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Revised E learning plan 2021-2022
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Glen Ellyn District 41

Revised E-Learning Plan


 ● Ensure and verify at least 5 clock hours of instruction or school work, as required under Section 10‐19.05, for each student participating in an e‐learning day:

During e-learning students will follow their daily schedule corresponding to the day of the week the emergency day falls on. Students will be provided access to the Google classroom from the teachers they were assigned to see on the missed day from multiple subject areas that equate to no more than 5 hours of participation.

Elementary students in General Education and Dual Language classrooms will have access to core instruction following their daily schedule during elearning through live streaming into the classroom or have access to the pre-recorded lessons posted in the class Google Classroom. Students will only have livestreaming or pre-recorded videos for the direct instruction portions of the lessons.  Independent work will be assigned for the students on elearning to complete without livestream or video.The teacher will be available for students to access if they need assistance..

PE/Art/Music/DLS-Students will choose from a learning menu of activities to complete each day during elearning.  Students can access the teacher for any questions relative to the work assigned. FLES-Students will live stream to see and hear the lesson or have access to the pre-recorded lesson.  Students can access the teacher for any questions relative to the work assigned.

EL Services-Students will livestream in to see and hear the lesson or have access to the pre-recorded lesson.   Students can access the teacher for any questions relative to the work assigned.

IEP/504 Services-Students will be provided services based on their individual remote learning plan (IRLP) during elearning.  The Special Education team and family will collaborate together on service delivery though livestream or via remote services.  This is based on individual student needs.  Communication will occur via the case manager.  

Prek/Early Childhood- Students will receive a matrix from their teacher to complete for the elearning day.

Hadley students will have access to core instruction following their daily schedule during elearning through live streaming into the classroom or have access to the pre-recorded lessons posted in the class Google Classroom.Students will only have livestreaming or pre-recorded videos for the direct instruction portions of the lessons.  Independent work will be assigned for the students on elearning to complete without livestream or video. Students can access the teacher for any questions relative to the work assigned.

Exploratories-Students will complete the exploratory elearning curriculum located in Google classroom each elearning day. Students can access the teacher for any questions relative to the work assigned.  Teachers may also choose to livestream lessons if applicable.

EL Services-Students will livestream in to see and hear the lesson or have access to the pre-recorded lesson.   Students can access the teacher for any questions relative to the work assigned.

IEP/504 Services-Students will be provided services based on their individual remote learning plan (IRLP) during elearning.  The Special Education team and family will collaborate together on service delivery though livestream or via remote services.  This is based on individual student needs.  Communication will occur via the case manager.  

All guidance counselors,  Reading, Math and PBL coaches will be assigned to classrooms for support during the elearning day.

● Ensure access from home or other appropriate remote facility for all students participating, including computers, the Internet, and other forms of electronic communication that must be utilized in the proposed program.

All of our K-8 grade students have chromebooks that they take home and have assignments to complete in Google classroom on a regular basis so it is understood that all students have access to the internet and Google classroom. All students will log into a Google meets with their teacher and  be assigned work through Google classroom. SPED Co-teachers are typically part of their gen ed teachers Google classroom, therefore, they can join the Google meets, assign their students work through google classroom and check it when it gets returned.  Another option is to create a separate assignment in Google classroom for just the students on their caseload - this could be the modified assignment that they created based on the Gen Ed teachers assignment or it could be something completely different related to one of the students goals.  

 ● Ensure that non‐electronic materials are made available for students participating in the program who do not have access to the required technology or to participating teachers or students who are prevented from accessing the required technology.

 Our district has the infrastructure and the professional capacity is in place to support the adoption of eLearning days in place of traditional emergency days. A recent district informal study indicated that 100% at Hadley Junior High have reliable access to the internet based on return of work assigned in Google classroom  and 98% of our Elementary students have access to reliable internet service at home based on a current return or direct contact rate electronic messaging from the school. The school staff will work with individual families to accommodate as needed (e.g. Access to Reduced Rate Programs  etc.). If there is a power outage or another issue out of the families control; staff will work with the student/parent to make arrangements for an opportunity for the work to be completed.  Parents should reach out to the building Principal to make these arrangements.

 ● Ensure appropriate learning opportunities for students with special needs

Students will be provided services based on their individual remote learning plan (IRLP) during an emergency day.  The Special Education team and family will collaborate together on service delivery though remote services.  This is based on individual student needs.  Communication will occur via the case manager.  

 ● Monitor and verify each student's electronic participation

Each student that logged into the Google meets with their camera on and microphone (when appropriate) will be counted as present for that period or day.

● Address the extent to which student participation is within the student's control as to the time, pace, and means of learning

Student Participation will vary based on the grade level:

● For Early Childhood will be engaged for 45 min

● For Grades 1-2, students will be engaged for 5 hours all core content areas

● For Grades 3-4, students will be engaged for 5 hours all core content areas

● For Grades 5-8, students will be engaged for 5 hours all core content areas

 ● Provide effective notice to students and their parents or guardians of the use of particular days for e‐learning

Communication will go to parents explaining our e-learning plan for the year and it will be posted on our website.

● Provide staff and students with adequate training for e‐learning days' participation

A Q and A document and powerpoint were created to explain the e-learning day participation and procedures.  Principals will be reviewing the expectations with staff at an upcoming staff meeting.  Principals will have a sign-in sheet to indicate that all staff received the information during the staff meeting.  Those that are absent on the day of the meeting will need to meet with their building administrator independently to review the information.

● Ensure that all teachers and staff who may be involved in the provisions of e‐learning have access to any and all hardware and software that may be required for the program

All teachers and aides have been assigned a laptop or chromebook for use at school and at home.

 ● Parents/students can email their teacher/specialist, do a virtual chat with their teacher in Google, post a question in Google classroom, or call and leave a voicemail

● Teachers can retrieve school voicemails remotely.

● Ensure an opportunity for any collective bargaining negotiations with representatives of the school district's employees that would be legally required, and including all classifications of school district employees who are represented by collective bargaining agreements and who would be affected in the event of an e‐learning day

An MOU was created and agreed upon during the 2018-19 school year by both AFSCME and GEEA for e-learning. A new E-Learning MOU was agreed on for the 2021-2022 school year by GEEA following the requirements according to Illinois School Code.

Approved by the Board of Education: December 13, 2021