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Naga and Tia Notes
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JKs = Joshi Kosei = School Girls = Naga & Tia


DPS's tested:

Scarlet, Maxwell, Modernia, Alice, 2B, SnowWhite, A2


Blanc x/x/10 | Noir 10/10/x


No Core:

Tia 7~10/x/x | Naga x/x/7 [LESS]

Tia 10/x/x | Naga x/x/10 [ROUGHLY EQUAL~GREATER (10%+)]

Core Damage:

Tia 4/x/x | Naga 4/7/7 [LESS~EQUAL]

Tia 10/x/x | Naga 4/7/7~10 [GREATER (15%+)]

Tia 10/x/x | Naga 10/10/10 [INSANE (25%+)]


Skill Build:

TIA 7/4/4 -> 10/4/4

NAGA 7/7/7 -> 7/7/10 -> 10/7/10 -> 10/10/10



TIA: upgrade HP gears (armor/helm/boots) but not a priority to OL. Good for campaign/keeping herself alive.

Ideal OL lines: no big priority (reroll worthy)

ATK, ELEMENTAL, AMMO, Chg Speed, DEF are all decent

NAGA: upgrade ATK gears(helm/gloves/armor) (don't need specific ATK% for the buff)

Ideal OL lines:

ATK% (support, used anywhere) =>


AMMO (skill uptime) ~= CRIT (volume) ~= HIT (core)



TIA: Resilience (uptime on constant shooting for skill procs (less gaps))

Naga: Resilience (uptime on constant shooting for skill procs (less gaps))


Note to self: show how to use Dorothy burst with Tia

Campaign: Good


B1 Comparison on JKs:

Doro(Water Adv)

> 10~15% >

Liter <?=?> Doro(conditional(parts/selfDmg))

> 10% >


Bunnies Comparison (ignoring Dorothy):

Depends on comp:

- With units that benefit bonus ammo (e.g. Alice,Modernia)

Liter/Bunnies > 15~20% > Volume/Bunnies

- With units that don't benefit on bonus ammo (e.g. Maxwell)

Liter/Bunnies = Volume/Bunnies

(might rely on crit to take advantage of what Volume provides)


Units that can be used with JKs (Bosses):

B1: Liter, Volume, Dorothy (CDR's)

B3: Alice, Scarlet, 2B, Snow White, Maxwell

Alternatives: Soline, Brid, Julia (High Hit Rate Sugar(?)), etc. core shot cookers (AR/SR/MG(likely future ones)). Not big meta units but if you don't have anything else...

Regarding A2: note that parts bonus is additive to tia's attack damage and typically rocket launchers hit parts rather than core. Fairly rare scenario you attack core and hit parts and the parts stay alive for long period. But A2 can be kept relatively healthy by JKs.

Units that AREN'T GOOD with JKs:

- Modernia: when used with B1 CDR's, losing Burst counts. Forced to burst with Modernia and against bosses, this is likely a downside. For campaign however, Modernia is fine.

- Guillotine: Naga heals constantly and Guillotine can't ramp up

Note about Dorothy: Dorothy has bonus parts buff but she does good damage on her own and is AR which benefits on Naga's core shot so Dorothy is a decent option against Fire Enemies with JKs.


Team Combos (pick your jigsaw puzzle):

Liter -> Bunnies or JKs or Novel

Dorothy -> JKs or Novel

Volume -> Bunnies or JKs or [Novel/Mast]

Jackal -> [Novel/Mast]/2B/Guillotine

Miranda -> [Dolla/S.Helm]/SnowWhite

Tia -> Naga or Rupee

Modernia -> Bunnies

Alice -> any team

Maxwell -> any team

SnowWhite (solo carry) -> Miranda/[Yulha/Helm]

SnowWhite + Maxwell -> Liter/JKs or Liter/Novel

Scarlet -> Bunnies or JKs

S.Anis -> Doro/Priv or with Electro(Scarlet or Guillotine)

Scarlet/S.Anis -> Doro/Novel/Privaty (risky) or Doro/Marciana/Priv (safe)

2B -> JKs or [Doro/Volume]/Novel or Volume/[Mast/Quency]

Guillotine -> Volume/Mast or Volume/Novel

A2 -> Bunnies or Marciana/Privaty

Example UR Team Combos:

- Liter/JKs (SnowWhite/Maxwell) (Iron)

- Volume/Bunnies (Scarlet/Modernia) (crit/standard)

- Doro/Novel/Privaty (Alice/S.Anis) (parts/standard)

- Liter/JKs (SnowWhite/Maxwell) (Iron)

- Volume/Bunnies (Alice/Modernia) (Fire)

- Doro/[Novel/Marciana]/Privaty (Scarlet/S.Anis) (Electro)

- Liter/Bunnies (Alice/Modernia) (Fire)

- Volume/JKs (Scarlet/S.Anis) (Electro)

- Doro/Novel/Privaty (2B/Maxwell) (parts/standard)

- Doro/Marciana/Privaty (A2/Maxwell) (parts)

- Liter/Bunnies (Scarlet/Modernia) (standard)

- Doro/JKs (Alice/Maxwell) (pierce)

- Volume/Mast (2B/Guillotine/S.Anis/Noise) (hp/crit/electro)

- Liter/Novel/Rapunzel (SnowWhite/Maxwell) (Iron)

- Volume/Bunnies (Scarlet/Modernia) (crit/standard)

- Doro/JKs (Alice/2B) (Fire)