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JLA Parent handbook 2025-2026 Locust Grove
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Parent Handbook 2025-2026 

32365 Constitution Highway 

Locust Grove, VA 22508 

Hours of Operation

6:00 am - 5:30 pm

      Phone Number: 540-854-0000

    Fax Number: 540-732-0171



Table of Contents


Enrollment                                                                                5

First Day of Attendance                                                                     6

Curriculum                                                                                7

Hours of Operation                                                                         7

Holiday Schedule                                                                             10

Arrival & Departure Procedures                                                            11

Release/Custody Policy                                                                                                            12

Disenrollment/Termination/Withdrawal                                                        13

Clothing/Jewelry                                                                                              14

Illness                                                                                                           15

Parent Communication/ProCare App                                                16

Medications                                                                                          16-17

Injuries/Incidents                                                                                        17

Emergency Evacuation & Relocation                                                                18        

Grievance Policy                                                                               19

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse                                                              20

Financial Information                                                                                                                      20

Discipline/Behavior Policy                                                                23

Naptime                                                                                24

Diapering/Potty Training                                                                25

Biting Policy                                                                                26

Prevention of Shaken Baby/AHT                                                        28

Safe Sleep Practices                                                                        29



WELCOME! We at Jupiter Learning Academy would like to extend a warm, heartfelt welcome to you and your family for choosing Jupiter Learning Academy to assist with your child’s early education and care.

We provide a “home away from home” learning-based environment with a developmentally age-appropriate curriculum. We are dedicated to the values of respect and dignity for every child and their family. Our goal is to create an environment that will help promote growing experiences by building confidence, positive self-concept, and socialization skills while focusing on knowledge and independence. 

We value tradition and diversity while treasuring the love for children. Our desire and responsibility are to help create a playful learning environment.

Our Educators

Our educators are trained and qualified professionals dedicated to helping your child achieve quality education and realize their most significant potential. We understand the trust you place in us when you enroll your child in Jupiter Learning Academy. We strive to go above and beyond to exceed your expectations regarding quality care and education for your child.

Jupiter Learning Academy is committed to instilling a lifelong love for learning while providing a nurturing atmosphere that helps promote self-image and self-esteem in all children.

Our Philosophy

All children are unique individuals and deserve exceptional attention to ensure they realize their greatest potential for success. We have dedicated our efforts to obtaining the highest quality resources, training, and amenities to provide exceptional childcare in an enriched, safe, secure, and loving environment. Our programs are geared towards building character, self-confidence, self-esteem, and school readiness while giving your child a solid foundation to experience life challenges. Rest assured, Jupiter Learning Academy is where your child’s success matters!

Our Mission

Jupiter Learning Academy’s mission is to provide the highest quality childcare and education that promotes and enhances each child’s development with the assurance of our parent’s peace of mind.

Our Vision                                                                                         

Jupiter Learning Academy’s vision is to provide the highest quality standards. While nurturing children in a loving, caring, safe and secure environment.

Jupiter Learning Academy provides quality education programs focusing on:


Orientation Tour 

We require all children to tour Jupiter Learning Academy at least once prior to enrollment. This visit gives you and your child a chance to meet teachers, future friends, and to see the new surroundings.

Admission Requirements

As an equal opportunity child care center Jupiter Learning Academy considers applications for enrollment, regardless of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, disability or any other basis prohibited by law. Enrollment packets are provided to interested parents/guardians upon completion of an “Orientation Tour”. All admission requirements must be met at least two business days prior to the child’s first day of attendance.

Admission Requirements are as follows:

First Day of Attendance

The following items should be labeled with your child’s name and placed in his/her cubby by the first day of attendance:

INFANTS (6 Weeks-16 Months)

TODDLERS (16-24 Months): 

PRE-SCHOOL (3- 4 Years olds):

You are required to provide all diapers, wipes, creams, powders, and medicines for your child if these items are needed.


In each of the programs at Jupiter Learning Academy: infant, toddler, pre-school and school-age, we provide activities that meet each child’s emotional, social, cognitive and physical needs. Developmentally appropriate and play-based learning experiences include a substantial amount of time outside. Activities conducted outdoors offer children exposure to new experiences and opportunities of exploration. Additionally, it promotes a healthy, active lifestyle.

Hours of Operation Daily

Jupiter Learning Academy is open Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.

Effective January 1, 2024 (Addendum)

Note: It is very important that you pick your child up by closing time; otherwise, a late fee of $10.00/ per minute will be charged and payable at the time you pick your child up. No exceptions/no excuses for paying late fees! 

If you are unable to reach the Center by closing, please make arrangements for someone to pick up your child (See Release Policy).

