Abstract template for 9th RCMM and 5th NCCR. Please prepare your abstract by typing over the sample text below.

Abstract for 9th Regional Conference on Molecular Medicine (RCMM) in Conjunction with 5th National Conference for Cancer Research (NCCR)           14-15th October 2023

Write your abstract title here.

Write author name(s) here. Omit degrees. Underline the name of the presenting author. Place an asterisk (*) after the name of the corresponding author. If authors have different affiliations, place numbers (superscript font) before author name(s) to indicate their institutions. Eg., 1James Watson and 2Francis Crick*.

Write author institution(s) here. Number accordingly. Eg., 1Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York; 2Salk Institute for Biological Studies, California.


Write your abstract here. Abstracts must be typed, single spaced, using Arial font in 12-point size, justified at the left margin. Do not leave blank lines between paragraphs. The abstract text should include background, methods, results, and conclusion. Abstracts should contain no more than 300 words, and they will be published as submitted, i.e. any error appearing in the submitted abstract will appear in the published abstract book. Please save abstract file name as RCMM2023_abstract_first-author-name. Please submit your abstract via email to rcmm.umbi@gmail.com before 14th August 2023. Abstracts will be vetted by RCMM Scientific Committee; abstracts accepted for poster / oral presentation will be notified via email.