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Kelsey Peak Student Handbook
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School

Home of the Pathfinders 


Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School Website

Hidden Valley Address: 15410 S Harmon Day Dr, Bluffdale, UT 84065

Majestic  Address: 7430 S Redwood Rd, West Jordan, UT 84084

Main Office: 801-567-8440

Principal: Spencer Campbell 801-567-8441


Richard Lambert (A-K) 801-567-8026

Jake Nord (L-Z) 801-567-8025

Counseling Website

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to empower students in grades 7-8 to reach their full potential through personalized online learning, innovative technologies, and a supportive school community. We strive to nurture our students' intellectual curiosity, creativity, and character to prepare them for high school, college, and beyond.

2023-2024 Bell Schedules

Friday bell schedule is subject to change



WELCOME        2

VISION        2

MISSION        2






CHECK IN/OUT        4

GRADING        4



CALENDARS        6

















Welcome to Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School. The administration and faculty at Kelsey Peak believe that an important part of being a successful middle school is helping our students make smooth transitions between elementary school and high school. Organization is a key component to that successful transition. If classroom practices and expectations can be aligned school-wide, our students will be more organized and confident. To streamline this organizational process, the faculty and administration at Kelsey Peak Middle School will support the following school-wide behavior expectations in our “ traits” or “manifestos” or “precepts”.

K- Kind in all situations                                                      

E- Engage in Learning

L- Lead through example

S - Serve always

E - Explore all possibilities

Y - Yearn for growth  

Students are expected to exhibit these traits in all school interactions, both online and in-person, including virtual meetings, break-out rooms, discussion boards, gyms, cafeterias, hallways, auditoriums, library, restrooms, computer labs, and buses. Consequences for positive and negative behaviors are:



Self-respect and self-discipline

Visual or verbal correction

A kind word and a winning smile

Removed from situation

Class and school-wide incentives

Parent contact

Positive note home

Referral to an administrator

Kelsey Peak Swag

Detention, in school suspension, or out of school suspension


To be the premier virtual middle school in Utah, providing an engaging, supportive, and inspirational learning environment where every student can thrive academically and socially.


Our mission is to empower students in grades 7-8 to reach their full potential through personalized online learning, innovative technologies, and a supportive school community. We strive to nurture our students' intellectual curiosity, creativity, and character to prepare them for high school, college, and beyond.


School-Wide Grading Policy: We use standards-based mastery grading. Grades will be determined on achievement toward mastery of the standards. Student behaviors (effort, participation, adherence to class rules, etc.) will not be used to determine grades. This means that citizenship grades will carry more weight and will be used in a more defined and systematic manner. Academic grades won’t take into consideration anything that isn’t directly related to the core curriculum and student demonstrations of mastery - or progress towards mastery - based on those standards. Performance classes such as physical education, art, music, dance, and theater have performance goals in their core, thus their grades will also reflect performance and participation standards within their core curriculum. Students will receive mastery level points when they achieve mastery level performance.

Skyward: Parents, please check Skyward regularly. Grades will be updated weekly. To access Skyward, go to and click on Gradebook, or go to and click on Parents and Students, then Family Access (Skyward), and then choose your web browser access.

Standards-Based Grading: Kelsey Peak Middle School has transitioned to a standards-based grading model. Students are assessed based upon mastery of a standard or objective being taught. A “4, 3, 2, 1” scale is used to identify the level of mastery a student has achieved on a particular standard or objective as follows:



The student is proficient and demonstrates an advanced application of concepts, skills and/or processes of the standard(s).


Proficient (Meets Standard)

The student consistently demonstrates an understanding of concepts, skills, and/or processes of the standard(s).



The student demonstrates some understanding of concepts, skills, and/or processes of the standard(s) but lacks proficiency in key areas.



The student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of concepts, skills, and/or processes of the standard(s), and requires support to complete key tasks.

In the event a student does not demonstrate mastery of a concept via an assessment, the student is welcome to retake an assessment as long as the student completes assigned learning tasks designed to help them understand and develop proficiency on the learning objective for the standard. Assessments will make up 80% of an academic grade and will reflect the student’s level of mastery on particular standards and/or objectives. Academic practice will make up the remaining 20% of an academic grade.

Letter grades will be determined on the following basis:

        A = 4 - 3.5 - Advanced

        B = 3.49 - 2.8 - Proficient (Meets Standard)

        C = 2.79 - 2 - Approaching

        D = 1.99 - 1 - Beginning

        F = .99 - 0 - No evidence of learning/mastery

School-Wide Late Work Policy: 

School-Wide Make-Up Work Policy:



School Counselors: Jake Nord & Chandra Walker

Administrative Assistant Kimberly Navratil (Links to Email)  

Registrars: Allison Arsenault  (Links to Email)

Teachers: Staff Directory (Links to School Website)

PTSA  Link to School Website

SCC   Link to School Website

Students: Canvas Log in.

Kings Peak High School

Principal: Ammon Wiemers

Kelsey Peak Middle School

Principal: Spencer Campbell

Rocky Peak Elementary School

Principal: Ross Menlove


Synchronous Learning: Students will have opportunities to learn at the same time the teacher is instructing. This will be on a schedule and will be recorded for students to watch later. If students are able to attend live, they should. If they are not able to attend live, they should watch the recording later. In each course, students will have at least 2 scheduled synchronous learning sessions of 15-30 minutes each. Teachers will also be available during “office hours” or “drop ins” to answer questions for students.

Asynchronous Learning: Students will have opportunities to learn on their own time independently. This will take the form of completing assigned readings, writing assignments, and projects. Students should expect to spend at least 3 hours on asynchronous learning each week in every course.

In-person Learning: To enhance the virtual learning experience, students will have opportunities to attend in-person supplemental learning sessions on Campus. This may include studio or lab time, small and large group activities, and individual sessions with instructors. Students may also arrange group study times to work with their peers in-person.


Students will be considered “virtually present” if they meet a minimum criteria for participation at least once per instructional week. There are a variety of measures that may be used to determine if a student participated online, virtual at-home, blended or competency-based learning including, but not limited to:

1) evidence that validates student learning,

2) evidence that validates student participation,

3) evidence that validates student communication, or

4) duration/frequency minimums for student participation.

Students who have failed to meet the minimum criteria for “virtually present” will be marked as absent for the entire week. Attendance will be taken each week on Fridays.

AA432 – Student Attendance and Teacher Disclosure Statements

    Utah Compulsory Attendance Law 53G-6-202

Attendance Policy Goals: The Kelsey Peak Middle School attendance policy will help students achieve success in their courses as well as accomplish the following goals:

Attendance Responsibilities:

The Role of the School and Administration

The Role of the Attendance Office

The Role of the Teacher

The Role of the Student

The Role of the Parent

Check-In and Check-Out Policy: Any student coming to school during the first 10 minutes will go directly to their first period class. Any student coming to school after the first 10 minutes should go to the attendance office to check in. A parent note to check in will not be needed. *PLEASE NOTE our check-in, checkout and absence excusal procedures have changed. You may find tutorials on these procedures by clicking on the following links:

Educational Leave: Students may apply for up to 10 days of educational leave per school year. Students will obtain a leave form in the attendance office and complete and return the form before leaving on vacation.

Home and Hospital: When a doctor writes an order for a student to be out of school for over 10 school days, a parent or guardian needs to contact the Counseling Center to arrange for Home and Hospital teaching services. The doctor note must be provided to the Counseling Center before Home and Hospital instruction can begin.

Truancy Policy and Guidelines for Excessive Absenteeism:  Add Updated Polciy.

Withdrawal From School: When students move outside the state of Utah, they need to withdraw from Kelsey Peak. This process includes obtaining a withdrawal sheet from the attendance office, receiving clearance from each teacher, returning Chromebook and all textbooks, and paying fines/fees. Failure to complete all of these steps may result in delay or denial of academic credit.

Tardy Policy?


Students who are more engaged in their courses tend to be more successful academically. Students are expected to be actively engaged in every course every week. Teachers will evaluate students' engagement each week using multiple measures of student engagement. The four(4) areas of engagement which will be evaluated each week are listed below.

Course Access

Student Submissions

Student-Teacher Communication

Attendance at Live Sessions


We encourage students to work on campus as often as they are able. When students come to work on campus, they will need to check in when they arrive and check out when they leave. Parents will


Link to Middle School Philosophy from all schools

Link to Grading Draft.

All courses will use a common grade scale and category weighting.


Assignments in courses are meant for students to complete as they learn concepts and develop skills. Completing assignments in a timely manner will ensure students are on track for successful completion of courses. Assignments will make up 20% of the course grade.


Assessments will be used for students to demonstrate what they have learned. Assessments will make up 80% of the course grade.

Final Exams

Each course will have a final exam each quarter which will be part of the assessment category.

Letter Grade Scale

Letter Grade        High Percent        Low Percent

A        100 %                to 92.5%

A-        < 92.5 %        to 89.5%

B+        < 89.5 %        to 86.5%

B        < 86.5 %        to 83.5%

B-        < 83.5 %        to 79.5%

C+        < 79.5 %        to 76.5%

C        < 76.5 %        to 73.5%

C-        < 73.5 %        to 69.5%

D+        < 69.5 %        to 66.5%

D        < 66.5 %        to 63.5%

D-        < 63.5 %        to 59.5%

F        < 59.5 %        to 00.0%


Assignments and assessments will utilize rubrics which will define the success criteria. Teachers will evaluate student work using a 1-4 scale.


