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Fish and Wildlife Syllabus
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Intro to Fish and Wildlife Syllabus                

Mr. Simon Babcock                                                                                                      

Office Phone: 541-929-6456                                                     

Course Information:

Welcome to Fish and Wildlife! We will explore the relationship between humans and the wildlife in our ecosystems, including the exploration of careers, leadership, wildlife management and policy. This course is an introductory level course for the Forestry and Natural Resource program, and is a trimester long. There are a variety of opportunities to partake in the program FNRL and FFA activities, which will reinforce the course academics, build leadership capabilities and explore the scope of career and academic opportunities in our local industry.

Course Prerequisites: none 

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course students will:

Students in this course will develop skills and content knowledge aligned with the National AFNR standards, Oregon Skills Sets, Next Generation Science Standards and common core skills.

Expectations and Attendance:  



Proper clothing should be safe and might get dirty on projects. Required clothing includes:

Students will have access to a shared locker and will have time to change before and after projects. Safety equipment provided includes: safety glasses, ear plugs, hard hat and gloves. Students without proper attire will not participate in class activities, and will lose participation points for the day, along with an alternate assignment.

If you need help with supplies, attire, or getting connected with google classroom talk to your instructors!  

Course Website:


Grades will be based on a point system and weighted based on the percentages below. The majority of student’s grade is based on work ethic and in class assignments.

(Work Ethic is defined as: being prepared, on time, effective teamwork, safety, positive attitude, staying on task throughout the period, following directions, respecting equipment and general professionalism/career ready skills and proper attire.)

        Assignment Breakdown:

        Grading Scale:

A = 90 - 100%

B = 80 - 89%

C = 70 - 79%

D = 60 - 69%

Homework/Classwork Policy:

Quiz and Test Make-Up and Retake:

Make-Up Work:

Assignment Format:

All assignments should be in 12-point font, times new roman or arial, with citations and paper formatted to MLA formats. 10% will be deducted if these formats are not met for all assignments.

Classroom Policies:

This classroom is a learning community which will operate with respect for other students, staff, property and rules. The goal of this classroom is to have a fun, safe learning environment in which everyone can learn and participate freely.

Tentative Schedule:

Below is the list of topics, and a guide to note major summative assessments that will be provided over the course. At the beginning of each unit, students will write in the due dates, to be as accurate as allowed by school schedules and is up to change per instructor needs. This syllabus is the be kept in the front of the student binder to serve as a guide for classroom expectations and unit timelines.



(TBD at the beginning of each unit)


 General Safety

Safety Test *Must pass with 100% to participate in class activities

Basic Ecology

Conservation Management

Specie Management

Ecosystem Management

Watershed Management

Human Relation

Careers in FW & Natural Resources

FFA/FNRL Leadership

Final Project

We (student and parent/guardian) have read and understand the expectations, policies, guidelines and assignment load for this course. (Please complete this page with your parent/guardian and return it to your teacher as soon as possible).

Class: Intro to Fish and Wildlife

Student Name (Print) : ___________________________________  Date: _________________

Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date:___________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date:_________________

Parent/Guardian Contact Information:


        Phone Number:________________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Contact Information 2 (Optional):


        Phone Number:________________________________________________________



What is the best way to reach you? (Please circle above.)

        Identify main contact or if both should be contacted: