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MQCC™ Intellectual Property, Brands (common Law Trademarks), Registered Trademarks, Patents & Media - Public Document
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MQCC Intellectual Property, Registered Trademarks, Patents & Media

MQCC™ Intellectual Property, Brands (common Law Trademarks), Registered Trademarks, Patents & Media - Public Document


Table of Contents

Table of Contents        2

Disclaimer to Reader        3

Limitations of Introducing over 20 Years (2001-2020) of Non-Novel, Conformity Science Commercialized Success in One Document        3

Global Notice: Third-Party Intellectual Property Usage & No Endorsement Notice        4

Global Notice: Third-Party Intellectual Property Usage        6

No Endorsement Notice        8

Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright, IP Infringement        8

MortgageQuote Canada Corp.'s (MQCC™) brand and reputation: Quality, Confidence, and Trust        9

Intellectual Property        9

When is Permission Required and Prohibited Use of MQCC Trademarks        11

Guidelines for Using MQCC Trademarks        14

Writing or Depicting MQCC Trademarks        20

Registered and Unregistered Trademarks (™)        25

Patents        25

Media        26

“Nominative” Fair Use        26

“Descriptive” Fair Use        26

Trademark Licensing Fees        26

Non-Software Goods        26        27

Disclaimer to Reader

Limitations of Introducing over 20 Years (2001-2020) of Non-Novel, Conformity Science Commercialized Success in One Document

As formally explained to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC®) [2019-2010]; in one of many public and private communiques to individuals elected, appointed or employed by international and national organizations; it takes over at least 15 years to generate professional liability-acceptable standards of trustworthy proficiency to properly market (sell, trade, promote) the concepts related conformity science and commercialized, regulatory-integrated, National and International Standards-class “Principles of ‘BlockChain’” based systems, technology, services and products. Read the Letter to the CEO of the SEC® along with supporting information here:

As the primary source of the originating conformity science based BlockChain standards, first commercialized on April 9, 2005 at Canada’s Private Lending Network™/® with a subordinate Quality Management System algorithm registered to ISO 9001:2000 (CAN/CSA-ISO 9001:00) on May 9, 2008 [and subsequently to ISO 9001:2008 (Can/CSA-ISO 9001:08) and the present risk-based, ISO 9001:2015 (CAN/CSA-ISO 9001:16)], there is, as a twist of historical fate, no other trusted source that “world” might rely upon.  

The information provided by MQCC is a historically correct, transparent, traceable, verifiable, record immutable, fact-non-repudiable record published for general illustrative purposes and information purposes only, and does not take into account the specific objectives, circumstances and individual needs of the reader. The information does not provide advice beyond presenting information on the current trajectory of where “Modern, National-International Standards-based Regulatory Governance, Management and Operations” is converging, and should not be relied upon beyond this information presentment standard.

The information is believed to be reliable, but its accuracy, completeness and currency cannot be guaranteed nor relied upon without a formal assessment of you or your organizations specific requirements for corrective action (CA), preventative action (PA) or opportunities for improvement (OFI). It takes 15 years of experience to Master the subject of conformity (regulatory integrated) science: .

Neither MQCC, Bungay International Inc. or their respective employees nor any other party identified in this Response (Public or Private, National or International Organization; elected, appointed or employed individual) assumes any liability of any kind in connection with the information provided. Finally: this information does not constitute legal advice or conformity advice.

The reader, policy makers, legislators, members of the general public, legal professionals and other professionals should seek professional advice based on their specific facts and circumstances.  

The content of this text is not intended to be an authoritative reference document concerning Acts or Regulations and/or prescribed requirements. Legislation, Regulation and/or prescribed requirements, and regulatory bodies, are the final authority in relation to the rules and interpretation of the rules governing ANY regulated industry.

This document does not constitute conformity or other advice and must not be used as a substitute for conformity advice from a qualified conformity professional in your jurisdiction who has been fully informed of your specific circumstance. Information may not be up-dated subsequent to its initial publication and may therefore be out of date at the time it is read or viewed.  

Always consult a qualified conformity professional in your jurisdiction.  In this regard, it is the reader’s sole responsibility to ensure compliance with any Act and its Regulations and/or prescribed requirements, and to retain competent conformity, blockchaineering, legal or other professional counsel as may be required from time to time to obtain professional service. MQCC does not accept and specifically disclaims any responsibility of liability whatsoever arising from the use or reliance by the reader upon any portion of the contents of this text, or for any consequential losses, damages, penalties, or fines that might result.

