Berkeley|Student Information Systems

SIS Job Aids #173

Adding a Financial Aid Comment

Campus Solutions Comments are a way for FASO staff to share information internally so that anyone working on that student’s record can see the note. Examples might include adding a note on why an update was made, or noting a conversation that was had with the student.

The easiest and most common way to view or add a Financial Aid comment is to navigate to the View Financial Aid Status search page and search for a student.


Adding a Financial Aid Comment

Viewing a Comment

Adding a Comment


 Financial Aid > View Financial Aid Status



Campus Community > Comments > Comments – Person > Person Entry Comment

Viewing a Comment

  1. The Comments section will display Financial Aid comments. If there are several, you may need to use the Arrow buttons to scroll back or click View All to see all the comments.

View of Comments section which displays Financial Aid comments.

Adding a Comment

  1. To add a comment from the View Financial Aid page, click the speech bubble at the top of the page.

Note: This could also be done from: Campus Community > Comments > Comments - Person > Person Comment Entry

Speech bubble at the top of the page emphasized with red box highlight.

  1. The Person Comment Entry page will open up in a new browser tab/window (depending on your browser settings).

View of Person Comment Entry page.

  1. Enter the Administrative Function of “FINA” (Financial Aid).

Once that is entered, the Variable Data button becomes active.

  1. Click the Variable Data button to input the Aid Year.
  2. Enter the appropriate Aid Year. Then Click the OK button.

“FINA” entered in Administrative Function field and Variable Data button to input the Aid Year emphasized with red box highlight.

  1. In this example, we will enter “GEN” into the Comment Category field. Currently the only choice is “GEN” (FA General Comment).

More categories may be added later to clarify the kind of comment being added. In that case, use the lookup icon to search for all available choices and select the most appropriate category.

The Comment Date will default, as well as your name and an ID.

  1. Type your message into the Comments box.

Click the Save button when you are done.

“GEN” entered in the Comment Category field and message into the Comments box emphasized with red box highlight.

Optional: To see the comment, close the 2nd browser window and return to the View Financial Aid Status page.

View Financial Aid Status page.

Note: You may need to refresh the page or search the student again.) The comment will display along with the date and author. It will not display to the student, only to FASO or CSC staff with access to Financial Aid information in Campus Solutions.

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