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N Korea Bomb
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                                North Korea & bomb tests 

                                   By Edward Owiredu

On September 3rd, 2017, North Korea successfully tested a hydrogen bomb which is stronger than a atomic bomb. They also tested a missile on September 15th. Due to large military activity, the U.S. and United Nations are getting involved.

        North Korea’s two tests during September have really gotten the attention of many countries. The   launch over Japan was hours before North korea threatened to bomb Japan. They also threatened to bomb Guam which houses a military base for the U.S.  The United Nations is having their regularly scheduled general assembly which will partly be about ways to deal with North Korea. According to CNN, the United Nations plan to cut their oil supply by a third.

        The United Nations plan to cut North Korea’s oil supply after they launched a missile over Japan without trying to shoot it down. Cutting their oil supply can affect major businesses & gas prices for a period of time. The United Nation’s plan is to stop supplying to North Korea so that they do not have the resources to continue their military actions.