Global Notice: Third-Party Intellectual Property Usage & No Endorsement Notice

As published at the MQCC website and applicable to this document:

Attention: Individuals, Organizations and Countries; A Message from Anoop Bungay, Founder: MQCC. Does your company or organization logo appear here? Be happy; this means you are in good company because you align with the Principles of MQCC™ and the principles of "conformity science"; the field of study that was defined after discovery of the "Principles of 'BlockChain'". displays third-party logos on its websites with or without, verbal acknowledgement or written permission; pursuant to international "fair use" principles and legislation because is internationally recognized as the Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the "first application of the "Principles of 'BlockChain'-in-commerce".

The principles underlying the "BlockChain" process have revolutionized human interaction within a global commercial (for-profit and not-for-profit) and global governance environment, at a person-to-person (peer-to-peer) level. Read more about the National and International Trademark Legislation that affects use of Third-Party logos at 

Global Notice: Third-Party Intellectual Property Usage


Does your company or organization logo appear here? Be happy; this means you are in good company because you align with the Principles of MQCC™and the principles of "conformity science"; the field of study that was defined after discovery of the "principles of 'blockchain'".  MQCC (The MQCC) displays third-party logos on its websites with or without, verbal acknowledgement or written permission; pursuant to international "fair use" principles and legislation because is internationally recognized as the Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the "first application of the "principles of 'blockchain'-in-commerce". The principles underlying the "blockchain" process has revolutionized human interaction within a global commercial (for-profit and not-for-profit) and global governance environment, at a person-to-person (peer-to-peer) level.

Third-party logos are displayed in the MQCC website and in MQCC marketing materials because, since before incorporation of MQCC in the month of September, 2006; and specifically, after registering the MQCC "Principles of "blockchain" based" Quality Management System (BCQMS™) to the International Standard for Quality Management Systems published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO®), namely, ISO 9001:2000 on May 9, 2008 for MQCC's "peer-to-peer electronic finance system"; for the scope of trade in credit intermediation. Specifically: trade in 'binary digit, real estate secured and non-real estate secured financial instruments on a 'person-to-person' basis.  Nine months before the second application of “blockchain principles in commerce appeared”, namely, the experimental, Alpha version of the sub-network created by the bitcoin 1.0.

Since 2001, over the course of decades, the ontology (body of knowledge) related to MQCC seminal "blockchain" systems and technology has become more global and more inclusive.

To conclude: MQCC does not require express permission to use third-party logos on its website because, as the seminal developer of the "principles of 'blockchain'-in-commerce", the MQCC website is designed to primarily to "educate; inform; describe; compare and contrast benefits and effectiveness; visually identify (for those who do not read English, or, in cases that an on-line translator cannot translate the organization name effectively into a non-English character text format);  or otherwise identify the organizations as they relate to MQCC and "the principles of 'blockchain'".  

Any lawyer in any country (with competency in National and International trademark law) will be able to explain that there are typically four elements of "fair use"; Descriptive Use, Comparative Use, Collateral Use, Nominative Use. See your local legal representative for legal advice, of if you are the Chief Executive Officer of an organization whose logo appears at the MQCC website, email me, (the founder of MQCC); or - in accordance with the professional code of conduct which controls legal professionals who are members of Law Societies who participate in the International Council of Legal Regulators (ICLR) -  have your Canadian trademark lawyers contact me, personally (via email, to save trees, please).  As CEO, your best and reasonable choice is to contact me directly; don't waste your organization's money on international legal fees when a direct conversation will solve the matter, ultra-efficiently. Best, -Anoop Bungay.

No Endorsement Notice

No Endorsement Notice: Any reference in this website to any person, or organization, or activities, products, or services related to such person or organization, or any linkages from this web site to the web site of another party, do not constitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of the MQCC or any of its employees or contractors acting on its behalf.


 Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright, IP Infringement

Pursuant to applicable Canadian legislation, all notices of alleged copyright infringement on the MQCC Domain Universe must be sent to the MQCC Domain Universe designated agent:

Designated Agent

Copyright, IP  Infringement


Via mail at:

548 Rundleridge Drive NE

Calgary, Alberta, Canada T1Y 2K7

To be recognized, the notice must be a written communication and must include all of the following:


MortgageQuote Canada Corp.'s (MQCC™) brand and reputation: Quality, Confidence, and Trust

For financial products and services users, customers and consumers, MQCC means money, quality, confidence, compliance, trust, safety and many other positive values. That is why we and our stakeholders care about how MQCC's trademarks are used and whether unauthorized use of the MQCC trademarks could mislead, create false impressions, or cause confusion.

We and our stakeholders (Canadian and International) will take appropriate action if we consider the misuse of MQCC's trademarks puts our reputation at risk.

MQCC considers its trademarks and service marks to be among its most valuable intellectual property assets. As such, MQCC intends to take all appropriate measures to preserve the strength of and retain its exclusive rights to use its marks. MQCC asks that you assist us by following these Guidelines. If you have any questions about the Guidelines, please direct them to

MQCC has successfully initiated many legal actions including national trademark actions, notice and takedown claims (including under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)), and domain name abuse claims under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy with the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.

Intellectual Property

Trade secrets, secret machines, manufacturing processes, know-how, computer-stored data, operation manuals, supplier lists, client lists, sales information, commercial contracts, trademarks, pending patent technology and related matter.

MortgageQuote's intellectual property consists of trade secrets, business methods, processes and related material. Select individuals and corporations doing business or contemplating business with MortgageQuote Canada Corp. may be subject to non-disclosure and secrecy agreements.

MQCC trademarks, service marks, logos and brands (referred to here as “trademarks”) are MQCC valuable intellectual property assets. MQCC trademarks must be used properly and only to the extent and as permitted by MQCC. The following guidelines apply to MQCC employees, customers, licensees, consultants, outside vendors, and any other third parties. Follow these guidelines to ensure correct and consistent use of MQCC trademarks.
What is a Trademark?

“Trademarks” include words, logos, designs, symbols or slogans used to distinguish one's goods or services from those of others. A trademark may be registered or unregistered. A registered trademark is a trademark that has been registered at the relevant trademark office (Canada and the United States have separate trademark offices). An unregistered trademark is, not surprisingly, a trademark that has not been registered. Both in Canada and the United States, trademarks are entitled to legal protection whether they are registered or not. Registration, however, provides trademark owners with certain advantages in enforcing their rights to those trademarks.
When used properly, a trademark identifies one's goods or services as being distinct from those of others. For example, each MQCC product bears one or more trademarks that identifies it as being a product sold under license by MQCC. Through such use, MQCC trademarks have come to represent the high standards of quality that is associated with MQCC Corporation. As a result, the trademarks of MQCC Corporation are considered valuable business assets worth millions of dollars.

Used improperly, however, a trademark can become diluted or fall into generic use, losing its protected status. For example, words such as “escalator” and “zipper” were once trademarks that became generic because they were not properly protected by their owners.

As the protection of its valuable trademarks is important to MQCC, we have created the following guidelines to answer common questions about proper use of MQCC trademarks.

When is Permission Required and Prohibited Use of MQCC Trademarks

The use of MQCC trademarks almost always requires written permission from MQCC. On occasion, however, permission is not required provided you adhere to certain guidelines regarding the use of trademarks. The following guidelines are provided to help you to determine if permission is necessary.

1. Referential Use
You may use MQCC trademarks or product names (but not logos) to refer specifically to MQCC products provided your use is not disparaging, and provided your use does not mislead the public as to MQCC sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of your company, products or services.

A) MQCC (brand name) versus MQCC (company name)

MQCC™ or ® symbol should be used when referring to a product or service. MQCC (without the ™ or ® symbol) should be used when referring to the company.

Please refer to the Guidelines for Using MQCC Trademarks below, for specific information on proper trademark usage. For a list of MQCC registered trademarks and their proper attribution, please refer to the MQCC Registered Trademark List.

2. Titles
You may make referential use, but not brand use, of MQCC trademarks in single volume book titles (not series, periodicals or magazines), provided that such books do not use any MQCC logos or trade dress; and provided the title page or copyright page includes a disclaimer of association with MQCC.

3. Product Logos and Trade Dress
MQCC logos and trade dress may never be used by third parties except under a license or by following written guidelines from MQCC.

Please contact the Permissions Department to request permission to use MQCC logos.

4. Corporate Logo
The MQCC corporate logo(s) may only be used by third parties who are authorized by MQCC to do so.

If you are simply referring to “MQCC Corporation” as a trade name, no trademark symbol is required and no logo should be used.