Child Care Center: 

Infant Daily Schedule (6 Weeks to 16 Months)

6:00-7:30 am                 Arrival/Greeting Saying Good Morning

7:30-8:30 am                 Handwashing/ Breakfast

8:30-9:00 am                 Floor time/Infant exploration, Social skills/Diapers

9:00-9:30 am                 Outside Play/ Gross Motor Skills

9:30-10:30 am         Story time/ Finger play

10:30-11:00 am        Diapers

11:00-11:30 am         Sensory time/ Sign Language

11:30-12:00 pm         Handwashing/Lunch /Clean up

12:00-12:30 pm         Diapers

12:30 pm-2:00 pm         Nap/ Quiet play time

2:00-2:30 pm                 Diapers

2:30-3:00 pm                 Handwashing/snack

3:00-3:30 pm                 Outdoor play/ Gross motor skills

3:30-4:30 pm                 Art and sensory

4:30-5:00 pm                 Diapers

5:00-6:00 pm                Moving to the Music & Pick up time

Toddler/Twos  Daily Schedule

6:00-7:30 am                 Arrival/Greeting, washing hands

7:30-8:00 am                 Free play

8:00-8:30 am                 Breakfast

8:30-9:00 am                 Restroom time

9:00-9:45 am                 Craft/ Activity time

9:45-10:00 am         Restroom time

10:00-11:15 am         Outside play (weather permitting)

11:15-11:30 am        Wash hands/ water break

11:30-12:00 pm         Lunch/ restroom time

12:00-2:00 pm         Nap, rest time

2:00-2:30 pm                 Sitting Activities/Puzzles, legos, coloring or pasting

2:30-3:30 pm                 Snack time/ Restroom time

3:30-3:45 pm                 Free Play

3:45-6:00 pm                 Pickup time

Preschool Schedule

6:00-7:30 am                 Arrival/ Morning Activity

7:30-8:00 am                 Free play

8:00-8:30 am                 Breakfast

8:30-9:00 am                 Arts/Craft or Circle time

9:00-9:45 am                 Bathroom break

9:45-10:00 am                 Language Skills

10:00-11:15 am         Outdoor Play (weather permitting)

11:15-11:30 am         Bathroom break/hand washing

11:30-12:00 pm         Lunch time

12:00-2:00 pm         Nap time

2:00-2:30 pm                 Musical Movement

2:30-3:30 pm                 Snack time

3:30-3:45 pm                 Outdoor play (weather permitting)

3:45-6:00 pm                 Reading time & pickup time

School age / Summer Camp Daily Schedule 

6:30-7:30 A.M. Arrival, wash hands

7:30-8:00 A.M. Free play

8:00-8:30 A.M. Breakfast

8:30-9:00 A.M. Restroom time

9:00-9:30 A.M. Group Time

9:30-10:00 A.M Arts/Craft Time/ Quiet activities

10:00-10:45 A.M. Outside play (weather permitting)

11:15-11:30 A.M. Restroom/ washing hands

11:30 A.M-12:00 P.M. Lunch

12:30-2:00P.M Reading time/Quiet Time

2:30-3:00 P.M Restroom break/ Snack Time

3:00- 4:00 P.M. Music involvement/ Free play/ Academic Learning Workshop

4:00-5:00 P.M Outdoor Play

5:00-5:30 P.M. Interactive play/ Pickup time

Holidays Schedule 2024

We observe the following holidays and will be closed for care: (Subject to change )

Wednesday, January 1                                              Happy New Year! (Jupiter Closed)

Monday, January 20th                                               Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Monday, February 17th                                             Presidents day (Jupiter Closed)/Teacher Workday

Friday, April 4th                                                         Jupiter Closed (VAAYCE CONFERENCE/ Teacher

                                                                                                                       Professional Development)

Monday, May 26th                                                      Memorial Day (Jupiter Closed)

Thursday, June 19th                                                   Juneteenth (Jupiter Closed)/Teacher Workday

Friday, July 4th                                                           Independence Day (Jupiter Closed)

Friday, August 1st                                                       Student Holiday/Teacher work day  (Jupiter Closed)

Monday, September 1st                                              Labor Day (Jupiter Closed)

Monday, October 13th                                               Columbus Day (Jupiter Closed)

Tuesday, November 4th                                             Election Day/Teacher Professional Development

                                                                                                                                            (Jupiter Closed)

Wednesday, November 26th                                     JLA Closing at 3:00 pm (Day before Thanksgiving)

Thursday, November 27th & Friday,                         Thanksgiving Holiday (Jupiter Closed)

November 28th      

Calendar 2024-2025

Tuesday, December 23rd Friday, December 26th       Christmas Break (Jupiter Closed)

Wednesday, December 31st                                       JLA closing at 3:00pm (New Years Eve!)

