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I've done better than that you'd think you'd know his name every time you
switch on a light or turn on your radio his contributions are as far-reaching as
those of Albert Einstein Isaac Newton or even his nemesis Tom Edison this
mysterious tall dark Serbian invented alternating current wireless
communication the modern electric motor basic laser and radar technology x-rays
neon robotics remote control and cellular technology Tesla was on a
mission dedicated to unlocking the secrets of nature his greatest obsession
he left little time for relationships or business Nikola was exceedingly
vulnerable in this regard Wall Street monster JP Morgan was always
looking in the background salivating over Tesla's patents he wanted total
control of the new power industry and would even crash Wall Street in order to
shake out the competition, JP Morgan towered above all the Wall Street people
like Samson over the Philistines there were repercussions
one dark afternoon Tesla tore up his own royalty agreement with Westinghouse a
contract potentially worth billions of dollars in order to save their company
from financial doom this insane act of generosity was never reciprocated
even after Westinghouse's death in 1913 despite the volatile world of Finance in
those days Tesla was still courted by the rich and powerful

Nikola would soon engage the biggest fish in the pond while undertaking
his greatest venture Wardenclyffe this fantastic structure was the very
culmination of Tesla's vision to create a worldwide communication system for
sending sound and pictures the primary goal was to beat Marconi for the honour
of delivering the world's first transatlantic wireless signal by no accident
Tesla's grant project was to be financed by the devil himself - JP Morgan “you're a
strange man indeed Tesla after the papers are signed you may draw upon the
house of Morgan but it's important that I remain a silent partner, you
understand what that means don't you mr. Tesla”

but Nikola had a secret, the system can also electrify the world
Wardenclyffe would provide limitless free energy everywhere for everybody

when JP Morgan find out about this leap of technology he wouldn't tolerate it he
knew Tesla could deliver and the banker Overlord couldn't put a meter on it a
man always has two reasons for doing anything . a good reason . and the real
reason, mid-construction Morgan would cancel the contract and
blackballed Tesla that's excluding him from any other investor mr. Morgan are
you going to leave me in a hole I've made a thousand powerful enemies on your
account in a hundred years from now this country would give me much for the first
honor of transmitting power without wires
Wardenclyffe faltered and Marconi sent his transatlantic signal
Tesla was suffice ii nervous breakdown and never again would he regain his
momentum as before but despite his cruel fate nicholas stayed the course decade
after decade would pass and he would bring forth new fantastic inventions
no one could begin to imagine what great secrets this mud scientist kept locked
inside his head no one except J Edgar Hoover and his g-men they waited patiently for the
great man to pass and were ready to take everything that Nikola left behind