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7/25/19 Meeting
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7/25/19 Meeting


Kent Patten

Rebecca Robinson

Ben Glicker

Zander Blackstone - Jeff Gunn

Phil Wasta

Call to order - 7:35 pm MST

New Business:

Election of officers

Elected President at GotC. Need to elect other officer positions - Treasurer and Secretary. Kent spoke to Jared and he would prefer to not be treasurer.

Kent nominates Jared for position of Secretary

Ben 2nd the nomination

Ben - Yes

Phil- Yes

Rebecca - Yes

Jeff - Yes

Kent- Yes

Jared unanimously elected as Secretary

Treasurer - Is anybody interested

Ben Nominates Phil to the position of Treasurer

Jeff 2nd nomination

Ben- Yes

Phil- Yes

Rebecca- Yes

Jeff- Yes

Kent- Yes

Unanimously elected as Treasurer

Discussion of extent of coordination / information sent to CoM, extent of NDAs, etc.

Chat - makes it difficult to have full conversations and what falls under NDA until we decide to release it. Conversations should be confidential but votes are public. Do we want to keep the chat at default confidentiality. Things that are going to be released to the CoM needs to go through us first to get the wording clear - unified communication as an entity. Opinions of one board member do not always represent the opinion of the entire board. Be clear on if you are speaking as yourself or as a board member. “The board has not voted on this, this is only my opinion.” May be best to establish chat as executive session at all times unless specifically agree to release information. Facebook discussion group will also be considered ‘classified’ until agreement to disclose.

Motion by Ben - President has the authority to disclose confidential information to the public from the default position of confidentiality.

2nd - Phil

Ben - Yes

Phil Yes

Rebecca  Yes

Jeff Yes

Kent Yes

Unanimously passes

Discussion: Do we want to pilot a program where we invite a monarch to sit in on our meeting. We want to dispel the myth of what AIBOD actually does. Ben will look at this more

Ex-Com - how do we decide what gets released to the Com? Default position is confidential but anything we deem as not confidential is able to be released Standing Item on the agenda will be what the Ex-Com will report back to the CoM

Licensing contracts

JP is still working on that for us. We have situations coming up that we really need to have this done. May have to look online to find resources, find one we like, and have one to JP for review. Is anybody interested in doing this…? Phil has volunteered to do this. JP provided some resources to be found in the chat.

Do we have to have a trademark in effect before we issue? We actually own it, because we’ve had it and have been using it for a long time. If we lose this ™ case, then any monies received from that licensing agreement would be in dispute. We need the income to continue to fight this case. Explanation of current standing of ™ case.

Volunteer contracts

We need to have contracts with our volunteers so they know they are not getting paid. We’ve been using a more corporate structure and used the term ‘hired’ and this may have caused confusion. Everyone should know that as a part of Amtgard, this is an unpaid position, done for the good of the group. We need a contract to make sure this is completely clear. What legal instrument do we use for this? JP posted resources in the chat for us to find one to modify and use. Anybody interested in finding resources and crafting a document that meets our needs? Ben to check in with some resources. Table until have more information.

Fundraising setup (Gorin)

From the discussion at GotC (short review), for kingdoms to be able to use AI’s 501C3 status to fundraise and then AI would give back a percentage to the kingdom. People in the kingdom would fundraise on AI’s behalf rather than the kingdom doing so. Have to be careful how we give funds back to the kingdom. Our goal is to support Amtgard - run an event, pay for a feast. Direct cash back is problematic.

Alternate option is to let kingdoms use AI’s 501c3 status to raise money - the first $2000 goes towards the kingdom requirement. Anything raised after that goes to the kingdom as event/site payment or towards their next installment of the kingdom requirement. Should we go to the CoM with this idea? Consult with our lawyer first? Feels like this is just a change to something that we had approved before - dollar amount now vs percentage

This should come from our fundraising committee rather than AI.Phil

Motion - Approve this idea (see above) pending feedback from  legal

Ben 2nd

Ben -Yes

Phil  yes

Rebecca - Yes

Jeff Yes

Kent Yes

Passes unanimously

Discussion regarding Code of Conduct - Executive Session

Ongoing business:

OGN T-shirt Fundraiser - Need licensing agreement.

General Manager: Position has been posted but have no applications in.GM to manage the subcommittees under AI - not setting policy but enforcing it.

Social Media Team Lead (Lopez):  Have hired somebody - Muirin. Somebody needs to reach out to Muirin to complete the onboarding process - where we are in the process and what she needs. Ben to do this, with Jeff to shadow, because of the background required for the social media policy.

ALU Team Lead (Lopez): Have hired Robin Moore. We need to reach out to touch base rather than letting it go. Kent to reach out to provide support and direction for ALU

Finances (Patten): Currently $15890.07 We are still waiting for some kingdoms(4) to make the last payment voted on for 2018. Outstanding bill approx $54,000. Anticipate that we will win the ™ but will also need money to file the ™ with PTO.

Discussion of ™ - Executive Session

IP action (Prentiss/Lopez):

Bylaw Amendment (Prentiss/Glickler):Still working on the wording

CK Committee (Lopez): Closed as of GotC meeting.

Permits to Solicit (Lopez): Get GA statements to Brittany. Notarized and sent back as soon as possible

CoM Budget (Glickler):  Submitted and approved by CoM at GotC.

Youth Best Practices (Prentiss): JP working on the wording and should have it within a month from the CoM meeting at GotC

Ben - Freeholds changing name after they have been accepted by a kingdom. Once they become part of the kingdom, they can change their name as long as they contact the ORK to officially change their name. A freehold that wants to change their name and remain a freehold needs a new contract.

Meeting closed at 9:17 pm MST