Thursday January 1st, Friday January 2, 2026           Happy New Year! (Jupiter Closed)

There will be no reduction of tuition fees for these holidays.  


Arrival and Departure Procedure

We believe strongly in the importance of security for you, your child and our staff. Jupiter Learning Academy has procedures in place for proper pick-up and drop-off of the children in our care.

The parent must call the center by 8:30 am to let us know if your child will not be attending daycare that day. This ensures that we properly prepare for the day’s activities. No child will be allowed to attend after 9:30 a.m. unless prior arrangements have been made and approved by the director or supervisor in charge. If the child has a doctor’s appointment that day, the parent must bring in a doctor’s note.

Checking In

During morning drop-off, each child is required to check in at the front for our mandatory COVID-19 Health Screening process. At that time, each child’s temperature will be taken. Once your child is cleared, a staff member will escort each child to his/her respective learning environment.

Please keep in mind each child must be signed in through our parent kiosk system.

Due to safety, parents will pick up and drop off at the ENTRANCE

Checking Out

Every time you pick up your child from the center, you must check him or her out on the parent kiosk, in the lobby, at the front entrance of the building . If an authorized person is picking up your child, he or she must show proper identification, such as a valid driver’s license, before we will release your child. It is Jupiter Learning Academy policy that no one under 16 years of age (except one who is a child’s parent) is permitted to pick up a child.

Release/Custody Policy

Your child will not be released to anyone that is not authorized on the child’s enrollment form. Anyone not recognized will be asked to show proper ID, such as a driver’s license, and will be confirmed as an authorized person. (ID may be required several times after the individual’s first time picking up the child.) There will be some “getting used-to” at the beginning, but as the teacher recognizes an individual, ID’s may not be required unless we have a substitute teacher.

The parent must inform the Center in advance of anyone other than themselves picking up their child, even if he or she is already listed on the child’s enrollment form under Release Information. If, for some reason, the parent is unable to pick up the child or wishes to send someone not listed on the enrollment form, written notice must be on file in the office before the child will be released. This notice can be left in the office at the time of drop off or faxed to the Center. Faxes must include a copy of the parent’s driver’s license or ID, the name of the person picking up the child (as it appears on his/ her ID), and the applicable date(s).


In cases where an enrolled child is the subject of a custody order, restraining order, or personal protection order, we must be provided with a certified copy of the most recent order. The orders of the court will be strictly followed. In the absence of a court order on file with administration, both parents shall be afforded equal access to their child as stipulated by law. We cannot, without a court order, limit the access of one parent by request of the other parent, regardless of the reason. If a situation presents itself, where one parent does not want the other parent to have access to their child, we suggest that the parent keep the child with them until a court order is issued. If conflicting court orders are presented, the most recently dated court order will be followed. The custodial parent has the right to admit to the program when his/or her child is in care.

Courtesy Calls

Please call us and leave a message if your child will not be attending on a certain day. This helps us to plan our day/means. It is especially important for school-age children who will not require transportation to and/from public school.


We require that you give a Written two-week notice for disenrollment. These last two weeks will need to be paid-in-full whether your child is in attendance or absent.

Termination Policy of Jupiter Learning Academy

Jupiter reserves the right to terminate any child from the program. Whenever possible, a two-week grace period will be offered. However, should the safety of the child or other children/staff be in question - services may be terminated immediately.

Parents and/or their children can be terminated from the program for the following reason(s):


The Center reserves the right to terminate a child’s enrollment with a written notice for the following reasons:

• Non-cooperation of a child or parent by being rude or abusive to any child or staff.

• Delinquency in payment of tuition or other fees

• Inability of child or parent to adjust to Jupiter Learning Academy

• an agreement cannot be made with the parent to handle a behavior issue that is on-going

• excessive violent behavior

• swearing or yelling

Parents will be notified of termination in writing and will be responsible for all fees and charges which occur prior to termination date.


Dress your child for fun! Jupiter Learning Academy day is filled with all kinds of hands- on learning. Children should wear simple, washable clothing and comfortable shoes. Since our classrooms extend to the outdoors, please dress your child appropriately for the weather. (No flip flops please!)

Days at The Center can sometimes be messy so bring a change of clothes for your child, including pants, shirt, socks and underwear.

Mark all clothing with permanent ink or name labels. Please do not send heirlooms or meaningful blankets, pillows, clothes, etc. Although we encourage children to take care of their clothing, The Center cannot be responsible for lost, torn, damaged, stained or soiled clothing or other personal items. Please do not send your child in clothes that are expensive or valuable to you in any way.


