Published using Google Docs
Gamer Goo
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“This is a one time thing, everyone!” You announce to your ten live viewers, “In the next two minutes, the biggest donor to my stream gets to custom program a flavored Gamer Goo body for me!

I picked out peppermint, cuz I’m a big mint guy. I’m not really sure how that’ll affect the transformation, but I figured those of you with programming skills would want to know…”

You trail off as you begin the timer, playing your video game as pennies roll in as donations. You’d hoped allowing someone to transform you into a woman would bring a bit more money, but it doesn’t seem like your viewers believe you’re actually gonna take the Gamer Goo…

“One minute left! Highest bid is one dollar, does nobody here know how to program??” You laugh sheepishly, internally debating whether you even would take the Gamer Goo live on camera if it’s for just a few bucks.

You wait for a miracle in the last few seconds, but no wealthy donors swoop in. Ultimately you decide not to go back on your word, jokingly begging for mercy as you hook the Gamer Goo into its usb hub. You send the Peppermint encryption code over to the top donor, and wait for him to respond.

‘I’m not much of a programmer, just a fan :)’

You smile at the kind message, and unload the Gamer Goo once it’s programmed. You hadn’t really thought about what the transformation would feel like, but instantly blacking out was something you are not prepared for.

You feel a cool gush of oxygen seemingly inflate your lungs, and the light of day instantly fills your vision. You pant and gasp as warm viscous liquid dribbles down your chin, hanging off it as you notice a thick puddle of the goo riding your lip like a mustache.

It’s so cold and icy- peppermint!!

You look at the camera as the last few minutes come back to you, your mind racing with arousal and thirst as something tickles the small of your back. You reach for your head instinctively, basking in the odd feeling of your silky long hair as you take a cool inhale.

You don’t remember how the Gamer Goo became such a mess on your face, but you feel amazing licking it all up. You moan as your soft tongue glides across your plump lips, pert little breasts pulsating as the Gamer Goo flows across them in little streams. Your sensitive thighs rub together, alerting you to the emptiness between your legs as you leak into your chair for the first time.

Your ears ring from the cool peppermint opening your sinuses, but soon your nostrils constrict and you’re able to hear the sounds of your room. That’s when you hear the donation notification ring off the hook, and you’re barely able to withhold your shocked excitement when you see how much money you’ve made already!

The rest of the stream is like a dream, flirting with all the IMers as the Gamer Goo keeps your mind airy and free of critical thought. You spend hours playing your game, until you feel your sensitive clitoris start to grow. You absentmindedly reach down to rub it, and almost immediately end the stream when you feel an inch long boner.

The change back to male is a bit less euphoric, but it doesn’t hurt at all. You’reprepared for pain as your testes ooze out of your closing folds, but it actually feels really good to let all those sex organs hang free.

You hadn’t realized how stuffy it was in there! 😅

When you’re finally back in your original body you check your account, and your jaw almost hits the floor when you see how much you made in a single day. It’s more than you make in a month from your regular salary!

You then realize that the cheap Gamer Goo may just be your ticket to the wealth you’ve always thought of as unattainable, a new way to monetize your stream…

You rush to GameStart and buy the last few dozen Gamer Goo bottles left in stock, eliciting a timidly bewildered reaction from the cashier. You don’t give him a chance to ask questions though, quickly paying and leaving before any shame can set in.

You can barely sleep that night, excited to have finally found a way to make good money. And you don’t even have to work hard!

You finally fall asleep with a smile on your face, and it’s wider by the time you wake up. You skip your normal morning routine, and start the stream up right away.

“As a service to my new subscribers, I’ve decided to have the same program from yesterday run today.

The timer will be set for three hours, and after that the highest donor will be allowed to program my transformation. Today’s Gamer Goo flavor is…” You trail off excitedly as you reach into the bag, “Vanilla Sugar! Sounds like it’ll taste pretty good…”

You put the timer on, and let your message play on loop before leaving to do your morning routine. It usually takes you a couple of hours to get ready for the day, and by the time you’re done the timer’s only got a couple of minutes left.

Holy crap!! There’s already more donations than yesterday!!

You shakily wait as the last few donations trickle in, and send the encrypted code over to the highest bidder. They respond almost instantly, a much larger file than you recieved last time…

You shrug it off and let the program load, raising an eyebrow at the heat coming off the plastic tube. The moment your lips touch the bottle you’re thrust into darkness again, unconscious as your body quickly warps for your audience.

When your eyes open this time, your heart flutters and pumps intensely as your legs strain and quiver. A powerful and constant explosion exudes mind numbing arousal from between your legs, eliciting sweet moans and gasps from your whimpering lips.

Your slender hips wiggle back and forth as ecstasy courses throughout your body, leaving you to just stare into the distance as orgasmic bliss overwhelms your thoughts and actions.

You forget where you are as you sink into your chair, a craving for penetrative relief clawing at your itching pussy for several hours as you silently climax the entire time. When you're finally able to move freely, you’re too exhausted to speak, meekly waving goodbye to your audience before signing off.

Damn, forgot to see how many people were watching!

You check your account balance and almost fall out of your chair- you’d never seen such a large number in any of your accounts!!

This is definitely gonna be your new thing!

It takes a bit longer to revert back to your original body, but you eventually go to sleep a man. It’s one of the best rests you ever had, and you wake up feeling fully refreshed.

“Same rules as yesterday folks! Highest donor gets to customize the Gamer Goo, and today’s flavor is…” You trail off as you reach into the bag, “Beach Breeze!!”

You loop the intro like you had yesterday, and begin your morning routine. It ends up being a bit shorter today, your body ready for the day and full of excitement as you start the stream. You check the donation box, astounded to see today’s dollar amount already dwarf yesterday’s total!

You send the custom code to the highest donor and connect the squeeze bottle to your computer, inserting the tube into the Gamer Goo usb hub. When it’s ready this time, you notice it’s actually hot to the touch. You pause as you wonder if this means anything for your transformation, but the sound of incoming donations clouds your better judgment.

This time when you raise the bottle to your mouth you don’t black out, instead you taste the intense lemonberry as your lips instantly plump up. Your cheeks cave in as your cheekbones shrink and rise, your entire face following suit as your neck slims down.

It all happens so fast, you don’t even feel your hair grow long and luscious down your back. Your shoulders lose broadness, and your torso becomes slender as pressure simmers beneath your chest.

You always wondered what it would feel like to transform, and now you wish you didn’t know. Your nipples burn momentarily, pulling at your chest before sensitive areolas spread across blossoming pert breasts. You feel a pang of euphoria in the shaft of your member, then a deep tug from within you inverts your manhood almost instantly as you moan orgasmically. Your butt sticks out as your crotch flattens painfully, and a wet slit forms between your legs as the smell of musky sex fills the room. Luscious folds drip as they’re carved out of your aching pussy, tightly pressing into each other as they thirst for penetration.

Oh shit, almost forgot I’m streaming!

You turn to the camera blushing a bit, your mind still the same as it was earlier this morning. Usually there’s a change to make you feel more free and-

You look down as weight starts to jiggle on your chest, and you’re surprised to see something besides ballooning double D cups. A micro bikini somehow holds your breasts, and it’s super uncomfortable…

You fiddle with the sheer material for a bit before taking the odd strappy bikini off, lost in the softness of your new body as you laugh without a care.

You spend the next several hours playing with your perfect boobies, unabashedly teasing and flirting with all the guys on chat as money pours in.

You end the stream as your transformation starts to reverse, your carefree attitude reverting back into a self aware shell. The change back takes even longer than yesterday, which makes you start to think that maybe something odd is happening…

But the money’s so good, and you’re really starting to like being a girl! Those are the last thoughts you have before passing out, too tired to even wait for your male body.

You wake up feeling amazing, and cut your morning routine even shorter. You’re just so excited to start the stream, you don’t even bother with an extended intro.

“Today’s Gamer Goo flavor is Cherry Blossom, which I hear is one of the more popular flavors!” You laugh, still not really knowing how the flavors affect how someone might program the Gamer Goo.