If you are referring to “MQCC products”, the registered trademark symbol may appear either at the upper right or at the baseline of the word “MQCC”, but the MQCC corporate logo(s) should not be used.

If you wish to use the MQCC corporate logo(s) and you are not currently authorized to do so, please contact the Permissions Department to request permission.

5.Do Not Use MQCC Trademarks As The Name Of Your Company, Products Or Services, As A Domain Name, Or Social Media Profile.

You may not use or register in any jurisdiction, whether foreign or domestic, any MQCC Trademark as all or part of your company, product, or service name in a manner that is likely to create confusion as to MQCC’ sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of your company, product, or service, or that may dilute the MQCC Trademark. Similarly, you may not use or register in any jurisdiction, whether foreign or domestic, a domain name, or social media profile or name that incorporates any MQCC Trademark in bad faith or in a manner that is likely to create confusion as to MQCC sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of your company, product, or service.

MQCC does not allow third parties to use “MQCC”, “BITMORTGAGE®”, “MQCC uQMS™” or any other MQCC trademarks or product names in an Internet domain name or social media profile.

6. Linking
MQCC does not object to you placing a link on your Web site to the MQCC Web site, provided you comply with the guidelines for linking to

7. Trademark Symbols and Credit Lines

Proper trademark attribution through trademark symbols and credit lines helps makes the public aware of our trademarks, and helps prevent them from becoming generic terms. Credit lines also help clarify that they belong to MQCC. Accordingly, MQCC would appreciate you attributing ownership of MQCC trademarks to MQCC or Bungay International Inc. (used by permission); by using trademark symbols (™ or SM or ®) and credit lines as detailed below.

Credit Line
All products, packaging, manuals, advertisements, promotional materials and Web pages bearing MQCC trademarks should include the following trademark credit line.

The credit line may appear anywhere on the collateral, but typically is displayed on a copyright page, the back of a package or at the end of a document or web page.

8. Relationship of Products or Services
You may indicate the relationship of your products or services to MQCC products or services by using accurate, descriptive tag lines such as "for MQCC database," "for use with MQCC Conformity-Business Suite applications," and "works with MQCC software" in connection with your product or service name. Within text or body copy, such tag lines may appear in the same type as your product or service name. On product, packaging, advertising and other collateral where your product or service name is displayed apart from body copy, make sure that the tag line appears in significantly smaller type than your name. You should also distinguish the tag line from your mark by using a different font or color. However, MQCC or the tag line should never appear in the MQCC red color. This is important to avert any implication that your product or service is produced or endorsed by MQCC.

Guidelines for Using MQCC Trademarks

The following are general guidelines for the use of MQCC trademarks. If you are a party to an agreement with MQCC, please consult the terms and conditions of such agreement as it may contain special provisions regarding your use of MQCC trademarks.

1. Trademarks are adjectives used to describe a specific person, place or thing. As a result, MQCC trademarks must be used as an adjective with a generic noun at the first and most prominent use of the trademark in any document or section of a document (e.g. at the first use in each chapter of document), and as often as possible thereafter.

Use a Trademark as an Adjective, Followed by the Appropriate Noun Descriptor(s); namely, use a trademark as an adjective followed by a generic noun (or as a standalone graphical element, such as on packaging), NOT as a noun or a verb. Do not pluralize a trademark or make it possessive.

Does the sentence still make sense if you remove the trademark from the sentence? If yes, then your use is proper. If not, you need to add something like the generic words “software”, “tool”, “library”, “model”, “core”, etc. after the trademark.

Example 1
Proper use example: Using MQCC BITMORTGAGE® legislators, regulators, borrowers, investors can achieve. . .

Improper use example: Using BITMORTGAGE®, legislators, regulators, borrowers, investors can achieve. . .

Example 2

Correct. The MQCC uQMS™ business rules management system can be integrated with the MQCC Bespoke™ business platform.
Incorrect. MQCC uQMS™ can be integrated with MQCC Bespoke™.

2.  USE OF ®, TRADE; AND PROPRIETARY NOTICES; ie: Accompany a trademark with the appropriate symbol (e.g., ® or ™)

Trademarks and Registered Trademarks - Many of MQCC's Marks are registered, as indicated below.  Use the ® symbol to indicate a registered trademark and the ™ symbol to indicate a trademark. Specifically, a trademark that has been registered with a trademark office in the applicable jurisdiction is noted with a ®. A trademark that has not been registered with a trademark office is noted with a ™. MQCC requests that when you refer to our trademarks and registered trademarks you refer to them properly.

