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Student Feedback
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Student Feedback

Overall, what helped you learn in this class? Please try to list 3 things and explain your answers.

The Learning tool kit videos. The guest speaker workshops. Change Leadership

Searching the stuff online. Going over it in breakout rooms. feedback.

Cascading mentorship and taking initiative. Can’t depend on the class, gotta depend on yourself.

real life experience hands on work, working with others, venture projects

The class being so interactive, the fellows and professors and being able to get help when I needed it, and having so many resources at my disposal like the website

Working with upper E-levels and fellows. Cascading mentorship has helped me in a very positive way. I love the toolkit and how I could always reference back to learn something and gain clarity. As well as the openness between the teaching team and students made me feel comfortable asking questions and receiving help.

Coaching other teams was really awesome! Having space to work and ask questions is always good. And my quad is wonderful! More quad time!

I think examples help me learn a lot in this class, a lot gets thrown at you so having solid examples you can go to anytime to use as a reference is really helpful. I also think getting time to talk with other students is helpful because sometimes you're not the only one that is confused about something. Lastly getting to contact upper E levels on teams is really helpful for clarification and feedback.

Breakout rooms with small groups, Talking to upper E-level students about things didn't understand, And the various guest speakers that were a change of pace and really interesting.

learning from peers, examples, actually doing projects and not just being lectured!

Community conversations with classmates to bring in other perspectives and ideas, coaches and guest speakers help me see how these ideas and skills are put into action and to receive valuable feedback from coaches, and just practice. The more I practice and do these skills the more I learn from them and can expand upon myself for improvement.

Workshops, having guest speakers, actively creating projects

Team/community orientation, customer empathy focus, template organization, structure and that combining for maximum utility through teamwork.

The teaching team helped me learn: Meg and all the fellows were awesome. I think they created a really awesome program that seems to be beating the odds of zoom classes and still creating an experience that really feels like community-centered entrepreneurship.

The upper E-Levels: everyone was so willing to help with any questions.

My venture team and just the learning process of an E1

Culture of belonging-having an open community has helped me feel comfortable

work on self-development

other perspectives (guest speakers)

The networks I created without a doubt helped me learn in every way from working in teams to asking for individual project help, they’re always there to help. The community engagement has helped me stay motivated through these hard times and allowed me to work harder, learning more. Lastly, The self-driven entrepreneur aspects we’ve learned about have helped guide me to learn how to think from different perspectives while searching for solutions.

The structure of venture projects has really helped me improve my teamwork and communication skills. The guest speakers have really challenged my perceptions and perspectives on how entrepreneurship operates and how to be a better entrepreneur. And contrary to popular opinion, the wide variety of tools that we use in class (Canvas, Google Suite, Teams, Zoom, etc.) has really shown me the level of competency required in order to effectively operate in an increasingly tech-based world!

vp1 always helped me learn how these venture projects through upper levels teaching us how things worked while doing the project. I learned from the individual e-level time with the teaching team is helpful so we can connect with them and our e-level with learning new content. I learned a lot through our guess speakers who come in and do a workshop with us on a particular topic, it's nice to have successful entrepreneurs come teach us from their perspective and experience.

This class taught me about knowing my worth, strengthening communication skills, and making meaningful connections.

1) Developing intentional connections with classmates. By taking time to dive deep into the lives of others I was able to see more beauty and passion within the program. We are able to see each other's strengths and encourage each other. Also, being an entrepreneur can be very hard sometimes so to have people that understand and care about you is AMAZING!

2) Guest speakers who were willing to share their true stories and perspectives. It is so encouraging to hear stories where people went through hardships and then BOOM, they worked hard, they worked smart and they are out in the world doing their thing, living their dreams! It was incredibly inspiring and made me feel less alone as a business owner

1) break out rooms and connection time to other students - this helped me ideate and feel less isolated when designing my own project while also creating an incredible network of support for the future

2) giving guidelines, but letting me struggle on my own to create something that is important and 100% me - the basic structure and timelines helped to keep me on track and create a mindset of always moving forward, and made it so that I was the one creating and proving the project. That was important for self confidence and future start up ideas.