Because jewelry may be easily damaged and sometimes may be hazardous during active play, we encourage parents to have their children leave all jewelry at home. Jupiter Learning Academy is not responsible for jewelry that your child is wearing or brings from home.


Your child’s health is our top priority. Please do not bring your child to the center if he or she is sick. We understand that this may cause you some difficulty, but it's our priority to ensure the safety of all children and staff.

If your child becomes sick during the day, we will remove him/her from their regular classroom and place him/her in the care of office personnel. We will notify you immediately to come and pick up your child if he or she shows signs of illness. We suggest that each family find backup care for sick days.

Children may not remain at the center when any of the following symptoms are present and must be excluded for 24 hours, symptom free, without the aid of medication:

Other symptoms: Any symptoms the Director or Assistant Director determines to be inappropriate for the child to attend Jupiter Learning Academy will be upheld. Parents, or guardians, will have 2 hours from the call of their child being sick and arrangements will need to be made to have the child picked up.

If the child is experiencing any sickness that is causing lack of participation or signs of not being  well, the parent will be called and arrangements will need to be made for the child to be picked up immediately.

Please be advised that a doctor’s release stating the type of illness, and that your child is no longer contagious, may be required upon returning to the center. This policy will be left to the Director’s discretion.  

Parent Communication/ Parent App (Updated Addendum)

For day-to-day communication, we have a Parent Bulletin Board in the hallway to list any announcements,etc. Please visit the bulletin board for the latest information when you drop-off or pick-up your child. On-going communication between the parents and the teachers are beneficial to the development and growth of each child.

We also use a parent portal app for parent communication called “Procare”. Parents can download the app and have access to their child's day and upcoming events.

Our first priority is to ensure each child is being provided with the health & safety, and quality of education and care. The app has been put in place to update you as frequently as possible, so you may feel connected with your child throughout their day at Jupiter Learning Academy. Please understand that the child and teacher interaction is our top priority. As we continue to grow we want to meet your expectations to the best of our ability. We will try our very best to update with pictures at least 3 times per week, and also with newsletters once a month, or sooner if possible. For children ages 2 and under, who require hands on diapering and feeding, updates will be done as frequently as possible. As the day gets busier, if for some reason you are not receiving messages, all updates will occur during nap time. Messages in “Procare” for teachers will be checked a minimum of twice per day to ensure we are communicating with you all. (If “Procare” is down for any reason, we will notify parents.) If you have any questions or concerns about your child at any time, please contact the facility.

Medications Policy

We know that many children need to continue medication even after they are well enough to return to school; however, in order for us to give children medicine at the Center, the following guidelines must be followed:


If your child has allergy issues, please speak to your child’s teacher and the Director so we can take the right precautions. The Director can provide a copy of our policy regarding caring for children who have allergic reactions.

Health physical/Immunizations

In accordance with Minimum Standards, a completed health physical/ immunization record must be on file at the center prior to or on the first day of attendance for all children. If your child is religiously exempt the proper documentation will be required.


At Jupiter Learning Academy, we make every effort to create a safe environment for children. However, accidents do occasionally happen with small children. If a child is injured while in our care and the injury requires medical attention, you will be contacted to pick up your child. If, for some reason we cannot reach you, The Center will seek the appropriate medical attention.

It is crucially important that all emergency numbers and medical information be kept current at all times.

If you need to make changes to the information listed on the enrollment form, please contact the Director/Office.

Note: If your child is injured at the Center and requires medical attention, you will be asked to sign a form acknowledging that the matter was reported to you in a timely fashion. This is in accordance with state licensing regulations.

Incident Reports

If an incident or minor injury occurs, first aid is administered and a report is filled out and signed by the parent or guardian and kept in the child’s file. In some situations, the parents will be notified via telephone, per our discretion, unless otherwise specified by the parents. A copy of the report is given to the parent.

General Emergency

For General Emergencies our plan of action depends on the type of emergency, and a staff member will contact the person in charge. Then the plan of action will be determined and followed.


Here at Jupiter Learning Academy we do our best to be prepared for any possible emergency situations. As required by the state licensing agency, we schedule and practice emergency evacuations and drills. We have established an Emergency Plan that outlines safety procedures in the event of an emergency. All employees receive training upon hire and are also provided refresher training throughout the year. Evacuation site plans are posted in each room of the building. Should the children need to leave the building in the event of an emergency, they will be moved to the back side of the building until the building has been inspected and is safe for their return. If an actual emergency necessitates an evacuation, the Program Director and supportive staff will contact the parent by phone and advise regarding emergency pick-up procedure.