You realized you make a lot more money after the transformation, so decide to just hurry it up to that point. You set the timer for ten minutes and wait, hiding your erection as your loyal fans bid for the opportunity to program your transformation.

You load the Gamer Goo in, and send it’s encrypted code to the highest donor. It takes a few minutes before coming back, and some steam escapes when you pop the cap open. It singes your nostrils, smelling sweeter than anything you can imagine as your heart beats a little faster.

The rush of pure lust that hits in the moment that you start eating the Gamer Goo is unlike anything you can prepare for, and you collapse out of your computer chair as you suck on the deliciously hot goo. Your body constricts and shrinks as you suck with burning lips, becoming tight and petite as your member is painlessly sucked up as well.

When you finally finish all the goo you feel building waves of pleasure wrack your body, making you convulse euphorically as nonstop orgasms overwhelm you.

You don’t leak any juices or cum though, every climax and mind blowing eruption going straight to your chest instead. You feel your breasts inflate with each orgasm, which only makes you even hornier as your hand is forced to attack your tight little folds.

You feel an odd lack of mental changes as your body pulsates with pleasure, carefully repositioning the camera to be pointed at your favorite armchair as you get up from the wet puddle on the floor. You stand up straight and blush a bit as you flexibly bend over at the hip, keeping both knees straight as your body shakes and jiggles uncontrollably.

Unlike all your other transformations you still feel self conscious, but your body’s too sensitive and sultry to stop giving in to its desires. You collapse into the armchair, juicy thighs slapping together as you fall back and moan like a bimbo porn star. You don’t even feel your hand as it reaches down, making you squirm in heat like another person is vigorously massaging your virgin womanhood.

A strawberry scent fills your nostrils as you squeal orgasmically, feet hovering above the floor as they’re meticulously wrapped in tight purple elastic cotton. The arousal only continues to build as it pools in your inflating chest, swelling breasts jiggling with every movement as your muscles constrict and retract in a frantic symphony of feminine bliss. Your nipples harden as your tight belly flutters with ecstasy, and you instinctively reach up to stimulate them further.

“Ohhhh my- shit, when did my boobies get so big and so- Awwwwwww, ffffffffuck!” You inhale deeply, body in sexual nirvana as it’s thrashed by an explosion of delightful girly hormones.

You can barely think, mind floating in a blissful fog as you bask in the afterglow of such life changing orgasms. You recover fast as another wave of overwhelming desire washes over, and you actually take a chance to glance at how many people are watching.


Your next orgasm is just as powerful, and you go through the cycle all over again. You don’t even start changing back to a man till midnight, dozens of orgasms deep before your skin starts to gets rough. The striped socks on your dainty feet are now… a coat of thick hair on your manly calves.

You’d never felt so awkward and foreign in your male body, desperately craving your next bottle of Gamer Goo as you shower and go to bed. The sun’s already coming out by the time you give up tossing and turning, instead deciding to have some early morning orange Gamer Goo.

It doesn’t work without a programmed code though, so you go online to figure out some fast Gamer Goo programming quick hacks.

After a few minutes you’re not too satisfied with your knowledge, but the calling of femininity is too loud to ignore much longer. You hastily program yourself a new ‘character’, hoping you were able to make the ultimate dream girl as you load the code into the Gamer Goo. It doesn’t change temperature at all, somewhat of a relief as you touch the open cap to your lips.

They instantly pout, and you suddenly find yourself drowning in anxiety. You don’t even have a specific thing to worry about, your body just tense as your heart rate picks up uncomfortably.

You feel your neck bend slightly, your confidence dropping off a cliff as your head lowers. Thick tufts of hair spout from your head, beautiful locks of messy split ends!

You even have trouble smiling as your mind sinks into the rabbit hole of insecurity, and not at a good time either- Your cheeks puff up with baby-like fat, as does the area beneath your chin. You feel like a chubby mess as your nipples begin to tingle, and you just stare at them as they become larger atop tender ballooning breasts.

Are they too big now??

You try to shake the rising doubt in yourself, but shame in becoming addicted to transforming into a bimbo is now at the forefront of your mind. You hesitate to even turn on your computer, but you’re able to overpower your anxiety and finally log into your streaming account. You definitely regret not letting someone with actual programming knowledge do this, your poor coding leaving you an awkward mess…

“I don’t… I don’t know how many people are watching…” You trail off as you watch your live audience grow, “Am I sexy? Are these boobies too big, or do you think I’m- Eeep!”

You absentmindedly pinch your nipple as you awkwardly caress your plush bosom, and another crashing wall of anxious self consciousness falls onto you as your boobies bounce and jiggle.

You read the chat for the first time, a bit scared at what mean things they might say about you.

‘She’s in a Gamer Goo loop! There’s no stopping her!!’

‘I’ve never seen such a pretty girl be so shy!’

‘How many bottles of Gamer Goo have you had this week? I don’t think you’re supposed to go over 5…’

You read the comments with half your attention, the other half drenched in arousal as you feel around between your legs.

‘I would pay so much money to be there when you transform! I wouldn't even need to touch you or anything, just be in the same room…’

That’s when an idea lights up in your mind!

“Um… So I was- I’m thinking the contest for… A new contest for today can be for you to come here instead of the transformation donation, you would be able to watch live?” You mumble, unable to present normally in such an awkward form, “Highest donor today wins the- I’ll do the thingy with you here!”

You blush as you finally get your point across- you hope…

Well you must’ve, cuz suddenly donations start pouring in. You just watch and masturbate, imagining a guy transforming with you and turning into your girlfriend.

You literally masturbate for more than twelve hours straight, keeping a solid audience the entire time as you gush and squeal. You get exhausted after a while though, and end the stream before sending your address to the highest donor of the day.

You were hoping to be in your male body by now, almost sunrise and still in the same awkward body! You fall asleep still fully a woman, though your boobs get considerably smaller as slumber sets in.

You wake up to knocking at the door, and answer with confusion as you don’t expect any guests.

“I’m here from your streams!” A cute blonde girl laughs as she walks into your house, “I donated all that money to finally meet you, I wanna be here when you turn into a woman!”

“Why though?” You ask, only then remembering your promise to have a fan over for your next transformation.

“It just turns me on so much, and my dad has a lot of money!” The girl answers simply, introducing herself as Charlotte before asking to see the Gamer Goo.

“There’s only six flavors, so I was thinking of trying this one today…” You say shyly, pulling out a bottle of Teakwood Gamer Goo as Charlotte’s eyes open wide with excitement.

“Do you want any?” You ask politely, nodding with understanding when she declines.

She pulls up a seat next to you as you start your stream, off camera as you let your audience know today’s rules:

“Yesterday’s top donor will choose my body today, she’s right off camera cuz she wants to stay private. I’ll try to get her on camera, but no promises, fellas!

Today's top donor will get to choose my body for tomorrow, and I’ll even let you choose the flavor of Gamer Goo!!” You announce cheerfully, handing the brown bottle over to Charlotte so she could program it herself.

“I can’t believe you chose this flavor today, I couldn’t have picked any better…” She trails off with a smile, quickly handing you back the piping hot programmed bottle.

“Why would that matter?” You chuckle, opening the cap and letting the viscous gel ooze down your throat.

“You obviously have no idea  what you’ve gotten yourself into… Do you even know what these flavors do??” Charlotte laughs as she loads the Gamer Goo website and reads the subtitle of each listing,

“‘Peppermint- A refreshing transformation that always keeps the user wanting more!’

‘Vanilla Sugar- Turn off your mind and turn on your body!’

‘Beach Breeze- For a body too sensitive to even wear a bikini!’

‘Cherry Blossom- Feel the oozing sweetness, our most popular flavor for a reason!’

‘Orange- Orange sized melons is the starting point for this big breasted and full flavor!’

‘Teakwood- Teakwood was used in ancient Asia for brainwashing, so don’t be around someone you don’t like for this suggestible flavor!”’

Your eyes open wide as you realize what Charlotte just read, basically letting you know she intends on controlling your mind.

