August 10, 2021 Kern County WWII Veterans Memorial Board Meeting
- Call meeting to order: 6:40pm Ed Gaede
- Pledge of Allegiance: Ed Gaede
- Attendance: David Williams, Jacquie Sullivan, Dan Schaffer, Kathleen Schaffer, Marc Sandall, Paul Burzych, Jeff Hurley, Mayde Hurley, Walter Grainger, Justina Howell, Karen Lopeteguy
- Establish Quorum: Ed Gaede
- Motions to approve July 13, 2021 Meeting Minutes / Vote: 1st-Marc Sandall 2nd – Dan Schaffer. No Nays
- July Financial Report / Motions to Approve / Vote: See Attached. Approved: 1st Marc Sandall 2nd Dan Schaffer
- Action Items from past meetings
- New Klassen Corp. memorial rendering presentation / discussion about bench design: New rendition to discuss, add bench designs, Black granite, column image on side of rendering
- Design committee’s progress report: New emblem to include, add merchant marine, sample column shared, meet bi-weekly or at least prior, Kern County center column instead of WWII CA Column – contacted Ray Casky, CA State Vets Association
- No Federal IRS tax exempt approval yet: waiting for
- Website progress / Social Media Platforms / Go Fund Me vs Venmo: website updated on Thursday, Facebook: Marc & Mayde, Go FundMe, closes in two days if not in use. Wait for big event
- A we thank you letter / Trifold handout / Bumper Sticker: “Proud Supporter” in bumper sticker suggested to add
- The City Manager, Christian Clegg said that our memorial is on the agenda for City Council discussion / approval on Wednesday August 18, 2021 at 5:15 pm: Ed Gaede announced
- New Business
- Fundraising input: Marc Sandall proposed sub committee (Marc Sandall, Justina Howell, Tina Black, Mayde Hurley) Vote:1st Karen Lopeteguy 2nd Ed Gaede
- Donor tiers (benches, plaques, etc.) Suggestions on $25,000 for a bench / $15,000 & $10,000 plaques / $5000 & $1000 get a challenge coin: Jacquie Sullivan suggested $50,000 for bench
- Open call for new thoughts / ideas: Design Committee meeting 8/26 11am 1925 Eye St, Fundraiser committee 8/18 3pm 350 Calloway Dr
- Call for meeting to be closed / Next board meeting September 14th from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm / Reminder of future design committee meeting: Ed Gaede 8:05pm
Minutes submitted by ________________Print Name: Mayde Hurley
Approved by_______________________Print Name: