Reynolds CentralSchool Behaviour Matrix

Respect for Self

Respect for Others

Act Safely

Be     Responsible



At Reynolds School we dress, speak, and act appropriately. We are prepared for learning and give our best effort. We are considerate and have manners. We care about our school by keeping it clean and by recycling. Most of all, we are respectful of ourselves and of others.


Stay Seated while the bus is moving

Stay in your seat

Stay Seated

Keep your hands and feet to yourself

Use indoor voice

Use appropriate language Be on time

Arms/head inside

Keep belongings by your feet

Follow the drivers rules

Follow safety drill

Put garbage away

Let driver know if you’re not on the bus

Respect for bus property


Stay with your class Move quickly and

quietly so not to

disturb others’ learning Remove hats during assemblies and O


Keep hands by your


Look after own belongings

Walk to the right

Keep locker area clean

Wear inside shoes

Pick up garbage

Take care of school property

Boot Room

Put shoes on your own classroom’s rack

Move out quickly and quietly Move in one at a time

Keep hands to yourself

Keep entrance way clear

Help others if needed


Enter and leave in an orderly fashion

Arrive on time

Sit so others’ can see

Keep your hands to yourself Use the washroom and get a drink before the assembly

Keep the aisles

Active listening



Wash hands with soap

Respect others’ privacy

Use the washroom during scheduled transitions

Flush toilets

Use the washroom


Keep washroom clean

Pick up litter


Be an active learner

Give my best effort

Dress, speak and act appropriately

Take risks in learning Be Prepared

Be an active listener

Be on Time

Keep hands and feet to


Respond respectfully

Follow directions

Use appropriate language Encourage others to do their best

Inside shoes will be worn at all times

Bring necessary materials

Respect others’ efforts and


Listen carefully

Ask questions


Be on task

Respect school property

Recycle and keep classroom containers clean

Clean up after yourself


Lunch Room

Eat in a seat

Stay seated during

lunch period

Eat only your lunch

follow dismissal routine

Visit Quietly with your neighbour Clean up after yourself

Electronic devices should be kept in locker


Work Spaces

Work quietly

Respect other

students’ learning

Remember many

groups can share the same workspace.

Clean up

Photocopier workroom is for adults only

Gymnasium requires adult supervision if used

Access appropriate sites

Respect equipment

Keep area tidy

Refer to poster to how area

should be left.

Digital Tools

Access proper sites

Use equipment properly

Safeguard your personal account

Be a good digital citizen

Ensure that your laptop/iPad is returned to the correct spot in the correct cart and plugged in. No Food or drink around digital tools

Carry devices with two hands Walk when transporting devices Keep devices off the floor.

Laptops should be used on a flat work surface.


Work quietly

Follow library expectations. Use the shelf sticks, return the books to the return bin

Respect the furniture

Care for books

Clean up after yourself

Return books on time


Dress for the weather. Respect equipment

and space.

Play Safe and Fair.

Demonstrate good


Listen and respond to Bells. Use appropriate language Respect personal space.

Include others in games

when the bell rings, line up with your class

Use the correct door

Please swing safely

Be Positive with classmates

Be polite and kind

Be aware and help others

Use equipment appropriately Pick up litter

Place litter in garbage cans

Change shoes when entering school.

Return equipment to bin.

Students are responsible for their personal objects

Use electronic devices at

appropriate times.