Students should communicate with their teachers regularly to get answers to questions and to increase understanding of academic concepts. Teachers will be the first contact for student support, and should be willing to help. Teachers should respond as quickly as possible to parent and student communications. Typically, teachers will be able to respond by the end of the next school day. Teachers, parents, and students have a responsibility to maintain a high level of civility in all communications.


Jordan School District Middle School

Kelsey Peak Yearly Calendar    

Portrait | Landscape

ICAL Format | Public


There will be two scheduled opportunities for parents and teachers to meet. These will occur once in the fall and once in the spring. In addition to these two scheduled parent-teacher conferences, we encourage parents and teachers to build positive working relationships to meet the academic goals for students throughout the year. To do this, we encourage parents and teachers to communicate frequently. Parents should not feel they need to wait until parent-teacher conferences to discuss the needs of their students. Teachers are available to schedule individual conferences throughout the year using Zoom.

Fall Parent Teacher Conferences Sep 27 and 28  

Spring Parent Teacher Conferences  Feb 13 and 15


Only students who are currently enrolled in courses will be permitted to work on campus. Young children should not be brought to campus by their older siblings to work on campus. All visitors should check in at the office.




Returning Students:

Enrollment After the Start of the School Year or Semester:

Concurrent Enrollment in a College or University:

Early Graduation Protocol:

Withdrawal from Jordan Virtual Learning Academy:

Course Registration:

Class Schedule Changes:


Several technology tools will be utilized to create the learning technology ecosystem. Below is a brief description of the technologies that will be common in all courses. Student will need to become fluent in the use of each.  Add Tutorials


Canvas is the official learning management system for the school. All instruction and submission of assignments or quizzes should be completed using Canvas.


Skyward is the student information system. All official records including grades will be kept and communicated through Skyward.

Google Tools

Students will use Google Tools in all of their courses. This includes their student email address and Drive.


Nearpod is an interactive presentation tool that will be used within Canvas.


Zoom will be used for video conferencing.


Teachers may use YouTube to upload their original instructional videos. Additionally, they may make use of content that has already been created. YouTube is a valuable resource for teachers to find instructional content. Teachers will only select content that is appropriate for the course. Students will need to have access to Youtube to complete many assignments.

Copy Leaks

Copy Leaks is an originality and Artificial Intelligence use detection software. This is used to ensure that the work students submit is original.


Proctorio is a remote proctoring tool. This tool will be used to help maintain a secure testing environment.


Services for Students with Disabilities:



Health Plans


We strongly encourage families to get together for events, trips, study sessions, and other activities. The activities have educational and/or social benefits for students.

Field trips: 

Service Learning service project


School Goal: 

Student Goal: 

Faculty, Administrators, Staff, Parent Organization and Board Members: 

Process: Learning Coaches 

School Counselor 


The Administration shall take appropriate disciplinary action when students engage in activities which disrupt the educational environment, threaten or harm persons or property, or disrupt school activities.

Everyone has the right to learn in a positive and safe environment.  This includes not just physical safety, but emotional/mental safety as well.  Elk Ridge strictly follows the policies of Jordan School District.  If you have questions or objections, come have a discussion with an administrator.  Most important to you are the following:

This section will give you a brief explanation of these policies.  You can find the complete policy on the JSD website:

Consequences for policy violations may include, but are not limited to:

  • reprimand and/or counsel
  • parent conference
  • character reflection journal
  • reading assignments
  • lunch detention
  • in-school suspension
  • out-of-school suspension
  • restitution
  • behavior contract
  • district-level hearing
  • guidance counseling
  • attendance of a course at the Jordan Family Education Center
  • referral to South Jordan Police

AS90 Illegal Substances

Illegal substances (e.g., e-cigs tobacco, alcohol, marijuana) are illegal for you to have, use, or distribute anytime, anywhere on campus.  You will receive consequences as outlined in the policy and a referral to South Jordan Police.

AS67 Discipline of Students

This is the “Safe Schools” policy.  It requires administration to hold students accountable for their actions when they behave in unsafe and disruptive ways.  Many behaviors are defined and regulated in the policy.  At Elk Ridge, we particularly emphasize the following…

1. Disruption of Class or Insubordination of Faculty/Staff   Always follow school expectations (use the Safe, Kind, Responsible matrix). You are disruptive and insubordinate when you refuse to follow rules and refuse safe and reasonable requests from an adult.