Severe Weather and Other Unsafe Conditions 

Jupiter Learning Academy makes every attempt to keep its doors open, even in extreme weather conditions. For closure we will follow the lead of Orange County schools regarding winter precipitation. However, when the School System remains closed for a period of time, we recognize that this places a hardship on parents. Therefore, we will make every attempt to re-open the center as soon as the roads and parking lots are safe for travel. Delayed openings may occur, when appropriate, in order to allow staff and parents safe travel to and from the center. when weather or other conditions make it unsafe for the children to be in our care. Safety is our first priority and all parents will be contacted by phone or through our parent communication app.

We conduct monthly fire drills with the children to be sure that all of us are prepared in case of a fire. Severe Weather drills are conducted at least every six months. We encourage families to learn our routines and reinforce them at home. Should you enter the Center while a drill is in progress, we invite you to join in with the procedures that we are following. 

Inclement Weather

The Outdoor Play Experience is an important part of your child’s day at Jupiter Learning Academy. It is our policy for all children to participate in outdoor activities on a daily basis, weather permitting. With this in mind, we ask that you dress your children accordingly.

In the event of inclement weather or extreme temperatures, outdoor play experiences will be limited or canceled based on state regulations. The teachers or associates will apply sunscreen on your child, which you provide and as you direct. Your written authorization and instructions for applying the sunscreen are required. Remember to label your child’s sunscreen with his/her first and last name.

Lines of Authority/Grievance Policy

In the event a parent is in need of any assistance, in any way, the center director/assistant director or supervisor in charge would be the first person in contact. It is our mission to resolve all issues or concerns as soon as possible.

Continuity of Care

Your child will have a primary classroom and teacher. Jupiter Learning Academy strives to keep children with their primary teacher consistently to support healthy bonds and relationships between the child, family and teacher. Occasionally, staffing needs will require us to move staff around. If the move would become a permanent change, center leadership will communicate that to families.

Transportation Policy

Jupiter Learning Academy does not provide transportation to and from participating public schools in the area outside of the Orange County district. The Orange County School System will provide transportation for the children by bus to the front of the building where they will be met by a staff member of our organization. For the morning and after school age children, a staff member of our organization will escort and pick up the children near the front entrance of the center. It is our responsibility to ensure the safety and security of all children coming on and off the school bus at all times.

When Jupiter Learning Academy provides transportation for field trips, the center shall be responsible from the time the child boards the vehicle until returned to the parents or person designated by the parent. All vehicles used by the center for the transportation of children shall meet the state requirements.

Health and Nutrition

Jupiter Learning Academy practices family style-dining for all meals, which promotes a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.Jupiter Learning Academy does not provide meals. Parents are responsible for providing all meals and drinks for their child(ren) that do not require heating or refrigeration. All meals must be ready to eat.

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect

As caring and concerned childcare providers, we take our responsibilities seriously. Abuse and neglect, whether physical or emotional, can happen in all types of families, from all walks of life and in varying degrees. When abuse occurs, both children and parents/guardians are the victims and need support, understanding and help.

Jupiter Learning Academy employees have been trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect. Furthermore, the law requires us to report all suspected cases of abuse and neglect.

Financial Information Application Fee/Registration

A non-refundable Annual registration fee of $100.00 per child, or $200.00 per family, is due when the application is accepted. There is also a curriculum fee at the beginning of each school year for all preschool & pre-k students of $75.00. 

Note: These fees will not be applied towards tuition payments.

Our preferred method of payment is a pre-approved auto pay, directly debited from your checking account by ACH or charged to your credit/debit card. Tuition is to be paid a week in advance and payable the Friday prior to the week of service by 5:30pm. Tuition is considered late after 6:00pm that Friday and a $10.00 per day late fee will be applied until the balance is paid in full. Jupiter Learning Academy has the full right to deny services to any family that is delinquent in payments until the balance is paid in full.

If your child will not be attending Jupiter Learning Academy for any reason, illness, vacation, holiday, etc., we require that the entire week’s tuition be paid in full prior to the absence; this will guarantee his or her space upon return. All rates are subject to a yearly review and subject to change. Jupiter Learning Academy makes every effort to keep tuition rates affordable at all times. If there is a tuition rate increase, parents will be given a 30 day notice. Weekly statements are available through the director or on the online parent portal account, and tax statements will be available by January 31.

Prorated Tuition - Jupiter Learning Academy does not prorate tuition rates for any reason, including a communicable disease such as Covid-19.