3)The guest speakers - I loved being able to listen and gather information from people all across the world. The connections and diversity of the speakers were pretty inspiring and helpful.

1) Developing intentional connections with classmates. By taking time to dive deep into the lives of others I was able to see more beauty and passion within the program. We are able to see each other's strengths and encourage each other. Also, being an entrepreneur can be very hard sometimes so to have people that understand and care about you is AMAZING!

2) Guest speakers who were willing to share their true stories and perspectives. It is so encouraging to hear stories where people went through hardships and then BOOM, they worked hard, they worked smart and they are out in the world doing their thing, living their dreams! It was incredibly inspiring and made me feel less alone as a business owner

What will you carry forward from this class?


the skill sets to deploy a business

People skills

SO much experience and motivation to do what I want to do in the future.

All of it! Like literally all of it

My strengths, and learn how to work on my weaknesses.

My friends! And maybe a BIC or two.

The skills I've learned along with some new friendships.

The knowledge of how this side of business and prototyping and branding and everything works.

everything! It is my favorite class I've taken at western!

I will bring with me the skills I have learned, the friends I've made, and the experiences I gained from this class.

The knowledge and mindsets I've gained

The structure and focus of the bic in preparation for trying to further refine/address the target beneficiaries from more of a communications focus so far, hoping to develop a more wholistic understanding of the business report and bmc in further quarters as an E2-6

the community and having an empathy centered approach to everything

wow so much!!! the tools and resources I have learned, the long lasting relationships, the constant strive for growth and change, and positive mindset

As much as I can, more importantly the connections I've made I truly hope they stay close knit.

The teamwork and communication skills I've acquired, as well as organizational and presentation hacks I've picked up along the way.

I will carry the team building, information on the canvases and interviewing skills from the class.

I hope to keep touch with this amazing community in the future.

Three big things: 1) Don't hesitate to dive deep into a relationship. Developing connection is incredibly powerful when you approach it with intention and empathy. This also mean not "shoulding" all over people. Ask thoughtful questions that lead them to an answer. 2) Failure is GOOD! Failure means you are trying new things are that you are one step closer to success than before! It should push your to keep going, not to quit. 3) Work smarter, not harder. Use your natural gifts and work on those that you want to improve. Be willing to collaborate and allow yourself time and space to grow!

I will carry forward all the incredible evidence gathering materials, and skills that I have practiced through the class. I will also carry the connections and networks I have formed through the program.

Three big things: 1) Don't hesitate to dive deep into a relationship. Developing connection is incredibly powerful when you approach it with intention and empathy. This also means not "shoulding" all over people. Ask thoughtful questions that lead them to an answer. 2) Failure is GOOD! Failure means you are trying new things and that you are one step closer to success than before! It should push you to keep going, not to quit. 3) Work smarter, not harder. Use your natural gifts and work on those that you want to improve. Be willing to collaborate and allow yourself time and space to grow!

What are your favorite things about this experience?

Connections with peers, learning new business vocab

the venture projects

Hands on, practical, community based, interactive, inspiring and motivating.

the community and the people in it!

For sure the community. And also just how applicable the skills I've learned are even if I don't become an "entrepreneur" in the traditional sense of the word

Gaining community!! This class gives me a sense of purpose.

Knowing people in class.

Getting to be around and meet so many motivated creative people!

Getting to work with other classmates and figure out what some of my strengths are in this class

all of it haah

How lovely everyone is! Practice with presenting and pitching for sure! Just the general E&I community being so supportive and enthusiastic for everyone's success.

Meeting people with similar values and how supportive everyone is

The teamwork focus/development

the community

Meeting new folks and getting to see everyones passion

VP2 work on my personal venture has been rewarding and always a step closer to reality.

