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GR SUMMER ARTS 2020 - Class Offerings
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JULY 6-24

Classes offered for ages 6 and up

Weekdays - morning, afternoon and full day sessions available

GR Summer Arts is proud to offer a wide variety of
Visual Art, Music and Theatre classes for students,
In-person and in Virtual Classes at
beautiful Freeman Gardens in Glen Ridge, NJ.

Please join us this summer to Make Art Together at GR Summer Arts.

Visual Art Classes

Location - All Visual Arts Classes will be held In-person at Freeman Gardens (Glen Ridge, NJ)

ARTS EXPLORATION, Ages 6 to 10 (9am-12pm)

Instructors - Evan Fredriksen and Olivia Fredriksen

Class description

In this 3-hour session, students will experience many different forms of Visual art, as seen through the natural beauty of the garden.  The class will be broken up into multiple parts, exploring different spaces of the garden and different art media throughout the week, culminating in an outdoor Art Show.  For students taking multiple weeks of camp, class content will be varied to meet student interest.


$450      1 week

$850      2 weeks (425 per week)

$1200    3 weeks (400 per week)

Art Supply fee *

$50 per student for 1 week

$75 per student for 2-3 weeks of classes

*At the end of camp, students will keep art supplies used.


The Art Supply Fee will provide students with their own set of supplies that only they will use.  Teachers will have their own supplies, and due to State guidelines, absolutely no sharing can be allowed - between teacher and student or student to student.  

Parents will need to supply a large blanket (or old bed sheet), to use as a work space.  This blanket will either be placed on the ground or on a table and only the student will come in contact with the blanket.  This blanket will likely become an art project, too, so please plan on recycling an old bed sheet or blanket.

Other recommended supplies

Students should bring a snack and drink, in their own cooler, that they will keep with them.

VISUAL ART CLASSES for Ages 11 and up
Instructors - Evan Fredriksen and Olivia Fredriksen

Morning session 9am-12pm
Afternoon session 1-4pm
Full day 9am-4pm

Parents can choose between a morning session, an afternoon session or both!

Morning Session (9 - 12pm)

DESIGNING WITH COLOR, Instructor - Olivia Fredriksen (9-10:30am)

In this class students will explore color theory and learn basic graphic design principles. This course is perfect for learning how to train your eye to paint with color! Projects will include designing your own cookbook and / or creating a pop art inspired self portrait.

EXPLORATIONS ON PAPER, Instructor - Evan Fredriksen (10:30-12pm)

Students will create artwork with colored pencil but may also work with any media they choose, including collage, paint, and marker. Students can explore art styles of their choice including Landscapes, Portraits, Comics, and Abstract compositions.

Afternoon Session (1 - 4pm)

DRAWING FOUNDATIONS, Instructor, Evan Fredriksen (1-2:30pm)

Build drawing skills and train the eye. Students will work on still life drawings of fruits and vegetables, home objects, and landscapes. Develop a set of practices that will be useful in all future art projects.

OUTDOOR SCULPTURE, Instructor, Evan Fredriksen (2:30-4pm)

Create site-specific projects with found objects. Projects include homemade frames, wildflower pots, and miniature houses in the woods.

Students choosing the FULL DAY option can either go home for a 1-hour lunch (with permission)
or can stay at Freeman Gardens for a supervised lunch break.


Half day (either 9am-12pm or 1-4pm)

$450      1 week

$850      2 weeks (425 per week)

$1200    3 weeks (400 per week)

Full day (9-4pm) includes a 1 hour lunch break, either supervised at the garden or, with permission, to go home.

$900      1 week

$1650    2 weeks (825 per week)

$2250    3 weeks (750 per week)

Art supplies fee (collected with tuition) *

$50 per student if taking 1 session (AM or PM) per week

$75 per student if taking FULL DAY per week

Up to an additional $25 may be collected by the teacher for students taking classes for multiple weeks.  This additional fee, if necessary, will not be collected with tuition, but will be paid directly to the teacher.

*At the end of camp, students will keep art supplies used.


The Art Supply Fee will provide students with their own set of supplies that only they will use.  Teachers will have their own supplies, and due to State guidelines, absolutely no sharing can be allowed - between teacher and student or student to student.

Parents will need to supply a large blanket (or old bed sheet), to use as a work space.  This blanket will either be placed on the ground or on a table and only the student will come in contact with the blanket.  This blanket will likely become an art project, too, so please plan on recycling an old bed sheet or blanket.

Other recommended supplies

Students should bring a snack and drink, in their own cooler, that they will keep with them.

Safety Protocols for All In-person Classes

First and foremost, GRSA has the health and safety of all students and staff as our top priority.  GRSA will be following all the latest CDC health guidelines to best protect our students and staff.  In addition, class sizes are being kept to 8-10 students to help ensure that proper social distancing can be maintained.  

All students will be asked to wear face masks during group instructional time, but will remain on their blankets to maintain social distancing.  After group instruction is over, students will move further apart to work.  Instructors will circulate throughout the space, working with students one-on-one.  Students and teachers will wear face masks when they are closer than 6 feet apart.

In addition, all NJ State Guidelines will be strictly adhered to, including daily temperature checks of all students and staff; frequent hand washing; and the use of hand sanitizer / face masks.  Students are asked to provide their own face masks and personal hand sanitizer, but there will always be both on hand just in case.

In the case of inclement weather, virtual lessons will be made available.


ARTS EXPLORATION, Ages 6 to 10 (9am-12pm)

Instructors - Dana Rizzo and Nicole Garamella

Students can choose from Vocal Music exploration, Theatre Exploration and Beginning piano.  
Classes held from the comfort of your home.  Parent involvement is encouraged but not required.  Students may focus on one category, or mix and match!


$400      1 week

$750      2 weeks (375 per week)

$1050    3 weeks (350 per week)

Materials will be provided by the instructor, unless otherwise noted.  If the camper is taking a class for multiple weeks, the instructor may ask for that additional material be provided by the parent.

Theatre exploration

Week to week, students will explore all the different aspects of the theatre world, including improvisation, theatre games and writing your own scripts!

Introduction to Dialogue

Students will learn how to identify and utilize different dialects for the stage and screen. Dialects include Standard British, Cockney British, Irish, Scottish, Southern American, New York American, and French. Students will then apply techniques to different texts including scripts and books. Class will culminate in voice over recordings utilizing different dialects. Group and private instruction included.  

Introduction to Song Interpretation

Students will learn vocal technique and learn interperent lyrics and perform songs with emotional range. Throughout the course, students will choose their own material and begin to create a portfolio of songs. This is a hybrid class will focus on both textual analysis of lyrics and how to apply that analysis to performance.

Beginning Piano

Students will be introduced to beginning keyboarding skills, rhythmic and pitch notation.  If students have previous experience or if they are starting from square one, the teacher will tailor-make the learning environment to each student.

Vocal Music Exploration

Week to week, students will move through the following musical themes throughout the 3 weeks of camp:

Safari Sounds - Students will explore music by singing and moving to age-appropriate songs about animals and their habitats. Discover relationships between the animals that surround us and musical sounds and instruments. Students will learn to identify musical elements such as rhythm, dynamics, tempo, form, timbre, note reading, and more!

Rockin’ Roadtrip - Students will explore music by singing and moving to age-appropriate songs with an adventure theme. Travel through America and visit the Wild West, ride a train, tour New York, and swim in the ocean, just to name a few. Students will learn to identify musical elements such as rhythm, dynamics, tempo, form, timbre, note reading, and more!

Movie Melodies - Students will explore music by singing and moving to age-appropriate songs from the movies. Engage with your favorite movie characters and stories through new games, dances, and activities. Students will learn to identify musical elements such as rhythm, dynamics, tempo, form, timbre, note reading, and more!

Ages 8 and up (9 - 12pm)


Students will choose 3 classes, from a list that includes Theatre, Instrumental music and Vocal music.  Students may focus on one category, or mix and match!  Classes are being kept small to ensure that each child gets a personalized camp experience.


$400      1 week

$750      2 weeks (375 per week)

$1050    3 weeks (350 per week)

Materials will be provided by the instructor, unless otherwise noted.  If the camper is taking a class for multiple weeks, the instructor may ask for that additional material be provided by the parent.



Instructor, Nicole Garamella

Class description

Students will learn how to identify and utilize different dialects for the stage and screen. Dialects include Standard British, Cockney British, Irish, Scottish, Southern American, New York American, and French. Students will then apply techniques to different texts including scripts and books. Class will culminate in voice over recordings utilizing different dialects. Group and private instruction included.  


Instructor, Nicole Garamella

Class description

Students will learn vocal technique and learn interperent lyrics and perform songs with emotional range. Throughout the course, students will choose their own material and begin to create a portfolio of songs. This is a hybrid class that will focus on both textual analysis of lyrics and how to apply that analysis to performance.


Instructor, Nicole Garamella

Ages 10 and up (recommended)

Class description

Students will learn to choose audition monologues and perform them. Class includes textual analysis of different scripts and monologues, and then will focus on the performance techniques used to nail an audition. Students will also gain a portfolio of material, and learn how to type themselves for roles.


