Fuel dock (gas & diesel)

Price list  and hours of operation can be obtained from the club’s Bar & Grill, or by calling 902-688-3177.

(May through Sept) …

Anchorage & mooring field with guest moorings.

Dock Power Availability

Services and Fee schedule


Senior Member

Shore, Visitor & Other members

Fee Due


Membership Fees

Senior - $400.51

Shore - $159.72

Student - $64.13

Overnight tie-up at slip













Day of tie-up


Register with Bar Staff

Overnight tie-up at mooring













Day of tie-up


Register with Bar Staff

Rental of slips

$532.40 year  

A float may be held for a Senior member for a period of one year upon payment of a $110.00 holding fee

Not available

Due when invoiced + HST

Contact Rear Commodore

(See note 2)

Use of mooring hauler

Free without staff's assistance.

Not available

See comments

Any fuel used outside of mooring field must be reimbursed

Use of club tender

Free in mooring field – Outside of mooring field cost of gas consumed.

Not Available

At time of use

User responsible to return boat clean and responsible for any damages incurred.

Storage of Cradles or Boat Trailer


Not available

When invoiced


Members MUST inform Yard Captain

Boat Storage  

Includes Haulage In & Out or summer storage and up to 2 days on dock.

(See note 3)

$1.26 x Square Footage of Boat

Plus $165.77 Haul/Launch/

Summer Storage

Not available

When invoiced


Owner is required to provide at least 3 extra assistants when launching or hauling.  (See note 1)

Mast Stepping/Unstepping



MUST get prior approval


MUST get prior approval

At time of mast removal + HST


(500 pounds)

Haulage – In and Out

Railway ONLY, No storage


$82.89 each way

$13.31 per foot

Prior to launch or haul out +HST

 Contact Yard Captain

Emergency haul out and



1 day or less

$165.77 over 1 day - set you on the hard/off railway

$13.31 per foot

At time of haul out +HST

 Contact Yard Captain

Relocation of boat in yard


Not available

At time of move


For boat movement at owner’s request

All fees Revised to reflect 10% increase as directed 2022 AGM


1. No major vessel refit or repairs are to be carried out in the boatyard.  You may be required to pay a utility surcharge, if used excessively; and a clean-up fee will be charged for excessive debris that has to be removed from around your boat in the yard. These charges will be applied at the Yard Captain’s discretion.

2. The club reserves the right to rent out finger floats on a short-term basis to Senior members while the seasonal renter is absent for an extended period.  Seasonal renters are therefore asked to notify the Rear Commodore of planned absences and to specify their date of return.  The Rear Commodore will ensure the renter has access to their float upon return.

3. Senior Members who store in the yard may use Club floats at no cost for a short period of time (2 days/2 nights ending 0800 on the 2nd morning - Subject to availability) after initial launch or at haul out, for maintenance or while they are preparing their own mooring. Use of a Club mooring may also be requested in emergency situations.

4. Anyone booking a launch or haul that does not show (and does not call to cancel) will be invoiced $36.30 for missed appointment.

5. Multi-hull boats may ONLY dock on the face of the North Wharf.

6. New Members wishing a Senior Membership after 30 September will only pay $127.05 for the membership. The cost of winter storage is separate.