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Lee Goddard

Freelance Full-stack JavaScript Developer for short-term contracts

Github: leegee  ·  StackOverflow: leegee  ·  Linked In: leegoddard

London, Somerset, Budapest, Amsterdam

+44 7719 90 00 90


University of Sussex — MSc AI: Knowledge-based Systems

Graduate Research Centre for Cognitive Science

Full scholarship from the Engineering And Physical Science Research Council

University of Sussex — BA (Hons) 2:1 English LIterature

With a special interest in Beckett, Camus, Elizabethan drama.


Companies House Search Engine: Designed and implemented using ElasticSearch to deliver powerful search capabilities.

BBC Forge: Proposed, designed, and initiated development of the corporations general development and hosting platform.

BBC Earth: Design and development of the service layer for an award-winning digital project.

Virtual Health Network/ABPI Pharmaceutical Portal: Built the first online platform for pharmaceutical registrations.

Thomson Reuters Portfolio Tracker: Developed a popular test suite for the Electron-based application, as well as adding features and improving performance.


Izel Plants Remote — Freelance Developer

September 2024 - January 2025

For a recurring client, designed and developed a vanilla Electron-based CMS to create, edit and export maps of plant species distribution in the US, including automated image-to-GeoJSON conversion.

Project Hessdalen Remote — Freelance Developer

March 2024 - August 2024

Creation of an OpenLayers, PostGIS, React/Redux-Toolkit mapping application Typescript monorepo to document UAP reports,and sensor data, testing with Playwright.

Porting an unconventional undocumented, Norwegian MS Access database..

Hopefully deploying to Vercel shortly.

Datatecnics, Remote for Manchester— Sr Developer

July 2022 - January 2024

Designed and developed a Docker/EC2-hosted application to visualize mains water pipe network use and vulnerabilities. Introduced the company to Agile, Jira.

Proximity searches,sums across boundaries, mock map data, generating various formats from GeoJSON to custom Mapbox tiles, across several data formats and projections.

Typescript monorepo with Vue3 composition API, Nest, PostGIS. Full unit tests,  e2e with Playwright

New Thinking Allowed, Remote for USA — Sr Developer

March 2020 - September 2023

Created a self-updating video portal for ingesting and searching the text of videos related to consciousness studies and matters paranormal.

Porting of the Polymer 3.0 Shop app to use PayPal, internationalization (language and currency).Search front-end in WebComponents via Stencil in Typescript.Data from YouTube and Open Library APIs. WordPress custom theme, implementation of WooCommerce Fielding user feedback and designers.

Hansen/Frontier, Remote for UK/USA — Sr Developer

June 2021 - December 2021

In a team developing a young Typescript service layer for the largest phone retailer in the US.

Express, Nest, OpenSearch, Mongo, Puppeteer

Re-wrote the main framework for speed, clarity, consistency and logging after a necessarily rushed period.

Rewind FX, St Albans & Remote— Sr Developer, Team Lead

October 2019 - March 2020

Leading a small team to create for the Dubai Expo a performant interactive Leaflet map in event-based Vanilla JSm hosted in iOS and Android webviews, and served by nginx for on-site kiosks.

Interacting with many teams in an international consortium, predicting their API design.

The interesting part was developing in JS an A*-based route-finding and navigation system, which I did in a couple of weeks as the multi-million-dollar funded partner couldn't provide one in time for demos.

Zoopla/101-Ways, London — Sr Developer

June 2019 - August 2019

Adding features and rationalizing the Perl engine, improving performance and accessibility. Added tests with Lighthouse, e2e with Cucumber.

Izel Plants, Remote for US— Freelance Developer

January 2019 - March 2019

Updating the plant distribution maps to PostGIS, wrote a stock-control app in Electron and Vanilla JS.

IceMobile, Amasterdam— Sr Developer

November 2018 - March 2019

Adding CRUD user-management to a Polymer 3.0 loyalty-points application. Rationalized a number of repositories into one, whilst adding updates to create an application suitable for white-labeling. Removed WCT. Added Mocha, Chia, Webpack.

Nike, Holland/Portland OR — Sr Temporary Worker

February 2018 - July  2019

Prototyping the new homepages: es6 React with webpack, Babel, dynamic imports, server-side rendering, SASS.Patches aiding development of their React spreadsheet code, adding 95% of the 100% test coverage.

Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt Am Main — Sr Developer

April 2017 - Sept 2017

Developing screens for parts of what they call 'the world's largest React app'.

Detecting and reporting major architectural and procedural issues, highlighting technical specifications.Implementing and enforcing corporate React best-practices.Advocating for, and implementing, stronger e2e and unit testing.

Thomson-Reuters, London — Sr Developer

January 2016 - June 2016

Developing new features for the flagship portfolio management Electron-hosted Angular/Closure app. Wrote both the e2e and unit test suites in Cucumber / Protractor, Karma / Jasmine. Aided in porting legacy components to new Polymer versions. Wrote Gulp deployment scripts.

Blismedia, Belgravia — Sr Developer

March 2015 - July 2015

Internationalization of the main business app, in Perl and React.

Companies House, Cardiff — Sr Developer

May 2014 - November 2014

Adding features, fixing bugs in the public-facing Perl/SQL system.

