Year 7/8 Wānanga Goal Setting                                

Name: Ethan

Class:  Br

Term:        4

Greatest achievement from last year:

math strategies

Subjects taken this term:








Technology: DNT

Language: English

Other: dont know

What are my learning strengths

What are my learning work ons

Different strategies in maths do to do a question

Spelling learning new words

Academic Goals - Using both the Graduate Profile and the Key Competences write down 2 short term goals you think are relevant to you for this term and then think of ones you could work on for the whole year.


This term i would like to work on…..

My reading to get to know new words and to read faster


My second goal this term is to……..

Get better at spelling and to know words from the top of my head, also to write them more correctly

Long Term (whole year):

By the end of  the year i would like to have seen…….

move up a level in reading and spelling

Non-academic goal (can be out of school):

don't know

What will my next steps be?

focus more on my work and not talk to others and get distracted

How will I achieve this?

Not sit next to my friends as much and more listening to the teacher

Wellbeing (spiritual, mental/emotional, social and physical) - students will be asked to rank 1-4 how they judge their wellbeing overall and state why it is there.

                                       1                      2                        3                       4

I ranked my wellbeing here because……

3 because it can get boring at some point

End of term reflection

way better at math than the start of the year and spelling is also way better now they have added the spelling word test thing