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Message from Provost Feist-Price.docx
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Dear friends and colleagues,


With the end of the semester quickly approaching and the holiday season upon us, the excitement among our students, faculty and staff is palpable. A time filled with rest, renewal and cheer awaits us!


This is also a time for me to reflect on my tenure as provost. As it comes to a close, I am reminded of our extraordinary journey together. As such, I am grateful for each campus community member's unwavering support, collaboration and dedication during my time in this office. It has been an honor and privilege to serve you.


I am also optimistic about the opportunities and possibilities for this wonderful university. Change is not merely a transition but a canvas upon which we can paint new possibilities, guided by the spirit of innovation.


I would also like to express my profound appreciation to the dynamic and committed deans, vice/associate provosts, and directors with whom I have been blessed to work. I am incredibly grateful for our talented faculty, devoted staff, and, most importantly, our students, whose passion for learning and pursuit of knowledge have inspired me daily. Your collective efforts have shaped our institution's academic landscape and left an indelible imprint on the lives of those we serve.


While I bid farewell to my role as provost, I do so with pride in what we have accomplished together. I am confident that with the leadership of Interim Chancellor Donna Fry and Interim Provost Yener Kandogan, the University of Michigan-Flint will reach even greater heights.


I look forward to witnessing this great university's continued growth and success and will forever carry the fondest memories of our shared achievements.


Wishing you all the very best.


Warmest regards,


Sonja Feist-Price