Proper reference includes the use of the appropriate ® and ™ symbol at the first and most prominent reference, or as soon as practicable thereafter. For a complete listing of MQCC registered trademarks please consult the MQCC registered trademark list. For information regarding unregistered trademarks owned by MQCC, please contact the Permissions Department.

The first appearance of the trademark in any given use must be followed by the appropriate trademark symbol. It is acceptable to omit a symbol in headlines, titles, subheads, diagrams or tops of slides, but the next use must include the appropriate symbol.

Once marked, it is not necessary to mark subsequent appearances of the trademark in the work; however, all headings, titles and subtitles in the work that reference MQCC trademarks should contain the proper attribution. It is not necessary to include ® or ™ symbols in table of contents or indexes.

Exception: MQCC is a trademark but it is also our company name. When referring to MQCC as a company name, it is okay to use it as a noun and not to have the ® or ™ symbol, e.g., "MQCC reports widespread recognition. . ."

If the symbols cannot be used in superscript mode or your project lacks special symbols, use parentheses (i.e., (TM), (SM) or (R)) or use the following substitute trademark notices. Note the capitalization and spacing.
(R) instead of ®
(tm) instead of ™

Refer to the current listing of trademarks below, or see an active list of pending trademarks in an applicable government trademark database.

Symbols On Printed or Electronic Material - Always use the ® or ™ symbol (as appropriate) with the first and the most prominent appearance of an MQCC Mark in a particular piece of printed or electronic material. If this is done, it is not necessary to use the symbol with subsequent appearances of the MQCC Mark in the same piece of material.

Symbols On Web Sites and Web pages - Always use the ® or ™ symbol (as appropriate) on the first and most prominent appearance of an MQCC Mark on a web site home page, each top level web site page, and on all web site pages that are externally linked.

Proprietary Notices - Each document or other piece of material (e.g., marketing materials, white papers, advertisements, press releases, brochures, invoices, and web site pages) and products (or their packaging, containers or labels) that use an MQCC Mark should contain a legal line in the form of a credit line or attribution. See above for examples of credit lines, or attributions.

3. Make it clear that the trademark (and the product it is the name of, as applicable) is owned by MQCC.

Proper use example: New MQCC Bitmortgage® financial product. . . .
Improper use example: New MQCC® Bitmortgage financial product. . . .

4. Always use the complete and proper spelling of the trademark. Never use acronyms in place of the trademark and never hyphenate or abbreviate the trademark.

5. Do not incorporate or combine MQCC trademarks (including without limitation logos) into third party product names, service names, trademarks, logos, or other company names, nor adopt any logos or other marks that are similar to MQCC trademarks.

6. Identify MQCC as the owner of the trademark, e.g., [Mark] is a trademark of MQCC, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

7. Only use MQCC company and product logos as set forth in the applicable LOGO GUIDELINES and any instructions provided by MQCC (including without limitation with respect to fonts, colors, orientation and position, sizes and other parameters).

7.1 Usage Rules for MQCC Logos
You may not use any MQCC logo unless you have an agreement with or express written consent from MQCC authorizing such use. In the event that you are authorized to use a MQCC logo, the use must comply with these additional guidelines (or the usage guidelines set forth in your license agreement, if those guidelines differ).

7.1.1. Use Only The Approved Master Artwork. The MQCC logos are single, standalone pieces of artwork. When reproducing the logos, use only the master artwork provided by MQCC. Do not alter or distort the appearance of the logo in anyway, for example, by adding your own design elements or colors or changing the font. The logo must always look sharp, clean, and well produced.

7.1.2. Allow A Minimum Clear Space Around The MQCC Logo. Always allow for a minimum clear space around the MQCC logo. Never violate the clear space with any graphic elements, words or charts.

7.1.3. Maintain Legibility. Never reproduce the logo in a manner that causes the logo to become illegible or blurry, which may happen if the logo is reproduced too small.

7.1.4. Do Not Use MQCC Logos As A Decorative Device. Do not use any MQCC logos for purely decorative purposes in any marketing collateral, packaging, or web site without the express written permission of MQCC


8. Trade Name vs. Trademark
The term “MQCC” when used to refer to MQCC systems and technology or a MQCC product is a trademark and its use is governed by the general guidelines set out in this section. However, when “MQCC” is used in text only to refer to MortgageQuote Canada Corp. or its subsidiaries, it is being used as the company's trade name, not as a trademark and is not subject to general trademark usage rules. For example, it is permissible to use “MQCC” in the possessive if it is clearly being used as a trade name rather than as a trademark, as in “MQCC's software products.” When “MQCC” is used as a trade name, no trademark symbol or attribution is necessary (i.e. do not use the ® or ™ symbol).

9. Never Combine a MQCC Trademark With Your (or Another Third Party's) Trademark/Product Name

MQCC trademarks are used to distinguish products manufactured and sold under license by MQCC from those of others. Combining MQCC trademarks with trademarks or product names of others would confuse consumers as to which company is the source of the product.

10. Keep MQCC's Marks Separate and Distinct.

MQCC’s Marks must be used separately from any other organization’s logos, trademarks or service marks, and may not be used as part of the name for any other organization or its products or services. Your company’s mark can be used in context with a MQCC Mark solely to indicate a relationship between MQCC products and services and those of the other company (e.g., [Third Party Company’s] software is Do Not Go Quietly®”). You may not imply a relationship or association with MQCC that does not exist.

11. Never Alter a Trademark
Correct. Use MQCC uQMS™ systems and technology tools to web-enable applications.
Incorrect. Use MQCC UQMS systems and technology tools to web-enable applications.

12. Use Proper Capitalization for a Trademark
Correct. MQCC uQMS™ business platform.
Incorrect. MQCC uqms™ business platform.

13. Use Lowercase Letters for the Generic Noun(s) Following the Trademark
Correct. MQCC uQMS™ business platform.
Incorrect. MQCC uQMS™ Business Platform.

Writing or Depicting MQCC Trademarks

» In all instances, use MQCC trademarks exactly as they appear on the MQCC Trademark List; or as they appear in an applicable government trademark database. Do not modify the mark, including the changing of capitalization or by the addition of prefix or suffix words, numbers, or symbols.

For example:
Capitalize Trademarks as They Appear in the MQCC Trademark List

The word MQCC™ should appear in all capital letters.
Bitmortgage® and Be the Bank® should appear with an initial capital “B” and subsequent letters lowercase, or mixed case.

BITMORTGAGE® may also appear as upper case.

Be Wary, Be Warned® should appear with a capitalized “B,” “W,” with a comma “,” that should always be included between “Ware” and “Be”: “Wary, Be”

Learn It Right™ should always appear with a capitalized “L”, “I” and “R.”
Using MQCC Trademarks

» Never Use a Trademark in the Plural
Correct: How many uQMS™ software licenses do you have?
Incorrect: How many uQMS™ do you own?

» Never Include a Trademark in a Hyphenated Phrase
Correct: Applications based on the BITMORTGAGE® technical conformity ecosystem
Incorrect: BITMORTGAGE®-based applications

» When using a trademark, keep the trademark intact on one line and do not divide with hyphens.

» Do Not Shorten, Abbreviate or Create Acronyms from MQCC Trademarks
Incorrect: Mortgage
Incorrect: BM or B-M

» Never Use a Trademark in the Possessive
Correct: the BIMORTGAGE® features
Incorrect: BITMORTGAGE®’s features

» Do not use MQCC trademarks in your domain names. You may use them in directory and file names after the domain name.

» Do not ignore the ™ or ® requirements for trademarked terms
Correct: The MQCC Unified Quality Management System™ is required for this financial process.
Incorrect: MQCC Unified Quality Management System is required for this financial process.

» Never translate a trademark into another language.

Incorrect: BIT
hypothèque features

» Never use the MQCC Trademarks in a disparaging manner or that violates any federal, state, or international law

Incorrect: applying MQCC Logo outside permitted uses; or, overlaying cartoon or offensive imagery on a MQCC logo or trademark.

»Never use terminology that states or implies that MQCC assumes any responsibility for the performance of your products and services.

Correct: XYX Company uses software licensed under MQCC approved licenses on all its servers.

Incorrect: MQCC software runs XYX’s servers.

Trademark and Logo Usage Guidelines:
» The company name should be written as “MQCC,” except in address blocks, trademark attributions, or other legal contexts, where “MortgageQuote Canada Corp.” should be used. Note that MQCC is one word with capital “M”, “Q” and “C”.

» Do not use the MQCC company logo without written permission.

» Always use MQCC trademarks as adjectives modifying appropriate nouns that establish the product category; or as a singular noun. Never use any trademark as a noun or a verb. Never use "a" or "the" to refer to an instance of the trademark.  

Correct: uQMS™ systems and technology integrates with BITMORTGAGE® financial products
Incorrect: uQMS™ works with BITMORTGAGES®

Correct: The MQCC-Certified™ designation instills confidence.

Incorrect: MQCC-Certification instills confidence.

Correct: Certification to an MQCC Standard instills confidence.

Incorrect: MQCC-Certification instills confidence.

Correct: This software is licensed under an MQCC approved license.

Incorrect: I put MQCC software on XYX Co.’s server

Attribution of MQCC Trademarks:

Use The Proper Trademark Attribution Statement. All marketing collateral, advertisements, product packaging, web pages, manuals, and studies that include MQCC Trademarks also must include the proper trademark attribution statement crediting ownership of the MQCC Trademarks to related companies, as applicable, including: Bungay International Inc. Typically, the attribution statement is displayed at the end of the material, in the footer of the document, or on the back of the package. The correct trademark attribution statement is:

MQCC and the MQCC Logo, [if applicable, list here any other trademarks found on the MQCC Trademarks List that are referred to or displayed in the document] are trademarks or registered trademarks of MortgageQuote Canada Corp., or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

In materials displaying a MQCC logo and referring to BITMORTGAGE® and MQCC Bespoke™ products, the correct trademark attribution statement is:

MQCC, the MQCC Logo, BITMORTGAGE®, and Bespoke™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of MortgageQuote Canada Corp. or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Misuse Of MQCC Trademarks By Others
If you learn of any uses of any logos, icons, or images that are confusingly similar to the MQCC Trademarks, please notify MQCC by sending an e-mail to Similarly, if you become aware of any use of a MQCC Trademark that violates any of the rules described above, including failure to identify MQCC Trademarks as belonging to MortgageQuote Canada Corp., please notify us at If possible, please provide a copy of the article or other medium in which the trademark violation appeared.

Registered and Unregistered Trademarks (™)

Trademarks (™) used with permission by respective owners.,, "Proud Sponsor of the Canadian Dream®", "Bitmortgage®" "Self-Service Mortgages", "SRP", "Self-Service Rates" , "Michaelangelo", "The Power of Private Lending", "Options When You Don't Have Any", "The Power of Equity®", Let Your Equity Work For You" "Accredited Private Lender", "Accredited Mortgage Investor", "Accredited-Class®", "nonmortgage®", "Tier 2", "Beat or Bypass®",  "Lending Loop®", "Your Private Equity Mortgage Solution®", "Be Wary - Be Warned®", Borrower Be Aware®", "PEMX Private Equity Mortgage Exchange®", "Corporate Dimension", Responsibility Dimension", "Maintain the Momentum", "Be the Bank®", 1st Defense, Active Fraud Avoidance Technology (AFATS™), “Your Fourth Line of Defense”, YESCLAR™, CCT™ Cascading Conformity Technology, Conformity Sandbox™ are registered or unregistered tradenames/trademarks/servicemarks of MortgageQuote Canada Corp. or Bungay International Inc., used by permission.


Patent Pending. MortgageQuote's products and services may be covered by one or more U.S. patents or Canadian pending patent applications.


Select images are courtesy of:@fdigitalphotos.

“Nominative” Fair Use

“Descriptive” Fair Use

Trademark Licensing Fees

Trademark licence agreement: contact us

Non-Software Goods

In the past, interested parties and community members have inquired whether it is permissible to use MQCC Trademarks on non-software goods such as T-shirts, stickers, and pens.

Parties may request from the Trademark Supervisor designated by the Board of Directors of MQCC a license to use the MQCC Trademarks on non-software related goods or services, by enquiring at The Trademark Supervisor will be responsible for reviewing samples of the goods and services and managing the relationship.

Visit this site for MQCC’s trademarks. And those of related organizations.


MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (MQCC)

Head Office: 548 Rundleridge Drive NE, Calgary, Alberta T1Y-2K7

Toll Free Phone: +1-866-948-7283 Toll Free Fax: +1-866-948-3291

Alberta * BC * Ontario (License #12279: Ontario)

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