LI: To understand what we are reading by answering questions about the text.

  • Comprehension requires you to read the text then answer the questions.
  • Answers must come from the information in the story.

Bees in New Zealand

There are many different types of bees in New Zealand. Some are native, and others were brought to the country by people.

Bees are important to the environment because they help spread pollen. The pollen sticks to their furry legs. It spreads when they land on a different flower, which can help make more flowers.

Bees can see colours. They mostly like yellow and blue flowers.

Not all bees make honey! There are lots of different types of bees, but only honey bees can make honey. Honey bees are not native to New Zealand, but there are now a lot living around the country.

New Zealand native bees don’t live in hives. They make nests in the ground. Most native bees live alone.


Answer these questions about the text in full sentences using information from the text to support your thinking.


1. What colours do bees like: bees favourite colours are yellow and blue.   

2. How do bees help the environment? It is important because they help spread pollen.

3. What does the word ‘native’ mean? An animal that grew up in their own habitats.  And in this case from New Zealand. 

4. Read the facts below and decide if they are true or false.                                

Create activity

Research the types of flowers bees like to get pollen from and make a DLO showing this information.

                        Bees pollen