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N-paper-0008 by Herb Zinser

The iron atomic mass 55.85  death of
AGENT 55 --> Junior Seau

This blog post translates  obscure messages that are embedded in the newspaper article about the death of GRID-IRON football player --> Junior Seau ...player --> P    Layer --> Processing layer.


The news reporter writes headline code word --> death likely --> likely --> word analysis

--> like = li + ke --> language interface key

like + element --> li + key  + el  --> becomes code word --> likely   ...therefore likely atomic element ?


Therefore ..   the secret number code 55 of GRID_IRON player Junior Seau.



Thus we see the periodic atomic table  ..... Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family murder of  Junior Seau ..... VIA the atomic bio-chemistry chain of molecular command  ...well known to readers of Agnatha Christie novel ..the ABC murders.

The atomic table with IRON symbol Fe -->


Thus we see  the atomic table matrix GRID of rows and columns  ......

 and the atomic representative for atomic weight 55 --->

GRID-IRON football number 55 of Junior Seau.

Other atomic representatives --> vice-president Spiro Agnew for silver serving under the President of Avogadro's number N ..... that is President N (Nixon)


Above. the reference to the Pro-Bowls


Junior Seau 
. › ... › SPro‑Football‑

Jul 16, 2014 - Tiaina Baul Seau Jr. Position: ... College: USC (school history) (Seau college stats) ...

12-time Pro Bowler & 6-time First-Team All-Pro (fine print).

Thus the reference to
Pro --> Proton Bowl

and the  Paul Dirac bio-physics


All-Pro --> Tallahassee Protons.

Above article -->

Sean amassed ....56    1/2 sacks

.........a  mass.......56

Iron-56 - Wikipedia, the free

Iron-56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56. Of all nuclides, iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV ...Binding energy: 492253.892± 1.356 keV
Neutrons: 30
Isotope mass: 55.9349375 u

Isotopes of iron - Wikipedia, the free

Jump to
 Iron-56 - [edit]. Main article: Iron-56. The isotope 56Fe is the isotope with the lowest mass per nucleon, 930.412 MeV/c2, though not the ...

Thus we have the atomic GRID-IRON mystery ... about the deeper levels of REALITY underlying the CAUSE and EFFECT  ....... the message EFFECT  of the Junior Seau tragic signaling EVENT.