1. Infix to prefix implementation in c : with Pointer

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#define MAX 50

struct infix


        char target[MAX] ;

        char stack[MAX] ;

        char *s, *t ;

        int top, l ;

} ;


void initinfix ( struct infix * ) ;

void setexpr ( struct infix *, char * ) ;

void push ( struct infix *, char ) ;

char pop ( struct infix * ) ;

void convert ( struct infix * ) ;

int priority ( char c ) ;

void show ( struct infix ) ;


void main( )


        struct infix q ;

        char expr[MAX] ;

        clrscr( ) ;

        initinfix ( &q ) ;

        printf ( "\nEnter an expression in infix form: " ) ;

        gets ( expr ) ;

        setexpr ( &q, expr ) ;

        convert ( &q ) ;

        printf ( "The Prefix expression is: " ) ;

        show ( q ) ;

        getch( ) ;


/* initializes elements of structure variable */

void initinfix ( struct infix *pq )


        pq -> top = -1 ;

        strcpy ( pq -> target, "" ) ;

        strcpy ( pq -> stack, "" ) ;

        pq -> l = 0 ;


/* reverses the given expression */

void setexpr ( struct infix *pq, char *str )


        pq -> s = str ;

        strrev ( pq -> s ) ;

        pq -> l = strlen ( pq -> s ) ;

        *( pq -> target + pq -> l ) = '\0' ;

        pq -> t = pq -> target + ( pq -> l - 1 ) ;


/* adds operator to the stack */

void push ( struct infix *pq, char c )


        if ( pq -> top == MAX - 1 )

                printf ( "\nStack is full.\n" ) ;



                pq -> top++ ;

                pq -> stack[pq -> top] = c ;



/* pops an operator from the stack */

char pop ( struct infix *pq )


        if ( pq -> top == -1 )


                printf ( "Stack is empty\n" ) ;

                return -1 ;




                char item = pq -> stack[pq -> top] ;

                pq -> top-- ;

                return item ;



/* converts the infix expr. to prefix form */

void convert ( struct infix *pq )


        char opr ;

        while ( *( pq -> s ) )


                if ( *( pq -> s ) == ' ' || *( pq -> s ) == '\t' )


                        pq -> s++ ;

                        continue ;


                if ( isdigit ( *( pq -> s ) ) || isalpha ( *( pq -> s ) ) )


                        while ( isdigit ( *( pq -> s ) ) || isalpha ( *( pq -> s ) ) )


                                *( pq -> t ) = *( pq -> s ) ;

                                pq -> s++ ;

                                pq -> t-- ;



                if ( *( pq -> s ) == ')' )


                        push ( pq, *( pq -> s ) ) ;

                        pq -> s++ ;


                if ( *( pq -> s ) == '*' || *( pq -> s ) == '+' || *( pq -> s ) == '/' || *( pq -> s ) == '%' || *( pq -> s ) == '-' || *( pq -> s ) == '$' )


                        if ( pq -> top != -1 )


                                opr = pop ( pq ) ;

                                while ( priority ( opr ) > priority ( *( pq -> s ) ) )


                                        *( pq -> t ) = opr ;

                                        pq -> t-- ;

                                        opr = pop ( pq ) ;


                                push ( pq, opr ) ;

                                push ( pq, *( pq -> s ) ) ;



                                push ( pq, *( pq -> s ) ) ;

                                pq -> s++ ;


                if ( *( pq -> s ) == '(' )


                        opr = pop ( pq ) ;

                        while ( opr != ')' )


                                *( pq -> t ) = opr ;

                                pq -> t-- ;

                                opr = pop ( pq ) ;


                        pq -> s++ ;



        while ( pq -> top != -1 )


                opr = pop ( pq ) ;

                *( pq -> t ) = opr ;

                pq -> t-- ;


        pq -> t++ ;


/* returns the priotity of the operator */

int priority ( char c )


        if ( c == '$' )

                return 3 ;

        if ( c == '*' || c == '/' || c == '%' )

                return 2 ;



                if ( c == '+' || c == '-' )

                        return 1 ;


                        return 0 ;



/* displays the prefix form of given expr. */

void show ( struct infix pq )


        while ( *( pq.t ) )


                printf ( " %c", *( pq.t ) ) ;

                pq.t++ ;



2. Infix to prefix implementation in c : without Pointer





//Stack precedence function


 int F(char symbol)








case '+' :

                   case '-' :


                return 1;


         case '*':


        case '^':


                 return 6;


         case ')':


                 return 0;

         case '#':


                       return -1;




                       return 8;






//Input precedence function


int G(char symbol)








        case '+' :


        case '-':


                      return 2;


        case '*':

        return 4;

               case '^':


        return  5;


         case '(':

          return 0;

          case ')':

         return 9;

                 case '#':


                 return -1;




                  return 7;






void infix_prefix(char infix[], char prefix[])




      int top, j, i;


     char symbol, s[40];


      top = -1;


                s[++top] = '#';


                j = 0;




          for(i = 0;i < strlen(infix); i++)




              symbol= infix[i];


              while(F(s[top]) > G(symbol))




                             prefix[j] = s[top--];






              if(F(s[top]) != G(symbol))


              s[++top] = symbol;








  while(s[top] != '#')


          prefix[j++] = s[top--];


 prefix[j] = '\0';



void main()


          char infix[20];

          char prefix[20];

         printf("/nEnter a valid infix expression\n");


         infix_prefix(infix, prefix);

         printf("\n\nThe prefix expression is\n");



3. Postfix to Infix implementation in c

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int top = 10;

struct node


        char ch;

        struct node *next;

        struct node *prev;

}  *stack[11];

typedef struct node node;


void push(node *str)


        if (top <= 0)

        printf("Stack is Full ");



                stack[top] = str;





node *pop()


        node *exp;

        if (top >= 10)

                printf("Stack is Empty ");


                exp = stack[++top];

        return exp;


void convert(char exp[])


        node *op1,  *op2;

        node *temp;

        int i;

        for (i=0;exp[i]!='\0';i++)

        if (exp[i] >= 'a'&& exp[i] <= 'z'|| exp[i] >= 'A' && exp[i] <= 'Z')


                temp = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));

                temp->ch = exp[i];

                temp->next = NULL;

                temp->prev = NULL;



        else if (exp[i] == '+' || exp[i] == '-' || exp[i] == '*' || exp[i] == '/' ||

exp[i] == '^')


                op1 = pop();

                op2 = pop();

                temp = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));

                temp->ch = exp[i];

                temp->next = op1;

                temp->prev = op2;





void display(node *temp)


        if (temp != NULL)



                printf("%c", temp->ch);





void main()


        char exp[50];


        printf("Enter the postfix expression :");

        scanf("%s", exp);


        printf("\nThe Equivalant Infix expression is:");






1.C Program for String insertion and deletion over queue

# include < stdio.h >

# include < conio.h >

# include < string.h >

# define max 5

void main()


        char queue[max][80], data[80];

        int front, rear, reply, option;


        //... Initialise a Queue

        front = rear = -1;



                printf("\n C Language program to implement the basic operations on String Queue \n");

                printf("\n 1. Insert String in a Queue");

                printf("\n 2. Delete String from a Queue");

                printf("\n 3. Exit");

                printf("\n Select proper option ( 1 / 2 / 3 ) : ");

                scanf("%d", &option);



                        case 1 : // insert

                                printf("\n Enter the String to be insert in a Queue : ");



                                reply = insq(queue, &rear, data);

                                if( reply == -1 )

                                        printf("\n Queue is Full \n");


                                        printf("\n Entered String is Inserted in a Queue \n");


                        case 2 : // delete

                                reply = delq(queue, &front, &rear, data);

                                if( reply == -1 )

                                        printf("\n Queue is Empty \n");


                                        printf("\n Deleted String from Queue is : %s", data);



                        case 3 : exit(0);

                } // switch


} // main

int insq(char queue[max][80], int *rear, char data[80])


        if(*rear == max -1)




                *rear = *rear + 1;

                strcpy(queue[*rear], data);


        } // else

} // insq

int delq(char queue[max][80], int *front, int *rear, char data[80])


        if(*front == *rear)





                strcpy(data, queue[*front]);


        } // else

} // delq

2. C Program for Insertion and deletion over multiple queue

# include < stdio.h >

# include < conio.h >

# define max 20

void main()


        int queue[max],  data;

        int bott[10], limit[10], f[10], r[10];

        int i, n, qno, size, option, reply;


        printf("\n C Language program to implement the Multiple Queues \n");

        printf("\n How Many Queues ? : ");

        scanf("%d", &n);

        size = max / n; //... Get Max. size for each Queue

        //... Initialize bottom for each Queue

        bott[0] = -1; //... Bottom of first Queue is -1

        for(i = 1; i < n; i++)

                bott[i] = bott[i-1] + size;

        //... Initialize Limit of each Queue

        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) //... Limit of i'th Queue is equal to bottom of i'th Queue + Size

                limit[i] = bott[i] + size;

        //... Initialize Front & Rear of each Queue

        //... Initial value of Front & Rear of each Queue is same as its Bottom Value

        for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

                f[i] = r[i] = bott[i];

        //... Process the Queues



                printf("\n C Language program to implement the Multiple Queues \n");

                printf("\n 1. Insert in a Queue");

                printf("\n 2. Delete from a Queue");

                printf("\n 3. Exit \n");

                printf("\n Select proper option ( 1 / 2 / 3 ) : ");

                scanf("%d", &option);



                        case 1 : //... Insert

                                printf("\n Enter a Logical Queue Number (0 to %d) : ", n-1);

                                scanf("%d", &qno);

                                printf("\n Enter Data : ");

                                scanf("%d", &data);

                                reply = insq(queue, qno, r, limit, &data);

                                if( reply == -1)

                                        printf("\n Queue %d is Full \n", qno);


                                        printf("\n %d is inserted in a Queue No. %d \n", data, qno);


                        case 2 : //... Delete

                                printf("\n Enter a Logical Queue Number (0 to %d) : ", n-1);

                                scanf("%d", &qno);

                                reply = delq(queue, qno, f, r, &data);

                                if( reply == -1)

                                        printf("\n Queue %d is Empty \n", qno);


                                        printf("\n %d is deleted from Queue No. %d \n", data, qno);


                        case 3 : exit(0);

                } // switch


} // main

int insq( int queue[max], int qno, int rear[], int limit[], int *data )


        if( rear[qno] == limit[qno] )




                rear[qno]++; //... rear[qno] = rear[qno] + 1;

                queue[ rear[qno] ] = *data;


        } // else

} // insq

int delq( int queue[max], int qno, int front[], int rear[], int *data)


        if( front[qno] == rear[qno] )




                front[qno]++; //... front[qno] = front[qno] + 1;

                *data = queue[ front[qno] ];


        } // else

} // delq

3. C Program for Insertion and deletion over circular queue

# include < stdio.h >

# include < conio.h >

# define max 10

void main()


        int cqueue[max], data;

        int front, rear, reply, option;


        //... Initialise Circular Queue

        front = rear = 0;



                printf("\n C Language program to implement basic operations on a Circular Queue \n");

                printf("\n 1. Insert number in a Circular Queue");

                printf("\n 2 .Delete number from Circular Queue");

                printf("\n 3. Exit \n");

                printf("\n Select proper option ( 1 / 2 / 3 ) : ");

                scanf("%d", &option);



                        case 1 : // insert

                                printf("\n Enter number: ");

                                scanf("%d", &data);