Late Pick-Up Fee

Your child may become very upset when you are late picking him/her up. Please make every effort to pick up your child on time. If tardiness is unavoidable, notify the Center immediately and arrange for your child to be picked up by another adult.

Note: If you arrive after 5:30 p.m., a charge of $10.00 per minute past closing, per child, will be added to your account. If you are more than one hour late, and the center has been unable to contact an authorized pick-up person listed on your child’s enrollment forms, our policies are to contact Social Services, who will pick up your child for safekeeping. Your commitment to picking up your child on time will help your child feel comfortable at Jupiter Learning Academy, as well as allow us to focus on the well-being of the child, and the other children in our care.

If it becomes necessary to collect any sum of money through an attorney or collection agency, the parent/guarantor agrees to pay any reasonable collection fees, including 33 1/3 attorney’s fees, whether a suit is filed or not. In the event the account is taken to court, the parent/guarantor is responsible for any and all court costs incurred.

Returned Checks

In the event that your check is returned for insufficient funds, the following charges will be assessed to your account:

Note: After 1 return check, you will be required to make your payment in a credit/debit card or money order.  


One vacation is given a year after the first year of attendance at a discounted rate of 100.00 per family. Any other time your child does not attend the center for any reason, you are still responsible for payment to reserve your child’s space at the center.

Tuition Policy

Fees are paid 52 weeks a year, including holidays. If the center is closed due to the weather or any other emergency, such as a communicable outbreak, there will be no reduction in tuition fees. Fees are charged for all days, regardless of whether or not your child attends. Our tuition rates are based on your child’s classroom enrollment.

Special Activities

Activities and programs, such as summer activities, field trips, etc., may be offered at an additional charge. Fees are payable by the day of the event or the first day of the program. Most school age field trips are included in the summer camp activity fees charged.


Regular tuition rates apply during weeks containing holidays for which the Center is closed. During the school year, an additional charge is added for school age children in attendance at Jupiter Learning Academy when public schools are closed for one day (holiday, teacher work day, etc.). If a school age child attends for two or more full days during the week, or when public schools are closed for the entire week, we will charge the regular summer tuition rate.

Policy on Inclement Weather

If the center is closed due to the weather or any other emergency, there will be no reduction in tuition fees.


If your child is absent for any length of time, or only attends sporadically during the week, you are still responsible for payment to reserve your child’s space at the center.


Discipline/Behavior Policy

Jupiter Learning Academy has found that consistent behavior concerns can cause stress and disruption in the classroom. Repetitive behavior concerns also indicate that students need support to grow their social and emotional skills.

In the case of serious concerns that may arise, Jupiter Learning Academy makes every effort to work with the student's parents and other support professionals who specialize in supporting a student’s social and emotional development.

We take a preventative approach to discipline that teaches children positive behaviors which encourage cooperation with their peers and instructor. Our goal is to provide children with the opportunity and motivation to make choices, function independently, and learn social skills through gentle, encouraging guidance, respect the needs of others, adapt to routines and simple rules, and become responsible group members.

We will use positive methods of discipline that encourage self-control, self-direction, positive self-esteem, and cooperation. Each member of our staff is required to complete training that deals with the issue of classroom discipline. Our staff is instructed to follow these guidelines: We will talk with the children in a calm, quiet manner. We will praise and encourage good behavior instead of focusing only on unacceptable behavior. We will remind children of behavior expectations daily by using clear, positive statements. We will monitor and analyze the situations and redirect play and learning activities when necessary. Rules that are developed will focus on health/ safety, consideration of others and their feelings, and care of materials and equipment. We will handle disagreements between children fairly. In some instances, a brief, supervised separation from the distressing situation may be used to allow the child to refocus before rejoining the group. We will listen to children and respect their needs, desires and feelings.The amount of time in which a child may be separated from the group is limited to no more than one minute per year of the child’s age.

If the behavior continues to be disruptive to the classroom, constitutes immediate danger to the staff or other students, or is considered uncontrollable and the school and parents' plan and techniques for behavior management and improvement have been exhausted, the following steps will be taken:

FORBIDDEN ACTIONS POLICY: The following actions or threats thereof are forbidden:

1. Physical punishment, striking a child, roughly handling or shaking a child, restricting movement through binding or tying, forcing a child to assume an uncomfortable position, or exercise as punishment; 2. Enclosure in a small confined space or any space that the child cannot freely exit himself; however, this does not apply to the use of equipment such as cribs, play yards, high chairs, and safety gates when used with children preschool age or younger for their intended purpose; 3. Punishment by another child; 4. Separation from the group so that the child is away from the hearing and vision of a staff member; 5. Withholding or forcing of food or rest; 6. Verbal remarks which are demeaning to the child; 7. Punishment for toileting accidents; and 8. Punishment by applying unpleasant or harmful substances.

