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*Grant High School School-wide Suicide Prevention Plan
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Portland Public Schools

Suicide Prevention & Intervention

School-wide Suicide Prevention Plan 2022/2023

In an effort to adhere to the PPS Suicide Prevention Policy adopted by the school board on January 12, 2021, each school is required to submit a School-Wide Suicide Prevention Plan to the Student Success and Health Department as they are the office of record.

The plan shall be created in collaboration with your school team (School Psychologist, School Social Worker, School Counselor, QMHP, Admin,  etc.) The goal is to maintain a comprehensive approach to address suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention (a crisis intervention strategy designed to reduce the risk of suicide and suicide contagion after a suicide death).


Each School-Wide Suicide Prevention Plan shall include prevention, intervention, and postvention strategies that are culturally and linguistically responsive and submitted by January 12, 2023. The plan can and should be a living and iterative document.

Suicide Prevention Plan Point of Contact

Grant High School Suicide Prevention Plan primary point of contact: Catrina Knoerzer, School Social Worker

Point of contact email:

Grant High School Suicide Prevention Plan


Intentionally cultivating a community of connection through things like 9th grade academies, AVID etc.

In place

SEL curriculum


Suicide Prevention curriculum

(Signs of Suicide, Response, Sources of Strength, Lines for Life School Presentations, etc.)

In Place


In Place

Annual GSA Summit

In Place

Bridge 13 Training- SMYRC

In progress

Student Interest groups/activities/arts/sports

In Place

Culturally specific small groups/mentoring

In Place

Race-Based Affinity Groups and staff supports

In Place

Health curriculum

In Place

Systematically share the Youth Resource App/other wellness resources

In Place

Food Pantry

In Place

Clothing Closet

In Place

Mental Health and Wellness clubs/events

In Place

Mental health/wellness resource webpage

In Place

Easy access to student service providers/students know how to make an appt.

In Place

Small groups (Chrysalis, DBT, anxiety, grief etc)

In Place

RESJ partnership contracts


Sharing information about school based health center

In Place

All gender restrooms

In Place

Functioning SIT team

In Progress

Wellness team

In Place

Functioning ASERT team

In Progress

Functioning Equity Team


Suicide prevention team

In Place


All student service providers and admin follow the Suicide Intervention Flow Chart

In Place

All student service providers have attended YouthSave or ASIST in the last 5 years and utilize the PPS Suicide Screening Form

In Progress

All student service providers have reviewed the Suicide Screening Conversation Toolkits (Long version and Short Version)

In Place

All student service providers utilize the Safety and Support Planning resources

In Place

Staff supports student participation in Student Success Center and transition back from SSC

In Place

Mental health and substance use resources, referrals and coordination

In Place

Transition Planning:

In Place

Title IX Resources and Reporting

In Place

Title VI Resources and Reporting

In Place

SafeOregon tipline

In Place


Crisis Recovery

In Place

Multco Behavioral Health Crisis Recovery Plan 


After a Suicide Toolkit

(American Foundation to Prevent Suicide & Suicide Prevention Resource Center)


School Plan for Postvention

In Place