                                reply = insq(cqueue, &front, &rear, &data);

                                if(reply == -1)

                                        printf("\n Circular Queue is Full \n");


                                        printf("\n Number %d is inserted in a Circular Queue \n", data);


                        case 2 : // delete

                                reply = delq(cqueue, &front, &rear,&data);

                                if(reply == -1)

                                        printf("\n Circular Queue is Empty \n");


                                        printf("\n %d is deleted from Circular Queue \n", data);



                        case 3 : exit(0);

                } // switch


} // main

int insq(int cqueue[max], int *front, int *rear, int *data)


        if((*rear + 1) % max == *front)




                *rear = (*rear + 1) % max;

                cqueue[*rear] = *data;


        } // else

} // insq

int delq(int cqueue[max], int *front, int *rear, int *data)


        if(*front == *rear)




                *front = (*front + 1) % max;

                *data = cqueue[*front];


        } // else

} // delq


Linked list :

1.Count the number of nodes in a link list using C

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <alloc.h>

struct linklist


        int number;

        struct linklist *next;


typedef struct linklist node;

void create(node *);

void count(node *);

node *head;

void main()



        head=(node *) malloc(sizeof(node));






void create(node *list)


        char conf='y';

        int i;

        printf("\nENTER A NUMBER: ");


        printf("\nWANT TO CONTINUE[Y/N]: ");



        if(conf=='n' || conf=='N')




                list->next=(node *) malloc(sizeof(node));




void count(node *first)


        int i=0;






        printf("THERE ARE %d NODES IN THE LINK LIST",i);


2. C program for Searching in Linked List







struct node




  int data;


  struct node *next;




first, *nw;


int search(int);


void main()




        int no,i,item,pos;







        printf("Enter The No of nodes, you want in linked list: ");






        for(i=0;i< no;i++)




                nw->next=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));


                printf("Enter element in node %d: ",i+1);










        printf("Linked list is:\n");
















        printf("Enter item to be searched : ");








                printf("Your item is at node=%d",pos);




                printf("Sorry! your item is not in linked list.");








int search(int item)




        int count=1;




















        return count;



3. C program for Sorting in Linked List

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <malloc.h>

struct node


        int data;

        struct node *next;



void main()



        int i;

        int num ;

        struct  node *first, *nw, *pre, *new1, *count;


        printf("\n Enter the number of node you want to create: ");

        scanf("%d", &num );

        first->next = NULL;

        nw = first;

        for (i = 0; i < num ; i++)


                nw->next = (struct node* ) malloc(sizeof(struct node));

                nw = nw->next;

                printf("\n Enter the node: %d: ", i+1);

                scanf("%d", &nw->data);

                nw->next = NULL;


        new1 = first;

        for( ; new1->next != NULL; new1 = new1->next)


                for(count = new1->next; count != NULL; count = count->next)


                        if(new1->data > count->data)


                                int temp = new1->data;

                                new1->data = count->data;

                                count->data = temp;




        nw = first->next;

        printf("\n After sorting the Linked list is as follows:\n");

        while (nw)


                printf("%d\t", nw->data);

                nw = nw->next;





Doubly linked list:

1.Program To Sort A Doubly Linked List (in C):



  struct dllNode {

        int data;

        struct dllNode *previous, *next;


  struct dllNode *head = NULL;

  static int totNodes = 0;

  struct dllNode *createNode(int);

  void insertNode(int);

  void deleteNode(int);

  void insertionSort();

  void traverseList();

  /* creating a new node */

  struct dllNode* createNode(int data) {

        struct dllNode *nPtr = (struct dllNode *)malloc(sizeof (struct dllNode));

        nPtr->data = data;

        nPtr->previous = NULL;

        nPtr->next = NULL;

        return (nPtr);


  /* Insert a newnode at the end of the list */

  void insertNode(int data) {

        struct dllNode *tmp, *nPtr = createNode(data);

        if (!head) {

                head = nPtr;



        } else {

                tmp = head;

                while (tmp) {

                        if (tmp->next == NULL) {

                                tmp->next = nPtr;

                                nPtr->previous = tmp;








  /* delete the node with given data */

  void deleteNode(int data) {

        struct dllNode *nPtr, *tmp = head;

        if (head == NULL) {

                printf(“Data unavailable\n”);


        } else if (tmp->data == data) {

                nPtr = tmp->next;

                tmp->next = NULL;


                head = nPtr;


        } else {

                while (tmp->next != NULL && tmp->data != data) {

                        nPtr = tmp;

                        tmp = tmp->next;


                if (tmp->next == NULL && tmp->data != data) {

                        printf(“Given data unvavailable in list\n”);


                } else if (tmp->next != NULL && tmp->data == data) {

                        nPtr->next = tmp->next;

                        tmp->next->previous = tmp->previous;

                        tmp->next = NULL;

                        tmp->previous = NULL;


                        printf(“Data deleted successfully\n”);


                } else if (tmp->next == NULL && tmp->data == data) {

                        nPtr->next = NULL;

                        tmp->next = tmp->previous = NULL;


                        printf(“Data deleted successfully\n”);





  /* sort the given list – insertNode sort*/

  void insertionSort() {

        struct dllNode *nPtr1, *nPtr2;

        int i, j, tmp;

        nPtr1 = nPtr2 = head;

        for (i = 0; i < totNodes; i++) {

                tmp = nPtr1->data;

                for (j = 0; j < i; j++)

                        nPtr2 = nPtr2->next;

                for (j = i; j > 0 && nPtr2->previous->data < tmp; j--) {

                        nPtr2->data = nPtr2->previous->data;

                        nPtr2 = nPtr2->previous;


                nPtr2->data = tmp;

                nPtr2 = head;

                nPtr1 = nPtr1->next;



  /* traverse the doubly linked list and print data in each node */

  void traverseList() {

        struct dllNode *nPtr = head;

        int i = 0;

        while (nPtr) {

                printf(“%d “, nPtr->data);

                nPtr = nPtr->next;




  int main() {

        int ch, data;

        while (1) {

                printf(“1.Insertion\t2.Delete Operation\n”);

                printf(“3.Sort List\t4.Display\t”);

                printf(“5.Exit\nEnter ur choice:”);

                scanf(“%d”, &ch);

                switch (ch) {

                        case 1:

                                printf(“Enter data to insert:”);

                                scanf(“%d”, &data);



                        case 2:

                                printf(“Enter data to delete:”);

                                scanf(“%d”, &data);



                        case 3:



                        case 4:




                        case 5:



                                printf(“Wrong Option!!\n”);




2. Program to create Doubly Linked List in C

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <alloc.h>

struct linklist


        struct linklist *prev;

        int num;

        struct linklist *next;


typedef struct linklist node;

void create(node *);

void display(node *);

void main()


        node *head;


        head=(node *) malloc(sizeof(node));







void create(node *list)


        char conf=’y’;

        int i;

        printf(“\Nenter A NUMBER: “);



        printf(“\Nwant TO CONTINUE[Y/N]: “);



        if(conf==’n’ || conf==’N’)




                list->next=(node *) malloc(sizeof(node));




void display(node *disp)












1. C Program to Sort the N Names in an Alphabetical Order

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>


void main()


    char name[10][8], tname[10][8], temp[8];

    int i, j, n;


    printf("Enter the value of n \n");

    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter %d names n", \n);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


        scanf("%s", name[i]);

        strcpy(tname[i], name[i]);


    for (i = 0; i < n - 1 ; i++)


        for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)


            if (strcmp(name[i], name[j]) > 0)


                strcpy(temp, name[i]);

                strcpy(name[i], name[j]);

                strcpy(name[j], temp);





    printf("Input NamestSorted names\n");


    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


        printf("%s\t\t%s\n", tname[i], name[i]);




2. C Program to Implement Selection Sort Recursively

#include <stdio.h>


void selection(int [], int, int, int, int);


int main()


    int list[30], size, temp, i, j;


    printf("Enter the size of the list: ");

    scanf("%d", &size);

    printf("Enter the elements in list:\n");

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)


        scanf("%d", &list[i]);


    selection(list, 0, 0, size, 1);

    printf("The sorted list in ascending order is\n");

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)


        printf("%d  ", list[i]);



    return 0;



void selection(int list[], int i, int j, int size, int flag)


    int temp;


    if (i < size - 1)


        if (flag)


            j = i + 1;


        if (j < size)


            if (list[i] > list[j])


                temp = list[i];

                list[i] = list[j];

                list[j] = temp;


            selection(list, i, j + 1, size, 0);


        selection(list, i + 1, 0, size, 1);



3. C Program to Perform Quick Sort on a set of Entries from a File using Recursion

#include <stdio.h>


void quicksort (int [], int, int);


int main()


    int list[50];

    int size, i;


    printf("Enter the number of elements: ");

    scanf("%d", &size);

    printf("Enter the elements to be sorted:\n");

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)


        scanf("%d", &list[i]);


    quicksort(list, 0, size - 1);

    printf("After applying quick sort\n");

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)


        printf("%d ", list[i]);




    return 0;


void quicksort(int list[], int low, int high)


    int pivot, i, j, temp;

    if (low < high)


        pivot = low;

        i = low;

        j = high;

        while (i < j)


            while (list[i] <= list[pivot] && i <= high)




            while (list[j] > list[pivot] && j >= low)




            if (i < j)


                temp = list[i];

                list[i] = list[j];

                list[j] = temp;



        temp = list[j];

        list[j] = list[pivot];

        list[pivot] = temp;

        quicksort(list, low, j - 1);

        quicksort(list, j + 1, high);





1. Searching using pointers in C

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <alloc.h>

void main()


        int n,*p,i,num,flag=0;


        printf("\nHOW MANY NUMBER: ");


        p=(int *) malloc(n*2);



                printf("\nMEMORY ALLOCATION UNSUCCESSFUL");





                printf("\nENTER NUMBER %d: ",i+1);



        printf("\nENTER A NUMBER TO SEARCH: ");








                printf("\nTHE NUMBER %d IS FOUND",num);


                printf("\nTHE NUMBER %d DOES NOT EXIST",num);



2. C Program to Perform Binary Search using Recursion

#include <stdio.h>


void binary_search(int [], int, int, int);

void bubble_sort(int [], int);


int main()


    int key, size, i;

    int list[25];


    printf("Enter size of a list: ");

    scanf("%d", &size);

    printf("Generating random numbers\n");

    for(i = 0; i < size; i++)


        list[i] = rand() % 100;

        printf("%d  ", list[i]);


    bubble_sort(list, size);


    printf("Enter key to search\n");

    scanf("%d", &key);

    binary_search(list, 0, size, key);




void bubble_sort(int list[], int size)


    int temp, i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)


        for (j = i; j < size; j++)


            if (list[i] > list[j])


                temp = list[i];

                list[i] = list[j];

                list[j] = temp;






void binary_search(int list[], int lo, int hi, int key)


    int mid;


    if (lo > hi)


        printf("Key not found\n");



    mid = (lo + hi) / 2;

    if (list[mid] == key)


        printf("Key found\n");


    else if (list[mid] > key)


        binary_search(list, lo, mid - 1, key);


    else if (list[mid] < key)


        binary_search(list, mid + 1, hi, key);





1.WAP To Find the Smallest and Largest Elements in the Binary Search Tree

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

struct btnode {

        int value;

        struct btnode *l;

        struct btnode *r;


*root  =  NULL;

typedef struct btnode N;