Under no circumstance is corporal punishment, including but not limited to physically striking a child with your hand or object, kicking, shoving or any other physical punishment is EVER allowed. Yelling or any demanding comments are never acceptable means of disciplining children enrolled at Jupiter Learning Academy. Staff should redirect the child's interest to another area of play upon noticing the beginning of a problem. Staff may also use a "time out" as a method of removing a child from a situation in which he/she may get hurt, or hurt someone.  

Record Updates

Please notify the academy of any changes in contact information or if any updates are needed.



All children in care five or more consecutive hours will have a supervised sleep or rest period. We require that each child brings a small blanket and a sleeping mat. These items will be kept at the center in the child’s cubby during the week and should be taken home on Friday of each week, washed and returned on Monday.

Jupiter Learning Academy is dedicated to the success and happiness of the children to which we render care. Our success is built on the devotion of our staff and directors who work together with you and your child in an open, nurturing, and learning-based environment where we respect the dignity of every child and family.


Children in all preschool & pre-k classes are required to be able to completely potty independently. This policy is in place because these classrooms are operated in true preschool classroom settings. The preschool and pre-k classrooms are not equipped with a diaper changing table/station or diapering supplies. If a child has three or more accidents within a three week timeframe, a probationary warning will be issued. If another accident occurs during the probationary period, the child will be required to stay home until securely potty trained. The child’s place will be held for the remainder of the month.

Jupiter Learning Academy requires parents to supply diapers and wipes for their child. The staff will notify you when your supplies are running low. Children’s diapers are changed as needed and are checked frequently and routinely.

Stages of Potty Training

Jupiter Learning Academy believes there are three steps to potty training or toilet training. These stages are:

 First Stage: Interested in the Potty!

 This stage occurs when the child starts to communicate that they have gone potty in their diaper. They show interest in the potty by pointing, saying potty words, and being uncomfortable in their diaper. This Is a great phase to start reading books about going potty and watching videos!

Second Stage: Toilet Trained with Adult Support

This occurs when the child is able to use the toilet, but it is the adult who gets the child to the bathroom on a set schedule. In summary, the adult initiates the use of the toilet by the child. During this stage, the child is fully assisted by the adult. The adult walks the child to the toilet, sits them down, pulls up and down their pants, and helps with wiping. Accidents do occur frequently in this stage. This stage’s focus is to get the child used to going to the bathroom, being aware of this new and exciting adventure, and assisting them to do it properly!

Third Stage: Potty Training

The student is capable of using the toilet, mostly on their own and expresses the need to go potty on the toilet. They are communicating interest and taking action. The child is showing signs of readiness and is feeling independent to use the potty. Accidents occur very infrequently in this stage! They still may occur, so do not get discouraged.

Signs of Readiness

Verbal Signs:

            --The child is able to speak in three-to-four-word sentences.

            --The child is able to speak when his or her diaper is wet.

            --The child is able to say they feel that they need to go potty or are wet in their diaper.

            --The child tells you that he or she needs to go to the bathroom.


Biting is a behavior that is often unexpected and one that can harm and frighten others. Biting is a natural developmental stage that many children go through. Most times it is a temporary behavior and one that is seen between the ages of 11 and 24 months old. Toddlers bite others for many different reasons. A child might be teething, feel tired, angry, frustrated, or even bite when they are overly happy and excited. Biting may also be a way for a child to get attention from other adults or friends. Toddlers do not have strong verbal skills, are impulsive and lack strong self-control and it is important to remember that they are developing these abilities at their own pace. Biting can also occur for no apparent reason, happen quickly and can be shocking to observe. Our primary concern at Jupiter Learning Academy is the safety and health of the children and our staff. We take all biting situations seriously and use our knowledge as educators to handle these tough situations in positive, constructive and meaningful ways to stop them from occurring.

When it comes to a biting incident, our goal is to help identify what is causing the biting and resolve this issue immediately. The school will encourage the children to “use their words” if they become angry or frustrated. The staff members will maintain a close and constant supervision of the children at all times.

If a biting incident occurs, state regulations require that the parent of the child biting and the parent of the child who was bitten be contacted. Names of the children are not shared with either parent. For every bite incident, two actions will occur:

1.       Parents will be contacted with a phone call.

2.      An accident report will be completed and signed by the parent/guardian at pick up for the child who bit, and the child who was bitten.

