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Alumnis Social Media Policy
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


Social Media Policy


Gill Marlow

Chair of the Board of Directors

Date approved:


Approved by:

Board of Directors



Date for Review

September 2023

Version History


Date Issued

Brief Summary of Change

Owners Name



 New Policy

Wendy Ainscough



Annual Review

Wendy Ainscough



Annual Review

Wendy Ainscough



Annual Review

Wendy Ainscough

Social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) is a broad term for any kind of online platform which enables people to directly interact with each other. However some games, for example Minecraft or World of Warcraft and video sharing platforms such as YouTube have social media elements to them.

The school recognises the numerous benefits and opportunities which a social media presence offers. Staff, parents/carers and pupils are actively encouraged to find creative ways to use social media. However, there are some risks associated with social media use, especially around the issues of safeguarding, bullying and personal reputation. This policy aims to encourage the safe use of social media by the school, its staff, parents, carers and children.


This policy is subject to the school’s Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use Agreements.

This policy:

The school respects privacy and understands that staff and pupils/students may use social media forums in their private lives. However, personal communications likely to have a negative impact on professional standards and/or the school’s reputation are within the scope of this policy.

Professional communications are those made through official channels, posted on a school account or using the school name. All professional communications are within the scope of this policy.

Personal communications are those made via personal social media accounts. In all cases, where a personal account is used which associates itself with the school or impacts on the school, it must be made clear that the member of staff is not communicating on behalf of the school with an appropriate disclaimer. Such personal communications are within the scope of this policy.

Personal communications which do not refer to or impact upon the school are outside the scope of this policy.

Digital communications with pupils are also considered. Staff may use social media to communicate with learners via a school social media account for teaching and learning purposes but must consider whether this is appropriate and consider the potential implications.

Organisational control

Roles & Responsibilities

Process for creating new accounts

The school community is encouraged to consider if a social media account will help them in their work, e.g. a school Twitter account, or a “Friends of the school” Facebook page.  Anyone wishing to create such an account must present a business case to the Headteacher which covers the following points:-

Following consideration by the Headteacher and the Trust Central Team an application will be approved or rejected. In all cases, the Headteacher and Trust Central Team must be satisfied that anyone running a social media account on behalf of the school has read and understood this policy and received appropriate training. This also applies to anyone who is not directly employed by the school, including volunteers or parents.


School accounts must be monitored regularly and frequently (preferably 7 days a week, including during holidays). Any comments, queries or complaints made through those accounts must be responded to within 24 hours (or on the next working day if received at a weekend) even if the response is only to acknowledge receipt. Regular monitoring and intervention is essential in case a situation arises where bullying or any other inappropriate behaviour arises on a school social media account.


Legal considerations

Handling abuse


The tone of content published on social media should be appropriate to the audience, whilst retaining appropriate levels of professional standards. Keywords to consider when composing messages are:

Use of images

School use of images can be assumed to be acceptable, providing the following guidelines are strictly adhered to.

Personal use

Monitoring posts about the school


Managing your personal use of Social Media:

Managing school social media accounts

The Do’s

The Don’ts


Social Media Policy / WA / 06.09.2022  / v3.1