N* new(int);

void create();

void preorder(N *t);

void min_max(N *t);

void main() {

        int choice;


        while (1) {

                printf("Enter the choice\n");

                printf("1-Display : 2-Min & Max element : 3-Exit\n");

                scanf("%d", &choice);

                switch (choice) {

                        case 1:

                                    printf("preorder preorder of tree elements\n");




                        case 2:



                        case 3:



                                    printf("Enter the right choice\n");




/* creating temporary node */

N* new(int data) {

        N* temp = (N*)malloc(sizeof(N));

        temp->value = data;

        temp->l = NULL;

        temp->r = NULL;



/* Creating the binary search tree */

void create() {

        root = new(40);

        root->l = new(20);

        root->r = new(60);

        root->l->l = new(10);

        root->l->r = new(30);

        root->r->r = new(80);

        root->r->r->r = new(90);


/* To display preorder traversal of the tree */

void preorder(N *temp) {

        printf("%d->", temp->value);

        if (temp->l != NULL)


        if (temp->r != NULL)



/* TO find the minimum and maximum values in the given tree */

void min_max(N *temp) {

        while (temp->l != NULL)

                temp = temp->l;

        printf("Minimum value  = %d\n", temp->value);

        temp = root;

        while (temp->r != NULL)

                temp = temp->r;

        printf("Maximum value  = %d\n", temp->value);


2. WAP to Implement Binary Tree using Linked List

#include <stdio.h>

#include <malloc.h>

struct node {

        struct node * left;

        char data;

        struct node * right;



struct node *constructTree( int );

void inorder(struct node *);

char array[ ] = {

        'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', '', '', 'H'



int leftcount[ ] = {

        1,   3,   5,   -1,   9,  -1,  -1,   -1,   -1,  -1



int rightcount[ ] = {

        2,   4,   6,   -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,   -1,   -1,  -1



void main() {

        struct node *root;

        root = constructTree( 0 );

        printf("In-order Traversal: \n");



struct node * constructTree( int index ) {

        struct node *temp = NULL;

        if (index != -1) {

                temp = (struct node *)malloc( sizeof ( struct node ) );

                temp->left = constructTree( leftcount[index] );

                temp->data = array[index];

                temp->right = constructTree( rightcount[index] );


        return temp;


void inorder( struct node *root ) {

        if (root != NULL) {


                printf("%c\t", root->data);




3. WAP for Depth First Binary Tree Search using Recursion

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

struct node {

        int a;

        struct node *left;

        struct node *right;



void generate(struct node **, int);

void DFS(struct node *);

void delete(struct node **);

int main() {

        struct node *head = NULL;

        int choice = 0, num, flag = 0, key;

        do {

                printf("\nEnter your choice:\n1. Insert\n2. Perform DFS Traversal\n3. Exit\nChoice: ");

                scanf("%d", &choice);

                switch(choice) {

                        case 1:

                                    printf("Enter element to insert: ");

                        scanf("%d", &num);

                        generate(&head, num);


                        case 2:



                        case 3:


                        printf("Memory Cleared\nPROGRAM TERMINATED\n");



                                    printf("Not a valid input, try again\n");



        while (choice != 3);

        return 0;


void generate(struct node **head, int num) {

        struct node *temp = *head, *prev = *head;

        if (*head == NULL) {

                *head = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

                (*head)->a = num;

                (*head)->left = (*head)->right = NULL;

        } else {

                while (temp != NULL) {

                        if (num > temp->a) {

                                prev = temp;

                                temp = temp->right;

                        } else {

                                prev = temp;

                                temp = temp->left;



                temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

                temp->a = num;

                if (num >= prev->a) {

                        prev->right = temp;

                } else {

                        prev->left = temp;




void DFS(struct node *head) {

        if (head) {

                if (head->left) {



                if (head->right) {



                printf("%d  ", head->a);



void delete(struct node **head) {

        if (*head != NULL) {

                if ((*head)->left) {



                if ((*head)->right) {