The people I've met, the amazing minds I've gotten to collaborate with, and the trust from the faculty to allow us to pursue our personal passions!

The community in the program!!

This class exceeded my expectations by a long shot. I showed up as an E1 with a massive chip on my shoulder and yet was terrified of everyone at the same time. I now find myself with an ever growing, rich community of people who I care so much about. This program has pushed my limits, strengthened my skills, and forced me to make connections that I now couldn't imagine myself without.

Forming long lasting connections and gaining experience and knowledge that sets me ahead of the game. There are so many nuggets of knowledge to pull from this class and because of the time I spent here soaking those in, I feel more prepared for the real world.

Some of my favorite things about the class is learning that you do not need to be isolated to be a leader or an entrepreneur. You can connect and experience innovation as teammates. I also loved having radical responsibility. It helped so much to be in charge of my own schedule and workload each week. I adored that piece of the class. I also love the traction journals/quads. How we can both connect in class and over our blogs was an incredible experience and something that I really loved.

Forming long lasting connections and gaining experience and knowledge that sets me ahead of the game. There are so many nuggets of knowledge to pull from this class and because of the time I spent here soaking those in, I feel more prepared for the real world.

What has been valuable in the online E&I class format?

this has been the only online class that has been engaging for me. and especially as a freshman has given me a super cool community to be a part of

community, it was a big part of how I got through this year.

Forced me to become more skilled at using resources on my computer that I haven't before and got to meet with my my group more frequent on zooms

Access to a wider variety of speakers

I love the prioritization of community and connection. it truly sets the program apart.

The online speakers are great, and I love collaboration. Hearing a variety of pitches is perspective widening

The community that it provides in such a disconnected time in society. This program does an awesome job creating that environment like everyone is around you even though we can't really be together

it's nice to be able to have breakout rooms that encourage you to meet with new people. It's also really nice that we've been able to have so many different types of guest speakers!

The many many types of interaction between classmates

I love the connections and communication in class that we get to have! Having time to bond with our classmates and teaching team is also wonderful and I value that a lot as a student. Oh... wait, the format. ummmm I think the way we jump into breakout rooms and not fear the technology of zoom and features it has to offer!

specifically the E and I format has been really useful for me to put me within uncomfortable positions

new ways to network

breakout room

the amount of support that the upper E levels have given me was super helpful

the connection and networking!

Being able to get guests from anywhere

Breakout rooms! Getting to know people in the community 1 on 1 or in small groups has been crucial to my experience. Honestly nobody does zoom class better than E&I you guys should have a training day with other professors at western.

The process of managing my own schedule so I have time for myself around school

The flexibility. I once had a class online while I was taking a roadtrip to santa barbara. In a word, the experience was magical

I really like the in depth projects, and I like the community and space that is created

learning to work with groups and learning the value of commitment

The connection with everyone is so strong

Not too sure if this is applicable for me, because I have only had the class online.

being able to connect with breakout rooms throughout the program

It was nice to be more efficient with our time as we can just go into breakout rooms and not have to take the time to physically move and get into groups in person as it would be in a class setting. I also think presenting on zoom is much much easier for me and less stressful. It feels more manageable to get to present on zoom as opposed to in person.

just the networking and online resources we have been exposed to have been making us more agile in the digital world

The consistently high energy throughout the pandemic. I joined right at the beginning of online school, and this has never failed to be my pick-me-up class

Uhhhhhh learning how to operate online and understand how to connect even when there seems to be a lot of obstacles in the way

building friendships and community even through zoom. I think this is my only class to do that well.

My ability to move around during class.

Something I find valuable about the online format is the accessibility of connecting with more people when you're in person. Sometimes you stick around and interact with the same people the whole time.

opportunities to build community. It's been super lacking in other areas of life and is so key to my sense of belonging and desire to learn and grow

everyone is online so you can just contact people so easy


creativity and passion!

efficient pitching/ pitch day ends up integrating really well

how connected I still felt in the zoom classes! I did not feel like that with any other class