October 16, 2022
Important Dates | |
October 20th | Nellie Reed students visit the Orchard (teachers sending out information) |
October 21st | NO SCHOOL |
October 28th | Mrs. Hannah’s Popcorn Pop |
October 31st | Nellie Reed Halloween Parade - 1:30pm - Details to Come (moved from October 28th) |
Important Links | ||||
Character for CAVS Weekly Home Link | Breakfast Menu | Lunch Menu | Weekly Photos | Community Education |
Youth Basketball | Monthly Focus October | SHAPE America |
New Items | |
PTO | This month’s PTO meeting has been changed to Thursday, October 20th. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7531917429?pwd=cElrUi83d1dnRWtjUTFaS0lsSW9CUT09 Meeting ID: 753 191 7429 Passcode: 176447 |
Parent Teacher Conferences | It is that time of the year for the Fall parent teacher conferences. Please make sure to contact your child’s teacher for a conference time if you haven’t got one scheduled already. |
Lunch Menu | ||||
Monday Spaghetti or PB&J | Tuesday Beef Soft Tacos or PB&J | Wednesday Chicken Tenders or PB&J | Thursday Cheeseburger or PB&J | Friday NO SCHOOL |
Reminders | |
Halloween Celebrations at Nellie Reed Elementary | It’s almost time for another fun Halloween celebration at Nellie Reed.We are excited to welcome all of our families to celebrate our children in the parade through downtown Vernon again this year. Classroom parties will happen during the day with staff and students. Your child’s teacher will reach out if they need anything for the party. Please remember that any food items that are brought in need to be pre-packaged or from the bakery.
CAVS | This week we started passing out CAVS Cards. Tying them into our CAVS Character lesson is a GREAT way to connect what students are learning and our rewards. 😊 This week our CAVS Character lesson theme is FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS. CAVS is an acronym that we use to acknowledge the hard work our students do. C - choose kindness A - accept responsibility V - value safety S - show respect |
Don’t Forget! | |
Contact our office with any questions! Nellie Reed Elementary 201 E Washington Ave Vernon, MI 48476 Phone: (989)743-1579 Fax: (989)288-0945 | Join our Facebook Page for updates, photos, and more activities! |