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The Knights of Kyber
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(A female smuggler named Kia running down a hallway as blaster fire shoots past her).

Jones: Come on Kia you can make it! 

(Kia could sense the worry in Jone's voice).

(Kia jumps down the hallway just making it before the automatic emergency door closes).

Jones: Good job!

Kia: Thanks but we need to move.

Jones: Yeah you’re right.

(As they walk down the hallway they turn left as they see a very skinny but tall man walking towards with a menacing scar on the right side of his face).

Carlax: Come with me. (Carlax said with confidence).

Jones: Why would we listen to you?!

(Carlax’s yellow troopers who’s armor looks like the shadow troopers dart around the corner).

Carlax: That’s why. (Carlax said with a cocky look on his face).

Jones: What do you want?!

Carlax: To test your skill.

Kia: Why? (Kia said with a worried look on her face).

Carlax: If you pass the test I will tell you but for now that’s all...

Jones: What! We are not just going to do some tests because you want us to!

(All of the Carlax troopers raise their blasters).

Carlax: I’m not asking, I'm commanding.

(Carlax walks away as Kia and Jones watch him).

(Seconds later the troopers stun Kia and Jones as they pass out).

(1 hour later they wake up).

Jones: Kia are you ok? (Jones said with worry in his voice).

Kia: Yeah I think so.

(As they both sit there they notice 5 troopers surround them in a circle).

Jones: What the hell is this?!

(Carlax watches from the back).

Carlax: Testing.

Jones: Oh come on!

(As all the troopers begin to walk towards them. Kia and Jones get up as fast as they can with their hands right next to their blasters).

Jones: We don't have to do this).  

(As the troopers raise their blasters, Jones and Kia unholster theirs).

Jones: I guess we do.

(Jones and Kia roll opposite ways from each other, Jones shoots two troopers in mere seconds. Kia shoots one and quickly turns around and shoots another. As they both look at each other with a smile on their face, Jones is taken by surprise when one trooper nearly hits his head but ducks just enough for it to miss. Kia throws her blaster at one trooper and kicks the other in the chest as he falls to the ground. Jones shoots the trooper that almost killed him, perfectly in the head. Jones throws Kia’s blaster back to her while she shoots the last trooper in the chest).

Carlax: Better than I expected. (Carlax said with a grin).

(As Jones and Kia raise their blasters to shoot Carlax. Carlax quickly presses a button that activates a chip in their neck to taser them).

(Jones and Kia wake up on a ship in handcuffs as they look around they notice 6 troopers surrounding them).

(Carlax enters the room).

Carlax: Finally awake. You're up just before we arrive.

Kia: Arrive where? (Kia said with confusion in her voice).

Carlax: Darnius.

Jones: What the hell is Darnius?!

Carlax: The home of an unseen power. (Carlax said with a grin on his face).

Jones: What kind of power are we talking about here?

(Carlax tries to avoid the question).

Carlax: That’s why you’re here.

Kia: What do you mean?

Carlax: I need you to find this power. (Carlax said with determination in his voice).

Jones: Why do you expect us to do that?

(Carlax pulls out the remote from before).

Carlax: Because if you don’t listen I can kill you at any moment.

(Kia realizes what that remote is for and feels if there’s a chip on her neck).

Kia: Damn it.

Jones: What? (Jones says with concern).

(Kia points to the chip in her neck).

Jones: Damn.

(As they exit light speed they get closer and closer to the planet).

Kia: Ok fine but you need to tell us what to expect while looking for this thing.

Carlax: All we know is it’s in this cave. (Carlax says while letting out a sigh).

(Carlax points out the window).

(Kia and Jones look out the window and see no plants, trees, or animals, it’s completely lifeless. it's just rocks and mountains).

(As their ship touches down on the planet lightning lands right next to them).

Kia: Is this safe?

Carlax: Not at all. (Carlax said with a grin on his face. Kia felt worried).