Group lessons for Woodwinds and Brass

Instructors        Erin English - Woodwinds & David Iacs, Brass

Class description

Instrumental classes are taught at the introductory to advanced level.  They are appropriate for beginners as well as students who have played for several years. Fundamental skills like sound production, reading musical notation and rhythms, music theory, and instrument maintenance are covered in these classes.

Materials: Instrument, pad/pencil

Group lessons for Percussion

Instructor, Steve DeLuca - Snare drum / drum set

Class description

Ask any musician and they will tell you, the drummer IS the leader of the band. So, how do you become the leader? Drum set lessons will concentrate on strong groove and time playing in various styles. More advanced players can also concentrate on technique, independence between your hands and feet, and how to incorporate phrasing and fills.into your playing. Since the snare drum is the foundation of solid drum set technique, the fundamental patterns known as the rudiments and snare drum reading will also be covered.

Materials:  Lessons for beginners are also offered, in which case you only need a pair of sticks, a practice pad, and a manuscript book!

Small group Vocal lessons

Instructor, Steve DeLuca

Class description

Do you like to sing but find you only do it when you're by yourself? Vocal lessons will concentrate on becoming comfortable and gaining confidence with your voice. Students will be encouraged to select the songs they wish to work on as well as working on established repertoire. Various techniques and vocal harmonization will also be covered. The nice thing about singing is that you always have your voice with you! Perhaps you will need a manuscript book, but all you really need is... you.


Instructor, various GRSA music staff

Class description

Students will cover the basics of reading music, including rhythms and pitch notation.  They will cover both melody and harmony, learning chord structure and how to harmonize simple melodies.

Recommended for any students taking Instrumental or Vocal music lessons.

SONGWRITING / MUSIC THEORY (vocal and instrumentalists)

Instructor, Steve DeLuca

Class description

Did you ever wonder how The Beatles, Stevie Wonder, or Lady Gaga do it? How do you write a song? This class will engage you in a brief history of songwriting, particularly as it applies to American Popular Song; from the Blues and Tin Pan Alley, through groups like The Beatles and modern songwriters. Musical elements such as melody, harmony, and chord progressions will be covered, as well as the sometimes elusive concept of how lyrics work with the music. Our work will culminate in you writing your own song! Students will need a manuscript book, but after that, you really just need your creativity and imagination.


Instructor, Paul Bryne and Yves Obadia

Class description

Students will learn how to hit the ground running with the guitar.  Elements include how to tune the instrument, proper posture and hand position, guidance on approaches to practice, warm up exercises and an overview of techniques involved. Songs will include current popular music.

Materials: Guitar, manuscript book & pencil; tuner (optional)


Instructor, Paul Bryne and Yves Obadia

Class description

Students will learn the major and major/minor pentatonic scale and strategies for how to use these scales in 3 important song types: Major Key, Minor Key and the Blues.  The elements of what makes an effective solo will be covered, using examples of popular songs.  Materials: Guitar, manuscript book & pencil; tuner (optional)

Prerequisites - Students should have a working knowledge of standard major, minor and dominant 7th chord voicings in the 1st position.


Instructor, Paul Bryne

Class description

Students will learn to improvise on a blues song, developing a vocabulary for improvisation in much the same way that we learn language.  Topics of discussion will include consonance/dissonance, identifying chord tones, developing melodic themes, rhythm and ear training.  This class is recommended for any woodwind or brass instrument, as well as guitar or bass.  Materials: Melodic instrument, manuscript book and pencil


Students should have a working knowledge of their instrument, including the ability to play major, minor and chromatic scales.


Instructor, Paul Bryne

Class description

Students will learn how to hit the ground running with the ukulele.  Elements include how to tune the instrument, proper posture and hand position, guidance on approaches to practice, warm up exercises and an overview of techniques involved. Songs will include current popular music.

Materials: Ukulele, manuscript book, pencil


Instructor, Billy Smolen

Class description

Learn the history, composition techniques, and incredible technology behind your favorite games. Students will be able to play games, learn music theory, and compose video game themes using online collaborative software, all from the comfort of their homes!


Instructor, Billy Smolen

Class description

Follow America’s favorite music on an interactive journey from African American folk traditions to the arena  powerhouses of today. In this course, students will learn, listen, and engage with the roots of Rock and Roll and how it has influenced nearly every aspect of modern music.


Students will choose 3 classes, from a list that includes Theatre, Instrumental music and Vocal music.  Students may focus on one category, or mix and match!  Classes are being kept small to ensure that each child gets a personalized camp experience.


$400      1 week

$750      2 weeks (375 per week)

$1050    3 weeks (350 per week)

Materials will be provided by the instructor, unless otherwise noted.  If the camper is taking a class for multiple weeks, the instructor may ask for that additional material be provided by the parent.


Students can take a private lesson once a week, either for 45 minutes or 60 minutes.  Lesson times are flexible and can take place during the day, evening or weekends, at a convenient time for both teacher and student.  Lessons are intended to be completed in consecutive weeks during the months of summer vacation.

All woodwinds (flute, oboe/bassoon, clarinet and saxophone)

All brass (trumpet, F horn, trombone, baritone horn/euphonium and tuba)

Percussion (snare drum and drum set)

Guitar or Bass guitar


Younger Students (suggested ages 8-10)

45 minute lessons

$200 - 4 weeks

$290 - 6 weeks

$380 - 8 weeks

Students will meet for one 45-minute lesson per week.  This lesson structure is intended for students who are able to practice independently between weekly lessons.  Lessons will be tailored to each student’s individual interests.

Older Students (suggested ages 11 and up)

60 minute lessons


$260 - 4 weeks

$380 - 6 weeks

$500 - 8 weeks

Students will meet for one 60-minute lesson per week.  This lesson structure is intended for students who are able to practice independently between weekly lessons.  Lessons will be tailored to each student’s individual interests.



Paul Byrne

Classes - Guitar / Ukulele classes, Improvisation and Private Guitar Instruction

Bio - Paul Byrne is a native New Jersyian from Montclair. He got his first guitar in grammar school and has been hooked ever since. Paul studied classical guitar at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut with the dream of turning his passion into his career. He moved to Glen Ridge, New Jersey in the early 1990s.  Paul has dedicated his life to helping others discover their passion for music, teaching people ranging in ages between 5 and 75 years old. Paul teaches guitar, ukulele, and bass and has plenty of recommendations for other music teachers in the area. Besides teaching, Paul has an active performing life and runs his own high tech recording studio.  Paul has been on the faculty of GRSA for over 10 years.

Erin English

Classes - Small group Woodwinds Class and Private Woodwind Instruction

Bio - Erin English has a bachelor of music education degree from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University. She has been teaching both general and instrumental music in public school since 2002, as well as private lessons. She currently teaches elementary school instrumental, middle school jazz band, and high school marching band in Long Valley, New Jersey, where she has been teaching since 2006.  Erin has been on staff at Glen Ridge Summer Music Academy since 2015.

Steve DeLuca

Classes - Small group Vocal Music, Small group Percussion / Drum set class, Songwriting / Music Theory and Percussion Private Instruction

Bio - Steve DeLuca has been a professional musician and music educator for over thirty years. He has taught private drum lessons, percussion ensembles, vocal ensembles, music theory, and songwriting at The Glen Ridge Summer Music and Arts Academy for ten years. Additionally, he is the current percussion and pit instructor for the Glen Ridge Marching Band. He is the general music teacher and choir director at Maywood Avenue School in Maywood, NJ, where he has taught 4th through 8th grade for the past fifteen years. In 2010, the Maywood Board of Education bestowed upon him their Teacher of the Year award. He is currently adjunct faculty at Montclair State University, teaching the course Rock and Rap as Cultural Phenomenon. Steve is the author of several educational articles about drumming, as well as music history and philosophy, that have been published in Modern Drummer magazine and Tempo magazine, the publication of the NJMEA (New Jersey Music Educators Association) as well as presenting workshops at the 2015 and 2019 NJMEA Conferences. As a working drummer, he performs with the special event/wedding band Platinum and with various jazz groups. Steve’s private students have gone on to prestigious programs such as the Manhattan School of Music and Berklee College of Music. He has also indulged his vocal and acting chops a bit, performing the role of Caiaphas in the 2008 and 2010 NJ Theater Workshop’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Steve received his BM in jazz performance from Temple University and his MA in music education from Montclair State University. He lives in Glen Ridge with his wife and three children.

David Iacs (Iacoviello)

Classes - Small Group Brass class and Brass Private Instruction

Bio - David Iacoviello is a performer and educator living in the North Jersey area. Music has been a huge component of his life since he began playing the trumpet in 3rd grade. He received his B.M. in Music Education/Trumpet from William Paterson University in 2012. Since graduating, he has been involved in many marching band programs such as Old Bridge, West Essex, Hanover Park, Mahwah, and Wayne Valley. He has also taught in Mahwah and Kinnelon school districts as a middle school band director. Outside of teaching, David has performed in many ensembles and musicals, such as Livingston Symphony Orchestra and Brookdale Community Band. He continues to teach both privately and in school systems throughout the North Jersey area.

Yves Obadia

Classes - Guitar classes and Guitar/Bass Private Instruction

Bio - Yves Obadia graduated from Berklee College of Music in 1985 and I has worked as a guitarist in a wide range of styles, as well as a free-lance composer/arranger. He has collaborated with guitarist Scott Woody, pianist/composer Frank Amsallem and multi-instrumentalist Mino Cinelu. In recent years, Yves has concentrated mostly on teaching. Former students include award-winning recording artists such as Del Marquis (lead guitarist for "Scissor Sisters") and Kevin Lenear (of the "Mighty Mighty Bosstones"), as well as young talented Glen Ridge/Montclair and vicinity residents, some of whom are now pursuing degrees and careers in Music, and others of whom are pursuing music as a serious hobby. Yves has been teaching guitar at the RAS Discovery program and all levels of guitar and Rock Band at the Glen Ridge Summer Music & Art Academy since 2005.

Dana Rizzo

Classes - Vocal Music Exploration, Group piano class and Piano Private lesson instruction

Bio - Dana Rizzo is an elementary general music teacher in Tenafly, NJ as well as having an active private piano studio.  She graduated from Montclair State University with a Bachelor's degree in music education and an M.A.T. in music and teaching students with disabilities. While she is primarily a pianist, Ms. Rizzo also enjoys playing violin, guitar, ukulele, and singing. Ms. Rizzo has performed at a variety of venues both singing and playing piano. Some of these venues include local churches, pit orchestras, the NJPAC, coffee houses, and Italy. Ms. Rizzo is very excited to be joining the GRAA team for the first year and can't wait to make music with everyone!

Billy Smolen

Classes - History of Rock, Video Game Music and Guitar/Bass Private Instruction

Bio - Billy Smolen is a professional bassist, educator, and multi instrumentalist working in the NYC music scene. He is a graduate of the prestigious William Paterson University Jazz Studies program, earning a B.M. In Jazz Studies and Music Education. At home in near any style of music, Billy has played with everyone from Darryl McDaniels of RUN DMC, to Broadway Icon Kyle Taylor Parker (Lola, Kinky Boots). His favorite credits as a bassist include: Playing live on CBS during the PRIDE NYC 2017 parade, Kinky Boots at the legendary Ogunquit Playhouse in Maine, and the MekoRock International conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, as a featured clinician and performer. Billy maintains an active touring, performing, and teaching schedule, seeing 30+ students a week throughout the tristate area, as well as weekly gigs, residencies, and tours across the country. He has been teaching at the GRSAA since 2013.


Nicole Garamella

Classes - Theatre classes and Voice/Theatrical Private Instruction

Bio - Nicole Garamella is an actor, singer, and costume designer from Caldwell, NJ. She received her BFA in Acting from Marymount Manhattan College, where she also minored in Drama Therapy and Musical Theatre. Nicole considers herself a lifelong student of theatre and the lessons it teaches, and is currently pursuing her MA in Marriage and Family Therapy and her RDT in Drama Therapy. Since 2017, she has been the resident costume designer and dialect coach for the fall dramas at Rahway High School, and has consulted for a number of other schools in Essex and Middlesex counties. Nicole has also taught acting and voice for the Musical Theatre Conservatory of Livingston and the Storybook Theatre Arts Camp for Rahway schools, while also teaching a number of private voice students. She is a member and former president for the International Thespian Society, and participates in various performance ensembles and theatrical productions. Nicole hopes that her students will learn the joy and healing that comes from the community and collaboration of storytelling, and recognize the power and potential that theatre can create.


Evan Fredriksen

Classes - Arts Exploration, Foundations of Drawing, Outdoor Sculpture and Explorations on Paper

Bio - Evan Fredriksen is an artist and alumni of GRHS and RISD (Rhode Island School of Design).  He has been teaching at the GR Summer Arts Academy since 2015, offering a variety of classes including Comic Drawing, Still Life, Collage, Puppetry, and Painting. During the rest of the calendar year, Evan works as a video editor, animator, art handler, and gallery assistant. His favorite projects involve students observing nature and creating environments for characters to explore.

Olivia Fredriksen

Classes - Art Exploration and Designing with Color

Bio - Olivia Fredriksen is a 23 year old artist and designer who grew up in Glen Ridge.  She loves fashion design, printmaking, graphic design, painting and photography.  Olivia has been taking art classes since the age of 5 and was honored to join the GRSA faculty last summer.  She loves teaching students exciting new techniques to grow their skills within art and design and hopes that students can leave her class with a newly trained eye.