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Updated: March 13, 2020 11:05AM

Due to the COVID-19 situation and the need to postpone events that were already booked to future dates, we have elected to suspend our holds policy. This means that until further notice, no priority holds may be placed and all current holds are subject to release in order to accommodate rescheduling of currently postponed events. We will not be honouring our typical “First Right of Refusal” process.  Should you wish to secure your current hold please contact our offices to begin the process to secure your date.  We may be reached at:

403.440.8890,, or by way of your current event specialist’s direct email or phone number.

We thank you for your continued patience and understanding.


When you express interest in a particular venue on a particular date but are not yet ready to confirm by signing a contract and paying a non-refundable deposit, then you can request a hold on the venue and date.

Holds are placed in the order that they are requested, meaning that there may be first, second, third, or even fourth holds on a particular venue on a particular date depending on how many clients have expressed interest through a hold. The First Hold holds the first right of refusal on the date; the Second Hold holds the second right of refusal on the date; and, so on.

To ensure that our calendars do not get crowded with too many holds or with holds that are held for an inordinate amount of time, you can place a hold on a maximum of four (4) dates for any venue(s) for any one event and these holds are valid for a maximum of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date they were placed.

Please Note

  1. Once holds have reached the fourteen (14) calendar day mark, they will be released without notice.

  2. If there are already four holds for a particular venue on a particular date, then you may not place a fifth hold, but you may issue an immediate challenge (see next section).


If you are not the First Hold on a date and venue that you want to book, then you can issue a challenge against the holds in front of you for that date and venue. In order to issue a challenge, we require you to pre-sign a contract agreeing to the terms of the contract should you win the challenge, including the estimate of costs and deposit terms. Once this pre-signed contract is received, then the hold directly in front of you will be asked to confirm or release the date within two (2) business days. If they confirm the date, then the pre-signed contract will not be countersigned by Mount Royal University and, therefore, no part of the contract will be executed. However, if they release the date, then the challenge will move on against the next hold in line, but if there is no other hold in front of you after a successful challenge, then the contract will be countersigned, confirming your booking! At this time, we will also request an immediate non-refundable deposit as per the deposit terms.

Confirming a First Hold

If you are the First Hold on a date and venue, then you may simply let us know that you would like to confirm the date and we will move forward on generating a contract for signature and requesting a non-refundable deposit. The date is not confirmed until a signed contract and paid deposit are received.

Please Note

Mount Royal University also reserves the right to move itself and its interests to the position of First Hold on any particular date(s) for any particular venue(s) that are not yet confirmed with a signed contract and paid non-refundable deposit, meaning that the original First Hold will then become the Second Hold; the Second Hold becomes the Third Hold; and, so on. Mount Royal University will not be held liable for any expenses incurred for this change in hold status as a hold is not a confirmation of a venue and/or date and a hold, no matter its position, does not bind Mount Royal University to any contractual terms.