2. Abusive Language  Keep it clean and G-rated.  You may not use language that is offensive to the general population.  This includes swearing, put-downs of any nature, lewd innuendos, and derogatory comments. You cannot excuse insults by saying “just kidding” afterwards.

3. Fighting   Physical combat is NEVER allowed at school.  Most times at Elk Ridge, ‘fighting’ is rough-housing gone too far and someone gets injured.  However, when there is angry conflict, we teach you to get help before it turns violent.  There is a minimum “cool-down” two-day out-of-school suspension for both participants.  There are also consequences if you are instigating, watching, or recording a fight.

4. Vandalism   Vandalism is purposefully damaging property that is not yours.  Restitution is often a consequence of vandalism, as well as a referral to South Jordan Police.

AS98 Bullying and Cyber-bullying

This policy defines elements of bullying, prohibits bullying, and gives guidelines for discipline.  Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

  1. Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength.  You are being bullied when you are exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students.  Bullying can be physical, verbal, non-verbal (body language), or emotional.
  2. Cyber-bullying is bullying that is sent via internet, cell-phone, or other electronic devices.  It can be a text, image, or video that is sent with the intent or knowledge that the post will hurt, embarrass, or threaten someone.  It doesn’t matter if the post is sent directly to the intended victim or if s/he consented to the conduct.  Best advice? Don’t do it.
  3. Harassment is when you repeatedly communicate to another person statements that contribute to a hostile working or learning environment.  It is demeaning and disparaging, not to mention illegal.
  4. Retaliation is ‘getting back’ at someone who has reported something against you.  It includes intimidation – trying to influence the investigation of, or the response to, a report of inappropriate behavior.

Bullying, harassment, and retaliation are immediately investigated by the administration, and sometimes the police.  We can’t investigate what we don’t know, so always report bullying.  You can do it anonymously via the SafeUT app (free) or tell an adult - parent, teacher, hall monitor, counselor, administrator, etc...  We want to help you!  Do not confront the other person.  This usually leads to more serious problems.


Students shall dress in a manner that shows respect for the educational environment and is befitting the day’s activities. Students’ clothing and jewelry must not present a health or safety hazard or distraction, which would disrupt the educational mission. Disruption is defined as reactions by other individuals to the clothing or adornment, which causes the teacher/ administrator to lose the attention of the students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or to deal with student confrontations or complaints.

AA419 – Student Conduct and Dress


In all courses, students are expected to maintain the highest level of academic integrity. Students should always submit original work for every assignment. Academic dishonesty in any form, including cheating, plagiarism, collusion, or fostering the dishonesty of others, may result in disciplinary action, including failure of assignments or courses.

The software will be utilized in all courses to ensure that a high level of academic integrity is maintained in all courses. These tools include originality detection, and virtual test proctoring programs.


Because the majority of student work will be completed using the District network, it is essential that students use all electronic information resources according to the Jordan District Acceptable Use policy. It is the responsibility of every student to understand and abide by its terms and conditions. Students will be required to submit a signed Student Signature of Agreement Form each year.

AA445 – Student Information Network Acceptable Use Policy

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Jordan School District adheres to all federal, state, and local civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination in employment and education. The District does not discriminate in its educational programs or activities, admissions practices, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, age, citizenship or disability, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Jordan School District also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process.

Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies should be directed to the appropriate contact, based on the nature of the inquiry.

School Activities/ Communication/Events

Contact: School Principal


Applicant/Employee Services,

Including Title IX Employee Sex Discrimination

Contact: June LeMaster



Risk Management

Contact: Jeff Beesley



Title IX Student Sex Discrimination

Contact: Stacy Evans

Title IX Coordinator for Students

(801) 567-8325


Student 504 Referrals

Contact: Fulvia Franco



IDEA Special Education Child Find

Contact: Kim Lloyd

(801) 567-8374


The appropriate use of electronic devices, including cell phones is encouraged. Students should use electronic devices to access learning materials and to enhance learning. Any use of an electronic device that exploits personal information, disrupts the educational process, invades personal privacy or compromises the integrity of educational programs is strictly prohibited. Students in violation will be disciplined in accordance with District Policy AS67—Discipline of Students.

AA419 – Student Conduct and Dress


Collection and Release of Student Information by the School (FERPA):


Use of School Educational Materials:

Fee Schedule

Required fee:         

Optional Fees:         

Returning Chromebook:


Use of the Learning Management System (LMS):

Security and Privacy:

Use of Equipment and Installed Software:


Use of Personal Equipment and Software: