Associated Students of Boise State University
Executive Team Meeting
August 16th, 2021 3:30-5:30 pm
Zoom Link
I. Call to Order 3:39 pm
II. Attendance
Kenneth Huston (President), Sarah Smith (Vice President), Eric Kline (Communications officer), Samantha Mulvihill (Government Relations Officer), Graf Kirk (Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs), Hailey Merrick (Administrative Director), Charlie Varland (Director of Student Involvement and Leadership Center), Grace Burgurt (Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence)
III. New Business
a. Full Fee Paying Discussion
i. Kenneth: We met with the registrar's office and the VP of student affairs about the list of students that we want to reach. There are issues about the term “fee paying” across the board and how we want to address what this means. Please review the
1. Graf: How do we get this list of people?
2. Kenneth: It is a matter of a check box on who will go on a list that
we ask for.
ii. Charlie: This came up in a conversation this summer that the term “full fee paying” is a relic that came from the past. It used to be a term that allowed students to get tickets to sporting events, or the rec center. It is a term that has caused confusion. Moving forward, the definition may change to
incorporate a lot of different students (online, non-degree seeking).
1. Graf: With this query, what will we have the power to change?
2. Charlie: ASBSU gets to set how this works. You will have to
decide how you want to talk about this and what you want to learn
about the situation to move forward.
iii. Kenneth: Is it of interest to everyone to bring someone from the registrar's office to talk about this?
1. Sarah: Chris Collins
iv. Kenneth: If there are no further discussions about the topic then we can move forward with updates.
IV. Updates
a. Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
i. Working on getting Senators confirmed
ii. Please fill out your introduction slide for our Joint meeting
b. Associate Vice President of Student Organizational Affairs
i. No updates
c. Administrative Director
i. No updates
d. Government Relations Officer
i. Meeting with Andrew on friday to discuss a meet the candidates for the Meet the Gubernatorial candidates
e. Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence
i. IESC Training will be this week
f. Communications Officer
i. Working on some posts and a style guide will be coming in the future. ii. Website needs some work so I will be working on that.
iii. Want to have 1:1 with everyone to see how I can best support each role. g. Ethics Officer
i. Lais will be joining us next week.
h. Vice President
i. I have been sitting on the Thriving Community subcommittee of the
Strategic Planning Committee. We are looking into working with the Dean of Students Office to become a JED Campus.
ii. Bronco Welcome Week is this week! If you are able to make the Resource Fair on Friday please mark that on the calendar invite.
iii. Assembly applications closed Sunday at midnight. Selections will take place this week.
iv. Good luck on your classes next week!
i. President
i. Meeting with campus administrators and cultivating relationships
ii. Working with University Advancements to be more forward facing with our donors.
iii. Want to set up 1:1 with each of you weekly. So, update your google calendar.
iv. Guru doughnuts have a soft opening tomorrow (08/17) at 10-Noon.
Official opening on 08/19
V. Open Floor / Announcements
VI. Meeting Adjourned 4:04 pm