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Single-Player Dungeon Delving (SPDD)
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Single-Player Dungeon Delving (SPDD)

No friends? No problem.

By Nakade


  1. Create a dungeon delving game that can be played alone.
  2. Simple rules.
  3. Minimal set-up: no miniatures required, only pen paper and 1d6.


  1. Assign 3 stats: STR, DEX, and CHA with +2, +1, and -1 each
  2. Your base AC is 3. (Ascending AC)
  3. You have 5 hit points.
  4. Your torch has 5 light. (0 light = -1d6 movement per turn)
  5. Find a map (try here), designate 1 entrance and 1 exit.
  6. Play.

Turn Order:

  1. Roll for movement. (Mark off 1d6 squares, moving across explored territory is free)
  2. Roll for encounters.
  3. Use 1 item. (Optional)
  4. Roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, -1 light.

Encounter table:

Roll 1d6.

  1. Creature
  2. Creature
  3. Trap (1d6 to determine DC, fail = -1hp)
  4. 1d6  Gold (+1d6 per level you descend, max 3d6)
  5. Treasure
  6. Double (Roll twice on the list, rerolling 6s)

Checks & Encounters:


  1. Each turn, make a STR check against your opponent’s AC. If your check is higher remove 1 hp.
  2. Do the same for your opponent.
  3. Instead of attacking you may choose to use an item.


Roll 2d6 (Roll 1d6 twice and add the results). You can carry a maximum of 4+STR items at one time. Carrying more than 4 = overencumbered (-1 movement per turn).

  1. N/A
  2. Longsword (STR +1)
  3. Rapier (Attack with DEX, DEX +1)
  4. Health potion (+3 HP consumable)
  5. 5 gold
  6. Food (+1 HP consumable)
  7. Torch (+3 light consumable)
  8. 2d6 gold
  9. Shield (AC +1, DEX -1)
  10. Mace (STR +2, DEX -1)
  11. Spell scroll (Roll on scroll table)
  12. Pendant (STR/DEX/CHA +1)

Spell scrolls:

Roll 1d6. To use, discard scroll.

  1. Invisibility: Escape encounter
  2. Charm: Condition fulfilled for free
  3. Magic missile: -1 hp automatically
  4. Light: +5 light
  5. Cure Wounds: +1d6 hp
  6. Haste: Roll 2d6 for your next movement


Roll 1d6 based on the level. Defeating a creature (killing it) grants you 1 random treasure or 2d6 gold.

Level 1

1. Slime

Alignment: Chaotic

Condition: None

AC: 3

STR: 1

HP: 1

2. Kobold

Alignment: Chaotic

Condition: None

AC: 2

STR: 1

HP: 1

3. Goblin

Alignment: Chaotic

Condition: 1 gold -> Flee

AC: 2

STR: 1

HP: 2

4. Dire Wolf

Alignment: Neutral

Condition: 1 food -> Flee

AC: 2

STR: 2

HP: 2

5. Dire Lizard

Alignment: Chaotic

Condition: 1 food -> Flee

AC: 2

STR: 2

HP: 1

6. Healer Initiate

Alignment: Lawful

Condition: CHA DC 3 or 3 gold -> Heal 1 hp

AC: 1

STR: 1

HP: 2

Level 2

1. Bandit

Alignment: Chaotic

Condition: CHA DC 3 or 5 gold -> Flee

AC: 3

STR: 2

HP: 2

2. Bandit Captain

Alignment: Neutral

Condition: CHA DC 5 or 7 gold -> Flee

AC: 3

STR: 2

HP: 3

3. Skeleton

Alignment: Neutral

Condition: 1 hp -> Flee

AC: 3

STR: 2

HP: 4

4. Soul drinker

Alignment: Neutral

Condition: 1 CHA -> Flee

AC: 3

STR: 3

HP: 2

5. Shaman

Alignment: Lawful

Condition: CHA DC 3 or 3 gold -> Heal 1d6-2 hp

AC: 2

STR: 1

HP: 2

6. Holy Knight

Alignment: Neutral

Condition: CHA DC 4 or 1 tithe (treasure) -> Flee

AC: 4

STR: 2

HP: 3

Level 3+

1. Enchanter

Alignment: Lawful

Condition: CHA DC 8 or 20 gold -> STR/DEX/CHA +1

AC: 2

STR: 2

HP: 1

2. Healer

Alignment: Lawful

Condition: CHA DC 4 or 7 gold -> Heal 1d6 hp

AC: 2

STR: 4

HP: 1

3. Minotaur

Alignment: Neutral

Condition: 1 hp -> Flee

AC: 4

STR: 3

HP: 3

4. Treasure Hunter

Alignment: Neutral

Condition: CHA DC 5 or 1 treasure -> 3 gold

AC: 3

STR: 2

HP: 3

5. Lich

Alignment: Chaotic

Condition: CHA DC 6 -> Flee

AC: 3

STR: 3

HP: 4

6. Dragon

Alignment: Neutral

Condition: 20 gold -> Flee

AC: 4

STR: 4

HP: 5


When you reach the exit, you can choose to go down 1 level or escape 1 level. For each level you go down, gain 1 treasure.

For each level you escape, roll 1d6 and roll a creature encounter on 1. Escaping the dungeon allows you to calculate your final score based on the gold you own, plus 10 points for each level you reach beyond the first. Treasure can additionally be converted using this chart:







Health potion










Spell scroll

