Electronic Resource Management (ERM) Advisory Group
Description and Statement of Work
Return on Investment (ROI)
Because participation in the work of ERM is optional, ROI will vary from person to person. Each member of ERM will have the opportunity to attend one or more in-person meetings per year, and can also serve on task forces.
- ERM Advisory Group Member
- ERM’s in-person meetings generally last 5-6 hours, and are designed for high engagement professional development, best practice, and peer to peer training opportunities.
- Each meeting includes time for sharing with colleagues and developing relationships, as well as times focused on specific areas of learning.
- After attending an ERM meeting, participants should be better equipped to collaborate with their PALNI ERM colleagues and better equipped for the work of Knowledgebase and License Management.
- Monthly 1 hour meetings
- 3 hours working group activities, projects, and task forces
- Access to professional development funds and training opportunities
- Direct development through leadership opportunities, skill sharing, and peer relationships
- ERM coordinates a range of activities, support and development opportunities available to all PALNI members (see below)
Goals of this Statement of Work
This statement of work defines the operational support provided by the ERM Advisory group to PALNI supported institutions. The objectives of this statement of work are to:
- Articulate clear roles and responsibilities of the ERM Advisory Group.
- Provide a concise and clear description of the operational services and support provided.
- Ensure that expected service is delivered through measurable means.
- Communicate expectations for PALNI supported institutions.
Group Charge
The Electronic Resource Management Advisory Group (ERM) coordinates maintenance, best practices, troubleshooting, and development efforts associated with the WMS Knowledgebase and License Manager products for PALNI libraries.
Specifically, ERM:
- Holds 1-2 virtual or in-person workshops per year.
- Maintains the applicable ERM services and support resources.
- Creates targeted task forces on pertinent ERM topics.
Group Membership
Anyone employed by a PALNI member school who is involved in Knowledgebase or License management in their library is automatically considered a member of the Electronic Resource Management (ERM) Advisory Group. Participation in ERM events and work is encouraged but optional.
The work of ERM is coordinated by a steering committee:
- Lisa Gonzalez - PALNI ERM Librarian
- Jerry Nugent - University of Indianapolis
- Vanessa French - Butler University
- Edward Mandity - Marian University
The steering committee can be contacted via email at lgonzalez@palni.edu
Ongoing Responsibilities of ERM
- Review the statement of work annually or as necessary to address changes in staffing, expectations, or service need.
- Perform action items, including those from the strategic plan and others that are identified.
- Actively collaborate with other PALNI groups.
Ongoing Responsibilities of the ERM Steering
- Members of the ERM steering committee spend 3 or more hours a month working on ERM activities, and are expected to serve in a ERM leadership capacity by chairing and serving on task forces, as well as planning ERM events.
- The committee coordinates the group’s ongoing activities which include:
- Advising OCLC staff on Knowledge Base and License Manager development priorities for PALNI libraries.
- Reviewing enhancement requests on the OCLC Community Center for topics related to PALNI development priorities, advocate for enhancements affecting electronic resource management and draft and submit enhancement requests as identified or brought to the group’s attention.
- Developing and promoting electronic resource management best practices.
Ongoing Local Responsibilities
- ERM’s resources and support are developed specifically for staff at PALNI member libraries. Institutions are responsible for implementing tools and services at a local level.
- ERM provides the PALNI board and other stakeholders with updates about activities and support requests.
For More Information
- Contact the PALNI ERM Librarian at lgonzalez@palni.edu