“Wait, what did you program it to-”

“Shut up, bimbo.” Charlotte commands, instantly silencing you before you can even finish your question, “Disclaimer: Do not consume Gamer Goo more than five days in a row, the transformations will become permanent.”

You jump up to scream at Charlotte, feeling tricked and betrayed by your fans. Your head spins as you get up though, and you feel heavy pigtails swing from the back of your head.

“Don’t fret, dear…” Charlotte giggles as you hold your strained head, “I didn’t get so much control of your body because this is more of a mind transformation, but we’ll solve that problem soon enough.”

Charlotte lifts your shirt as you blush, revealing a soft and pert female body. Perky breasts hang off your chest as your nipples erect, and you feel a need to please Charlotte as she leans in for a kiss. She moans into your mouth as the savory Gamer Goo swaps between your lips, and you feel Charlotte’s body become more supple as her moans slightly rise in pitch.  

She returns the passion for several minutes before letting go and making a joke, “Mmmmm… Good thing you already swallowed most of that Teakwood, I’m feeling a bit more submissive!

So tell me where your stash is. Let’s get started on this next transformation!!”

You’re not sure if the disclaimer about five Gamer Goos in a row is true, but it’s definitely something you want to investigate before having any more of it! The problem is; your mind no longer controls your body, and you’re already telling her where the stash is- even knowing what the plan is!

“It’s under my bed, in the crumpled backpack hidden in the furthest suitcase.” You say monotonously, fear saturating your mind as Charlotte thanks you.

She rushes off to your room before you can even stand up, returning with a bunch of Orange, Teakwood, and Cherry Blossom Gamer Goos. She then tells you to sit still, your heart beating fast as she programs the dozen Gamer Goos.

You watch the chat go wild, most of them thinking it’s a joke and encouraging Charlotte to turn you into her personal bimbo sex doll. You just stare ahead, frozen by your enslaved mind as the smell of hot Gamer Goo overpowers the room.

“Now come drink all these bottles, little princess. You’re gonna be my little pet slut, so get used to following orders!” She laughs, squeezing the bottles as you suck on them and forcing the thick goo down your throat faster than you can keep up.

Your body becomes round and plump, curves turning ripe and stout as your inner thoughts slowly fade from reality. Each flutter of your eyelashes fills your mind with more bright pinkness, your entire being slowly manifesting into pure sex…

“Wakes wakey!” You suddnely hear Mistress’s delighted voice, and can’t stop yourself from waking up, “Come now, my pet. I don’t plan on working a job anymore, so we have some money to make!”

Your ears suddenly ring, and your head fills with tingling thickness as you sit still. It only clears once you obey Mistress’s commands, washing you in euphoric relief as you follow her. It feels amazing to listen to Mistress, and you crave another command as she brings you to your streaming setup.

“I had my tapes playing on repeat while you slept, so you can only think of me as Mistress. It’ll feel really good to follow my commands, and your thoughts will slowly freeze into a solid block till you obey.” Mistress explains, “Now turn on the game.”

The slowly solidifying thoughts in your head give way to pure ecstasy as you quickly turn the game on, plush boobies bouncing beneath a silky sundress as your body jiggles from your sudden movements.

“You look so fucking hot and sexy right now, what do you think about my new look? I programmed a few Vanilla Sugars while you were sleeping, and I feel amazing!”

Obeying mistress had felt so good, you didn’t even notice the sensitive tingling of your new busty body! Just the feeling of turning your neck to look at Mistress makes you moan, vibrating your throat euphorically as you take in mistress’s blonde beauty.

“Now sit down…” Mistress trails off as you take a seat and smile, “Get the stream going, and let’s play a few games for your fans!”

Your eyes gloss over as your mind is forced to obey, thoughtlessly setting up your stream as Mistress pulls each of your hefty breasts out of your dress. You can’t even smile as your pussy sparks and crackles with arousal, your mind frozen in subservience till you get “a few games” in as Mistress gropes and fondles your titties.

“Your whole body is so plump and juicy, I can’t wait to get into those thighs! You think we should do that on camera, or keep it in the bedroom?” Mistress laughs, sending the chat into a frenzy as you happily gush into your chair.