If the biting becomes excessive and the school’s techniques have been exhausted, Jupiter Learning Academy has the right to discharge the student. Please note, many measures will be taken prior to getting to this point. These measures are outlined as follows:

Procedure Employees will follow if Biting Occurs:

We do not use techniques to alarm, hurt, or frighten children. The staff’s job is to keep the children safe and help a child that bites learn different, more appropriate behavior.

For the child that was bitten:

1.   First aid is given to the bite. It is cleaned with soap and water. If the skin is broken, the bite is covered with a bandage.

2.   Parents are notified with a phone call. If a parent cannot be reached, an email will be sent, and an additional phone call will occur until the parents are reached directly.

3.   An accident report form is filled out documenting the incident for both children involved.

4.   Parents/guardians will sign the form at pickup.


It is important to provide infants with a safe place to grow and learn. We established this policy to prevent, recognize, respond to and report shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma (SBS/AHT), as well as implement safe sleep practices. Jupiter Learning Academy understands the importance of ensuring the health and safety of children, providing quality care and educating families.

Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma (SBS/AHT) Procedure

Recognizing SBS/AHT:

• Children will be observed for signs of abusive head trauma including irritability and/or high pitched crying, difficulty staying awake, loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, inability to lift the head, seizures, lack of appetite, vomiting, bruising, poor feeding or sucking, no smiling or vocalization, inability of eyes to track and/or decreased muscle tone.

Responding to SBS/AHT:

• If SBS/AHT is suspected, the provider and/or assistant will:

o Call 911 immediately upon suspecting SBS/AHT.

o Call the parents or guardians.

o If the child has stopped breathing, a trained staff will begin pediatric CPR.

Reporting SBH/AHT:

• Instances of suspected maltreatment of a child are reported by calling the toll-free number of the Child Abuse and Neglect hotline at 1-800-552-7096.

Prevention strategies for caregivers to cope with a crying child:

• Check the child to determine if they are hungry, tired, sick or need a diaper change.

• Rock the child, hold the child close or walk with the child.

• Sing or talk to the child in a soothing voice.

• Rub the child’s back, chest, or tummy gently.

• Provide the child with a pacifier, rattle or toy.

• Take the child for a ride in a stroller.

• Play soft music.

In addition, the provider will:

• Allow caregivers who feel they may lose control to have a short break away from the children.

• Provide support when parents/guardians are trying to calm a crying child and encourage parents to take a calming break if needed.


Safe sleeping practices and prevention strategies for sudden infant death syndrome:

• Each infant will be provided with an individual crib.

• Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) safety-approved cribs will only be used for infants.

• Infants will be placed flat on their backs to sleep unless otherwise ordered by a written statement signed by the child’s physician.

• A firm surface, such as a mattress will be used for infant sleeping. The mattress will fit snugly to the crib and will be covered with a fitted sheet.

• Soft bedding, such as pillows, quilts, and comforters will not be used in the infant’s sleeping area.

• Crib sides will always be up with the fastenings secured when occupied.

• An infant who falls asleep in a play space other than their crib, will be moved promptly to their designated sleeping space.

• Crib bumper pads will not be used.

Supervision of sleeping infants:

• Sleeping infants will be placed in cribs within sight and hearing supervision of the provider or staff at all times.

• The provider or staff will visibly check on sleeping infants at least once every 15 minutes if the infant is sleeping in a separate area. The provider will use a baby monitor for additional monitoring of sleeping infants between each 15-minute interval.

• Infants will spend limited time confined in a crib, play pen, high chair or other confining piece of equipment.



National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome: The Period of Purple Crying: American Society for the Positive Care of Children: National Institutes of Health, Safe to Sleep Campaign: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Safe Sleep for Babies:

Jupiter Learning Academy Acknowledgement and Receipt of Parent Handbook

I _________________________acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Jupiter Learning Academy Parent Handbook.

I _______________________understand and will abide by the policies and procedures outlined in Jupiter Learning Academy Parent Handbook. 

I _____________________fully understand that it is my responsibility to familiarize myself with the materials and that I agree with the provisions and any other policies or procedures that are in place at JLA.

I further understand and acknowledge that the center may change, add to or delete any policies or provisions in the Parent handbook in its sole discretion, with or without prior notice. I also understand that the center may make exceptions to interpret, depart from and apply the provisions in this parent handbook as it sees fit in its sole judgment and discretion.

I further understand that this Parent handbook supersedes and replaces any and all prior handbooks or materials previously distributed.

________________________________________                        _______________

Print Child’s Name                                                                 Date

________________________________________                        _______________

Print Parent or Guardian Name                                                 Date


Parent or Guardian Signature                                                          

Jupiter Learning Academy-Locust Grove, Parent Handbook 2025-2026

Reviewed on: September 17, 2024