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Vision Correction
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“You’re asking too many questions!” You laugh, shrugging off your friend’s worries as you insert a large plug into the outlet.

“You’re gonna trust a random machine you bought on the internet to do invasive surgery??” Tim asks, “It just doesn’t seem safe or-”

“Laser eye repairs are not invasive surgery! Just let me read the manual, and start this thing up…” You trail off, pressing the buttons as instructed by the startup guide.

You hear the machine whir to life as the lights turn on, hypnotizing you momentarily as the lights flash brightly.

“This thing’s getting really hot…” You trail off, trying to ignore the tingling sparks in your fingers as you lean in to press the last few necessary buttons.

“So stop touching it, dude!

It sounds like it’s about to blow up!!” Tim exclaims as he ducks behind a door, though you can barely hear him over the mechanical hum.

“And now my eyesight should be blurry with my glasses on…” You say to yourself as you finish the instructions, standing up straight to check out your surroundings.

“Everything looks the same…” You say shakily, “But m- my voice… Why is it so high pitched??”

Tim comes from behind the door as your hands reach back, and you blush as he watches you grab two handfuls of fat booty. You moan involuntarily as an exhilarated rush of arousal washes over you like a wave, the crotch of your pajama bottoms dampening slightly as your thighs rub together.

“I don’t think that was a laser vision surgery machine…” Tim says with a chuckle, “What buttons did you even press??”

“I- I… I didn’t understand a word in the machine, I just followed all the colors and… This happened!!” You exclaim, looking down at your new body as the breasts hanging off your chest jiggle.

“I could try fixing it, I do understand a little French after all…” Tim jokes, walking to the machine as your nipples rub into the soft fabric of your shirt.

“Please don’t!” You beg, knowing the most probable outcome is not one you desire.

Tim may have the best of intentions, but he has no idea what to do! He could end up turning you into a baby, or a dog!! Being several years older and female is one thing, but it may be your only chance at a normal life.

Your shirt may be too small now, but at least you recognize it and know it’s a shirt you bought. You even remember your friends making fun of you, calling you girly for buying a pink shirt.

And they don’t even know how girly you are!

“What the fuck was that thought??

Tim! Stop with the machine!! I told you not to- Oooo…

Oh fuck…” You moan, pink shirt ripping as fat spills into your breasts.

Your ass inflates as you continue asking Tim to stop playing with the machine, but he’s oblivious. The machine hypnotizes him like it did you, drowning out the external world as Tim presses random buttons.

Your pants fall to the floor in pieces, thighs jiggling as their pudgy mass swells. Your body becomes a lot harder to support, dripping in juices as melting fat forms luscious curves. You collapse into a moaning pile on the floor, womanhood inflamed with each passing second that Tim amplifies your arousal.

“You have to stop, Tim!!

I can barely think, it’s getting really hard to even- ehrmmm… I- I’m so horny!!!” You cry out, breathlessly writhing on the floor as you vigorously massage your new womanhood.

“So empty!

Must have you- inside me!!” You plead, a craving more extreme than hunger shaping your desires and actions.

Tim doesn’t seem to notice your begging, either purposely or unknowingly continuing to change you. Your body slowly shrinks as Tim works the machine, arousal easing as a sense of calm washes over you.

You’re more than thankful as your jiggling curves settle down, turning more slender and manageable as your body tightens. You even feel giddy as your breasts perk up, a sweet giggle echoing throughout the room as a leopard print two piece wraps around your intimate areas.

You’re finally aware enough to move on your own, no longer hindered by the fog of arousal that kept you in a writhing pile on the floor.

“Please stop.” You coo, tapping Tim on the shoulder and finally getting him to turn around as you pout your plump lips.

“What.. the… fuhhhh…” Tim trails off, a clear erection springing in his pants.

“You and that dumb machine did this, so just stop pressing buttons and-”

“Me?? I was just doing what the instructions said!” Tim retorts, “You’re the one that turned yourself into a girl!”

“Instructions?? What instructions??” You demand, sounding too girly to be taken seriously as assertive.

“Umm- uhh… nevermind, I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Tim nervously shrugs, slowly turning back toward the machine before you can do anything.

“Noooo!!!” You cry out, voice rising in pitch as the room grows around you.

Tim’s clearly playing with your age, and it’s totally not cool!

“Like, you think you’re such a meanie giving me this body, but it’s like, totally bangin’!” You bend over and tease , not even noticing the change in dialect as Tim bimbofies your nude bouncing body.

And he doesn’t stop pressing buttons, weight fading from your figure as you’re shrunk down to a petite size. A gap forms between your thighs as your lithe body lightens, hair following suit as it turns bright blonde.

You find yourself rooting for another round of feminization, checking yourself out in the mirror as your waist cinches in. Your eyes widen as your knees twist inward, and suddenly your ass inflates as fat spills behind you.

“What are you doing, babe?” You ask your boyfriend, blushing as your panties slowly shrink into a thong that wedgies your bubble butt.

“Huh?” He asks, walking away from the whirring machine with bright lights.

“You can play with your new computer later, daddy! I’m so frikkin horny right now!!” You giggle, pulling at your thong innocently and turning around to show Tim your behind.

“This thing’s supposed to fix your vision, so you don’t need glasses. Did it work at all?”

“Oh? I don’t know…

My glasses are so cute, why would I get rid of them?” You ask Tim, biting your finger as his musky smell makes your pussy flush.