Year 5 Homework Planner: Autumn 2
At Broad Heath we want children to be active learners who become great thinkers, super readers and fantastic writers who are kind, considerate but most of all, are inspired to learn. By working together, we can make this school year a very positive and successful inspirational experience for both you and your child.
The children are to choose at least two activities from each row per week and complete in either their Homework book, Blog or on Education City. The homework must be returned to school by Wednesday the following week after the homework has been set. A minimum of 2 pieces of homework must be completed each week.
| Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |
Mathematics | To recall multiplication facts. Times tables activity on Education City | To complete the maths challenge. Complete the Maths Challenge on the school website (Challenges area.) | To define key maths vocabulary Write definitions for the key maths vocabulary explored until throughout the first 3 weeks (list given). | To answer questions based on our in class learning Answer the Area and perimeter questions that are on the blog. Write your answers in your book. | To answer questions based on our in class learning Answer the questions on irregular shapes that are on the blog. Write answers in your book. |
| To complete the reading challenge Complete the Reading Challenge on the school website (Challenges area.) | To use adventurous vocabulary. Write a story about a trip to a magical place. Make sure you use lots of descriptive language and dialogue. | To use persuasive vocabulary If you could get rid of anything in the world, what would it be and why? Persuade your reader with as many persuasive features as you can. (can write a paragraph or make a poster) | To create a persuasive leaflet Create your own travel brochure for Coventry. Try to persuade as many people as you can to come with all its tourist attractions. | To comprehend a text. Read the persuasive text on the blog and answer the comprehension questions. |
To locate Spain and some of the physical features. Geography Where is Spain? What can you tell me about its key Physical Features? How about its important Human Features? Create a fact file. | To understand seasonality and where and how food is grown DT Research food grown in Spanish. Explain how the weather in Spain impacts on the food grown. | To investigate thermal insulators. Science Which materials are best at keeping drinks warm? Why? How could we test? Plan in investigation. | To research the Spanish royal family History Spain has a Royal Family. What can you find out about them? What can you find out about the history of the Spanish Royal Family? Create an information text. | To research Spain’s traditional clothing. Outfit Designer Competition Design either a Flamenco dancer’s outfit or a Matador’s outfit. Challenge: Make an actual prototype of your outfit and model it! | |
PE and Swimming Kits Make sure your Swimming Kits are brought into school every Monday ready for the week ahead. Remember to wear your PE kit to school on Mondays. |
Curriculum Overview
Year 5 Autumn 2
Literacy Our Literacy units this half term will be Persuasion and Adventure Stories. Children will learn about the key features of a persuasive text and create a travel brochure for travelling to Spain, which links in with our topic: Spain. Our Guided Reading focus this half term will be on find & retrieve skills, applying prior knowledge, inference and speculation and compare and contrast skills. Each week, the children will be set a piece of homework to support their learning. The homework planner overleaf gives details about the homework tasks that your child is expected to complete each week. This homework may need to be completed in the homework books, posted on the blog or it will be available on ‘Education City’. Children will also be expected to practise their weekly spellings, read their reading book to an adult daily, complete challenges in your reading diary and contribute to our class blog. | Maths In Maths this half term we will be focusing on Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division and Area and perimeter so please practise these skills at home. If you need any help in supporting your child with this at home, e.g. you are unsure of the methods your child is learning, then please speak to your child’s class teacher who will be happy to help. Each week the children will be set a piece of homework to support the previous week’s learning. The homework planner overleaf gives details about the homework tasks that your child is expected to complete each week. This homework may need to be completed in the homework books, posted on the blog or it will be available on ‘Education City’. You will also be expected to practise your multiplication facts and number bonds at home as well as complete several calculations to help you retain the skills you are learning. Moreover, you MUST contribute to class blogs and maths challenges. We encourage all the children to use times table rockstars at home. Remember there are prizes for the highest scorers and you earn a place on the wall of fame! |
Science Our Science unit this half term is ‘Materials.’ The children will learn about different materials in our environment and further afield. The will explore different materials and the characteristics which make them unique They will explore the topic through a variety of practical investigations. Keep looking out for Science links and challenges on our class blog. | Topic Our topic this term is Spain. We will be learning about the Geography, Politics, History and culture of this fascinating country throughout this half term. The topic will conclude with a ‘Spain Day’ where all our learning will be showcased and celebrated by the children. |
Computing: Our Computing unit this half term is ‘I am an Architect.’ | |
SMSC: Our SMSC unit this half term will be ‘What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?’’ | |
DT: Our DT unit is food technology. We will be preparing a Spanish dish and creating appropriate packaging | |
Music: Children will explore Spanish music and create music along that theme. | |
PE: Our PE units this half term will be Basketball and Swimming |