

Analysing area for improvement -

What I changed -

After assessing my previous work, and finding faults with it, I decided to recreate my contents page.

Creating the changes -

First I used my old design as a template. This is because I was happy with the basic layout, therefore I did not want to make any drastic changes. I also chose to keep the same colour scheme.  

Then I went and looked at the pictures from the photoshoot. I wanted to chose two photos which would complement each other nicely to create a strong house style. When choosing the photos I also took into consideration which pictures I had used for my front cover as well as my article page. This is because I wanted my images to be similar enough to each other

to help strike the fine balance between creating a strong house style and brand identity, by using the same style of photography. However I did not want to the photos to be too similar to each other, as this would decrease the high brow aesthetics of the magazine.

In the end I settled for these two photos.

The photo on the left I decided to use for the background image. The slight upwards tilt on the camera angle connotes a powerful and confident individual. I cropped it so that it would fit into the correct image ratio. I also used the opacity tool to change the opacity of the image, reducing it to around 28%. This made the image less eye catching and therefore more appropriate for the background.

For the image on the right, I first fixed the lighting. To do this I used the Curves adjustment tool to change the RGB balance. I increased the brightness of the shadows of her face, as well as reducing the contrast between the highlights and shadows of the image. I then cropped the image, making sure that it was the correct aspect ratio to fit nicely into my original page. I then proceeded to add the border by using the stroke option around that image. I changed the depth of the stroke to 3 pixels. I changed the colour to gold, to be in keeping with the house style. In a new layer I added the text over the top. I used the level and emboss tool to help make the text stand out. I also changed the font, so that it would be easier to read.

Lastly, I switched the locations of the two columns of text (‘Also in this issue’ and ‘Cover Stories’). I changed the font size, making the font smaller. I also made the font narrower, resulting in a more professional and cleaner look.