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English translation: "ASL - A taste of their own medicine."
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Do you remember when Twitter suspended and banned conservatives?  After Elon Musk took over Twitter, he decided to allow freedom of speech.  Liberals got upset and complained, but they stayed on Twitter.  Recently, Elon banned a few people.  

One group that he suspended were liberal reporters.  Liberals hate Elon Musk, because he allows free speech.  Liberals hate freedom of expression, because they might get their feelings hurt.  In the past, liberals supported suspending and banning conservatives.  

Recently, Elon suspended reporters for publishing the location of his airplane.  Elon feared that people might try to find and harm him or his family.  

Now liberals are saying that Twitter can’t ban people.  They say that Elon Musk violated the First Amendment.  Wait a minute!  Previously, liberals encouraged liberals banning conservatives on Twitter.  Now that Twitter has banned some liberals, liberals care about the First Amendment?  They are such hypocrites!

Elon also suspended a reporter named Taylor Lorenz.  She became infamous for doxxing (publishing the personal information of) Libs of Tik Tok (abbreviated LOTT) , who posts videos of liberals acting crazy or videos showing liberal indoctrination.  Moving ahead, someone else published Taylor’s personal information.  She cried about it.  

Anyway, Taylor asked Elon a question, and was suspended from Twitter for this question.  This angered liberals.  

Again, liberals are proving themselves to be hypocrites.  They say that when they violate the First Amendment, that’s fine, but when their opposition violates the First Amendment, it’s unlawful.  

In another report, liberals are trying to corrupt Christmas with “Transgender Santa.”  Normally, children go to Santa to ask for toys.  However, teenagers go to Transgender Santa” to ask for advice about “coming out.”  Disgusting!