(All of a sudden, an eerie, almost - white flash half-blinded Kia. Kia glanced around frantically, gripping her blaster extremely tight until her knuckles began to turn white. Carlax grinned. Though it wasn't obvious if he was attempting to mask his nervousness or the fact that he knew something nobody else did. Vast, grey, depressing mountains seemed to stretch onwards without limit).

Jones: (fear evident in his voice): What do you want with us? Why can't you do this yourself?

(Carlax's was very irritated Jones asked this question. He took a deep breath).

Carlax: (With mock concern): Are you scared? You shouldn't be. You're not in any danger if you’re as good as you showed before.

(He laughed for a brief moment however swiftly stopped as soon as he started).

Kia: (Evidently annoyed, frowning with slight fear): Why... WHY!!

(Instinctively,  Kia felt for the chip implanted in her and soon lowered her tone).

(Carlax turns to face Kia, his face consumed with visible anger. As Carlax pulled out some kind of blaster).

Jones: (Widens his eyes with fear, though defiance flickers across a palette of anger, fear, and uncertainty). You can't kill us!" If you do, who would find this alleged power? Maybe this power of yours doesn't exist! You could have lead us here just to execute us!"

(Carlax laughed, a laugh devoid of any emotion. A cold, horrid laugh. His boots echoed on obsidian, burnt, cracked paving. Carlax grunted).

Jones: That cave. So you weren’t lying.

Carlax: Go on ill be behind you.

Kia: Jones come on.

(As Kia and Jones walk up to the cave they realize it’s much bigger than it looks)…

Jones: I got a bad feeling about this!

Kia: Me too.

(Jones starts to walk into the cave and Kia slowly follows).

(Kia looks behind her to see Carlax standing at the beginning of the cave with an evil smile on his face).

(Kia, Carlax, and Jones walk for about 5 minutes until they see something up ahead).

Kia: What was that?!

Jones: I have no idea.

(Jones points his torch Carlax gave him, up ahead).

(Jones and Kia see a shadow on the wall and pull out their blasters as fast as they can).

Kia: Who's there?! (Kia says with worry in her voice).

(As the figure turns around Jones and Kia quickly realize it’s not human).

(The figure starts to make a clicking noise with its mouth and then jumps at Kia and Jones. Kia and Jones shoot it down before it can even move 2 feet).

(Kia glances toward whatever it was she shot).

 Jones: What is this… this thing? (Jones nervously said).

 (Taking caution, Jones stepped forward keeping his blaster firmly in both hands. The torch sat awkwardly underneath his arm casting light at random directions).

 (Carlax gagged before hurling up with a sickening splatter as whatever it was continued to thrash around though it didn't seem to be in pain anymore).

Jones half-turned, facing Carlax who himself seemed to have lost his earlier confidence. "What's the point in this? Are you trying to get yourself killed!"(He roared, echoing off of the cave's walls).

Carlax: If you understood the payoff you would shut up! (Carlax feeling threatened by Jones, yelled as loud as he did before).

(Carlax could see the confusion and anger on Jones' face. Carlax could see the wheels in Jones' head-turning if he should try to kill him. Carlax is first to respond and takes his chances and pins, Jones, on the wall holding the remote in his hand right in front of Jones’s face)

Carlax: Shoot me, I dare you! (Carlax yelled so loud his troopers on the outside of the cave could hear him).

(Trooper calls him on a chip in Carlax ear).

Carlax: Everything’s fine!

Trooper: Roger that.

Carlax: Let’s go!

(Kia was worried about Jones and how much longer of this he could take before snapping).

Kia: Jones it’s gonna be fine just try not to get too annoyed. (Kia whispered to Jones).

Carlax: Almost there! (Carlax made it sound like he was happy but Kia noticed his heavy breathing sweating).

Kia: Great but what should we expect...

Carlax: All I can say is to expect the unexpected.

Jones: Well that doesn’t help at all.

(One minute later).

Carlax: Where here.

(Kia, Jones, and Carlax realize there is a room).

(The first thing Kia, Jones, and Carlax notice is the clicking. Kia Looks at Jones with fear on her face. Kia notices there’s more than 1. Jones starts to enter but Kia stops him).

