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EHS_Engineering, Design & Fab 2_Branham.docx
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Secondary Course Syllabus     Traducción en Español

Building:  Eastmont High School

Course Title: Engineering, Design & Fab 2                

Teacher: Mr. Branham

Email:                        Phone:  (509) 888-1237

Course Description:  Engineering, Design & Fab 2

This course is designed to provide training in technical illustration, design, and mechanical engineering fields.  The course is taught with a realistic hands-on approach benefiting both career oriented and college bound students.  AutoCad 2-D and 3-D commands, their applications and how to effectively use them to produce working drawings will be taught in this course.  Program content will consist of directed practice exercises in AutoCad, sketching, dimensioning, blueprint reading, isometrics, 3-d drawing, airbrushing, reverse engineering, plotting, etc..  Students interested in computers and the engineering/technical design process will enjoy this hands-on computer aided drawing course.  The AutoCad software used in this course is the same used in industry and will provide the student with a direct school to work transition.  Drafting/CAD is credited as both Fine Arts or Occupational.

Dual Credit:

This course is approved for CTE Dual Credit and articulated with Wenatchee Valley College in the Drafting

Program Area. Students, who demonstrate proficiency in the college course competencies with a ‘B’ (3.0) or better grade, may earn college credit through the CTE Dual Credit registration process. During the Trimester all college competencies will be covered in class. Some may require additional independent work by the student. To earn college credit students are required to pass a skillcheck/assessment with the high school instructor.

Pre-Requisites: A good understanding for math application, Computer skills.

Textbooks and Instructional Materials:  There are a variety of instructional materials that support learning in this course. The primary textbook, Drafting for Industry Technology is integrated in this course through a variety of supplemental digital media resources. AutoCAD 2014, Mastercam X, Corel Draw, Video's - Engineering Drawings (Basic Graphics Principles, Dimensioning, Multi View Drawing, Section Views), Airbrushing techniques, Blueprint Reading Skills Explained (View & Line Interpretation, Dimensions & Tolerance Specifications, Auxiliary print Info & Geometric Tolerance, Welding), Machinist Hand Book, GD&T, Linda online Lessons.

Grading:  Students achieve their grade in a points based grading system.  Grades are maintained within the Eastmont School District Student Information System.  The secure student information system including the gradebook for this course, are accessible to students and parents 24/7/365 through the student and parent portal via our website at

10% Professional Work Habits

40% Daily work Grade

50%Classwork, Tests, Written, Projects

Grades are based on the following percentages and points for GPA calculations:

4.0 = 93-100 A

3.3 = 87-89 B+

2.3 = 77-79 C+

1.3 = 67-69 D+

3.7 = 90-92   A-

3.0 = 83-86 B

2.0 = 73-76 C

1.0= 60-66  D

2.7 = 80-82 B-

1.7 = 70-72 C-

0 = 0-59      F

Accommodations and/or modifications:  Appropriate accommodations and/or modifications will be provided for students with documented disabilities.  Accommodations and modifications are types of adaptations that are made to the environment, curriculum, instruction, or assessment practices in order for students with disabilities to be successful learners and actively participate with other students in the general education classroom or in school-wide activities. Specific accommodations and modifications are determined by the student’s Section 504 team or Individual Education Program team.  If a student with a documented disability is eligible to receive accommodations and/or modifications their special education case manager will contact me within the first two weeks of class and provide me with explicit directions and/or resources to implementing the accommodations and/or modifications that are included on the student’s Section 504 plan or Individual Education Program.  Communication with me is essential to the successful completion of course expectations and the implementation of accommodations and/or modifications.

Attendance, Behavior, and Performance Expectations:  Student success is dependent upon respecting and following the rules of conduct outlined in Board Policy #3241 and described in the student handbook.  Both are available on the website at

Make-up Work:  Eastmont School District Policy and Procedures #3122 for excused absences and make-up work apply to this course.  Specifically, “If an absence is excused, the student will be permitted to make up all missed assignments outside of class under reasonable conditions and time limits…”  All the activities and learning opportunities for this course are expected to be completed.  Absences, whether excused or unexcused, cause gaps in learning.If absent student must inform instructor via email if student is wanting to make up missed work.

Clubs, Activities, and Leadership opportunities:

Skills USA

Lead person mentoring

Core Leadership Skills
