Choose one of the prompts below to do your writing piece on this week

  1. I saw her and then she was gone, I heard her whispering for me to follow. It only took me a few seconds for me to decide..
  2. Free Choice


Setting the scene/Orientation/Characters - On the street at night. John.

Problem/Action - John goes into the white that says free candy on the side of it.

Resolution/Ending - John breaks the door and runs away with a lot of candy.

Rest of week - Writing

“I wish I had free candy.” said John. John saw a white van in the distance. “I can't be.” said John “A free candy van!”. John jumped into the van and there was so much candy. He couldn't believe what he was seeing was real. “OH YEAH!” yelled John. John thought nothing could stop him from eating it all until he heard a voice in the front of the van. “Hahaha silly kid.” said the person in the front of the van. The van started moving. When the van went over a speed bump John fell over and knocked himself out.

John woke up but he didn't know where he was because the man came out from the front of the van and John didn't see him because the man put John in a sack. When John woke up he was in a dark warehouse. John was tied up to a chair. It looked like an interrogation room. A man came into the room and siad “I would like to ask you a few questions and then you will be let free.”. “What types of questions will they be?” John said nervously. “Oh.” replied the man “ they will be personal ones.”.

“Alright, first question. “ said the man “When is your bank account number?”. “NO!” yelled John “I'm not going to say it.”. “Fair enough.” replied the man “Then answer this for me. What is your favourite type of chocolate bar?”. “Oh that would be Snickers.” said John. The man walked out of the room but John was still tied up to the chair. John was waiting for about three hours until the man came back. When the man came back he had two Snickers and a knife. He slowly walked toward John with the knife in one hand and the Snickers in the other.

He gave a Snickers to John and with the knife he cut the rope. The man said “I also love Snickers, we should be friends.”. “Uh sure.” replied John. John and the man walked out of the warehouse while eating their Snickers.