.   The expectation is that all Scott 2 students will continue their education in the In-Person Instruction Model in August 2022.

        Note: Exceptions related to medical incapacitation, credit recovery, or discipline

         situations should be addressed with the Building Principal

Facial Coverings/Masks:  Campus and Buildings

Scott 2 will not require students to wear face coverings or masks during the 2022-2023 school year on school campuses and in school buildings.  Students, in consultation between their parents, Scott 2 Building Administration, and Scott 2 Building Nurse, will be allowed to wear a school-appropriate mask/face covering should the family desire for their student(s) to be masked.  

        Note: Exception is as follows:

Facial Coverings/Masks:  Transportation

There is no requirement for students to wear face coverings/masks while on school bus transportation.  Students, in consultation with their parents, Scott 2 Building Administration, and the Scott 2 Building Nurse will be allowed to wear a school-appropriate mask/face covering should the family desire for their student to be masked while on school transportation.  

Social Distancing:

There are no longer requirements related to Social Distancing in a school setting.  Any sick students or staff are encouraged to stay home so as to not spread any illnesses.


There are no longer requirements related to quarantining unless a student or staff is a known COVID+ with a 5 day home isolation (with improving symptoms) and they must wear a mask upon the return to school for days 6-10.

Students are expected to complete work while in quarantine if physically possible, but students will be given additional days upon their return to school to complete work as well.

Expectations for Scott 2 Parents, Students, and Staff

In order to control the spread of all illnesses (COVID-19 included),  Scott 2 expects students, parents, and staff to self-monitor daily prior to coming to school or work.  In the event that a student or staff member is sick or symptomatic, they should stay home until they are no longer symptomatic or sick.

The use of personal water bottles is strongly encouraged.  Touchless water bottle filling stations will be frequently sanitized.

Field Trips:

Field trips will be allowed depending on venue and location guidelines.


Visitors are  welcomed back into the buildings and our partnerships with our community providers for our students and staff is allowed.  

Athletics and Extracurricular Activities:

Athletics and other  extracurricular activities will operate with full capacity spectators.    

Absence Rate Monitoring:

Absence rate monitoring will return to pre-COVID guidelines.

Continued Best Practices for Scott 2:

Scott 2 will keep and maintain the hand sanitizing stations that were installed.

Scott 2 will continue with the frequent sanitizing of the common, high frequency touch surfaces and areas.

Scott 2  will continue with the electrostatic spraying of large, common areas after large scale events (i.e. gyms after ball games)

Administrative Review December 2, 2022

Board Review December 15, 2022