Kia: Jones there’s more than one let’s be safe about this.

Jones: Your right.

(Kia pulls out a detonator).

Carlax: No wait!

Kia: What now?!

Carlax: What if you blow up the kyber crystal.

Jones: So that’s why we are here! For a kyber crystal? I thought those were a myth!  

Carlax: Well they are very real!

(Kia shoots Jones a look at him than his blaster. Jones understood what she meant right away).

Kia: Well in that case. (Kia throws the detonator into the room and blows everything up. Kia and Jones run away but Carlax was blinded by wealth and fame and went closer to kyber crystal. As the detonator blew up Carlax was sent flying backward over 10 feet).

Carlax: Ahhhh!

(As Carlax opens his eyes he sees Kia and Jones pointing their blasters right at his face. Carlax quickly reaches for the remote in his pocket but there’s nothing there. Carlax looks up at Jones and sees the remote in his hand).


Jones: We will still get your kyber crystal but you do what we say.

Carlax: Ok fine!

Kia: Now get up and come with us.

(Carlax gets up and they start to walk over to where the kyber crystal should be. Carlax is worried to see what remains of the room but most importantly what remains of the kyber crystal. Carlax notices a necklace on the ground that resembles the one he's looking for. Carlax opens up the necklace from the back. Kia and Jones notice a green glow on Carlax face).

Carlax: I found it! I finally found it!

(Jones and Kia couldn’t help but smile. The excitement was short-lived when they heard rumbling above them).

Jones: Is that because of the detonator?!

Kia: Yep!!

(Kia, Jones, and Carlax run as fast as they can to get out of the cave. Kia looks back and can’t see the room they were in seconds ago because of the falling ceiling).

Kia: That’s not good!

Jones: Nope!!

(After running for a couple of minutes Jones realizes the falling ceiling is gaining on them slowly but surely. Jones was running so fast the remote fell out of his pocket and Carlax picked it up. Kia and Jones knew right away how badly they just messed up).

Carlax: You know what I actually liked you guys so I’m gonna give you a chance and I'll  turn down the intensity of the taser and if you get out of this cave I guess it was meant to be!

Kia: Your evil!

Carlax: No I just like to have some fun! (Carlax said while he pressed the taser activation button).

(Kia and Jones significantly slowed down while Carlax ran past them).

Jones: Damn you!

Jones: Kia we are almost there!

(Kia doesn’t respond).

Jones: Kia?!

(Kia falls to the ground)

Jones: You've got to be kidding me!

Kia wakes up almost as soon as she hits the ground.

Jones: Well that was lucky! Come on Kia we've got to go!

(Kia can barely stand up)

Jones: Forget it!

(Jones picks up Kia and starts running as fast as he can. The falling Ceiling is right behind him now).

(Jones can tell he’s not gonna make it and he’s okay with that as long as Kia lives. Then Jones remembers how he’s spent years studying grenades and which grenades have more air expanding than fire. Jones has a plan. He doesn’t like it but it’s his only option and the risk is high. Jones throws down a Biotic grenade and the expanding air sends him flying out of the cave just before the ceiling crushes him).

Jones: AHHHHHHH!!!!! (Jones yells while flying through the air).

Carlax: What the heck was that?! (Carlax said while standing outside of the cave).

(Jones makes sure to cushion Kia’s fall with his body).

Carlax: Well that’s not what I expected!

(Carlax runs over to Jones and Kia).

Carlax: Jones you did it!

(Jones shoots Carlax dead center in the chest without looking).

All of Carlax's troopers dash over to kill Jones but before they knew it a thermal detonator blew right at their feet. Jones took care of Kia until she woke up hours later.

Kia: Are you alright Jones.

Jones: Yes I’m fine Kia!

Kia: Did we do it? Did we win?

Jones: Yes Kia we won! Now let’s go home!

Kia: Right.


Written by: 

Jackson Vanzil (Obi Ani memes)

Edited by:

Marco Brnardic (the_senate.squad)

David King (fascinating_films)

A Sith Squad creation