Set-up ElasticSearch to index and search all company information, wrote the vanilla JS search frontend. Mentored a junior developer in the same.

Reliance Mutual Insurance, Tunbridge Wells— Sr Developer

July 2012 - February 2013

Wrote the Perl and vanilla JS system for data governance required by the European Union’s Solvency II regulations.

BBC Buyers’ Guide, Remote for UK — Sr Developer

May 2011 - December 2011

Apache mod_perl, Pinwheel, DBIx:Class, TT for the Commercial User Journeys project that facilitates BBC pages linking to commercial outlets.

BBC Earth, London & Remote — Lead Developer

December 2008 - February 2010

Wrote the Java service layer, source and transformed programme and natural science data, designed and developed the DB. Spring JDBC, extended Spring 2.5 for better ReST support. Full test suite in Junit on Hudson.

Future LAB AG, Zurich & Remote — Sr Developer

February 2008 - May 2008

A Google map app to reflect data gathered by a public-facing German-language RDMS, with a variety of prototypes culminating in post-processing of Google MyMap Javascript, KML, and HTML to produce a variety of switchable map overlays, interacting with a partially-documented bespoke server-side system.

GSK, Essex — Sr Developer

February 2008 - March 2008

Automated functional e2e and unit testing of, and help in porting, the bespoke in-house drug discovery platform., London — Sr Systems Developer

March 2007 - August 2008

Ran the small team of UK developers. Wrote this Time/Warner company’s first two e2e workflow management systems in Perl, mod_perl, and vanilla JS.

BBC Radio & Music Interactive R&D, London — Sr Developer

April 2006 - January 2007

Wrote the complete Audio Annotation app. Wrote the SMS visualization app for teh Radio 1 homepage and BBC Electronic Proms.  App in Perl, C and XS to visualize wav files.Documented the state of the external dev env and wrote the specifications for the initial commissioning of what is now the BBC Forge dev env.

EU Aviation Safety Agency, Cologne— Lead Developer

June 2005 - February 2006

Design and development of internal Subversion/WebDAV/LDAP secure, auditable document storage system. Design and dev of Perl/vanilla JS web app to allow the public and industry to comment upon specific parts of proposed legislation.

BBC Digital Curriculum/”Jam”, London — Lead Developer

November 2004 - May 2005

I replaced a team of Siemens staff and created in three months the SCORM ingestion app they failed to create in two years.

ProCheckUp Ltd, London — Lead Developer

October 2003 - November 2004

Ran a small team to create a hosted version of the company’s bespoke penetration testing software. Mod_perl, Perl, vanilla JS, various Linux distros.

Polygon Kft, Budapest — Java Consultant

February 2002 - May 2002

Analysis and documentation of a bespoke Java system to provide a GUI to AS/400s, including documentation of threading issues.

Virtual Health Network/ABPI, Epsom/Remote — Lead Developer

August 2000 - August  2001

The world’s first online compendium of medicines, allowing companies to release, and doctors to prescribe, medicines up to 364 days earlier than in the days of print alone. Perl, mod_perl, vanilla JS.


FE/BE Vanilla JavaScript, TypeScript, ECMA

Node, Nest, Koa, Express etc

Vue, React (Hooks), Polymer Web Components

Various state-management libs

MySQL, Posgres, PostGIS

TDD BDD Agile, I18n & l10n

Unit testing, e2e testing (Playwright)

Jenkins, Docker, AWS/EC2

  • Formerly: Angular, Perl, Python, Java, C, Rust,XSLT, Prolog, Oracle,, Angular, Svelte, ElasticSearch
  • Soon: Ollama 3


BBC Forge initiated and co-designed the BBC’s development virtualised development  environment

BBC Wildlife Finder created the service layer, maps, and all programme content

Thomson Reuters initiated the full test suite of the flagship portfolio tracker

Virtual Health Network funded by the ABPI, created the first electronic medicines catalogue


All sorts of guitar, from flamenco to metal.

Also: oud, sitar, tar, laud, mandola, mandolin, sine keyboards, etc


Two small indie films to my name so far. Currently studying orchestral arrangement and composition.


Married for 20+ years, two children, one at University, the other at school.


Classical liberal. So long as you are not advocating violence or hatred, I will support you in whatever you have to say. Common decency and politeness are the mainstays of everyday life.


Native English,
B2 Swedish
Basic German
Elementary Hungarian
Elementary Norwegian


Born in London, lived in the South-west and South, Cologne, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, and Budapest; also worked in Zurich,, briefly in Oregon, and remotely for clients in Singapore and Russia. It’s good to travel.


Ollama, Svelte, Beer CSS, contemporary Iceland classical music, baritone guitar, 8dio Majestica, and still playing with the Web MIDI API

Personal Projects 2024-2025

Using AI to improve productivity five fold by managing it as if it were a human team: small, logically- and semantically-intact code blocks and a clear project plan.

 React app and dot net app to allow a mobile device to act as a remote control for programs running on a PC.

React/Jotai WebMIDI app to create live textures from MIDI input, a la Foundation.

Python app to classify and search one-shot wav files using FFT and DBSCAN.

Svelte app to create subtitles/Cubase timelines

Soundtrack for independent films
The Courie and The Tunnel..