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Activity List, 2023-24
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Alliance serves to encourage all members to apply the positivity we promote to their personal lives, and those around them. We strive to educate our peers about evolving roles in society, and embody the positivity Alliance strives to create.

Ms. Cooper

Every Monday at 3pm in room 236.  

Anime Sci-Fi Club

Anime Sci-Fi exists to allow students with similar interests an opportunity to gather and to empower students with leadership opportunities to plan club and school events. During our meetings we watch movies/videos, play games, draw and talk about Anime and Sci-Fi characters and movies.

Mrs. Meyers 

Mr. Kallenborn

Meets twice a month on Thursdays from 3-4 pm. In room 107

First meeting is August 31st.

Join Anime Sci-Fi by filling out this form.

Meeting Dates

The OLCHS Chapter of the Arabic Honor Society was established to recognize students who demonstrate: excellence in the study of Arabic language and its corresponding dialects and cultures; and leadership in promoting a better and deeper understanding between peoples of USA, Arabic Communities in USA, and the Arabic-speaking world.

      Arabic Honor Society website

Mrs. Elmasry

See Mrs. Elmasry in

 classroom# 362 for details.

Bass Fishing Team

The Spartan Fishing Team competes in bass tournaments across the state and we also fish for fun.  The fall season is our club season where students of all ability levels are welcome.  The spring season is our tournament season. We welcome students of all ability levels, from beginners to advanced!  Join us!

Mr. Kuchyt 

Email Coach Kuchyt for to find out how to join the team.

We meet on Wednesday’s at 3:05 in Coach Kuchyt’s classroom

(room 372).

Bible Club is an organization designed to engage students in activities, conversations, service, and Bible study to encourage students in their Christian faith.

Mr. Zwirkoski

We meet every other Thursday in room 212 from 3:00-3:45.

Meetings start on Thursday, September 7.

This organization is open to African American students looking to come together to help foster an inclusive school community.  This club will discuss the Black community, Black history, and Black culture in addition to playing games, watching movies and taking field trips when possible. The BSU will also provide support to other African American students of OLCHS in need of additional academic or personal mentorship.

Ms. Hughes

We meet every Thursday from 3:05 pm - 3:45 pm in Room 367

Chess Team

The OLCHS Chess team is an inclusive club that promotes competition and friendships among those who like playing the game of chess. We compete against other schools in the South Suburban Conference.We’ll play in person and online using and

Mr. Faro

Please join the Chess Remind using the code @coachfaro to get information about meeting times and team info.

We typically meet on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 286 from 3:00-4:00 starting September 5th.

Esports Team

The Esports team exists to allow students with similar interests to play video games competitively or just for fun. Students use the computers to play Overwatch, Fortnight, Minecraft, Roblox, and other PC games. Students also play console games such as Super Smash, Rocket League, R6, and Valorant

Mr. Kuzur

We will meet every
Tuesday at 3 pm.

First meeting is September 5 at 3 pm in the Media Center.

Sign-up Sheet:

Gaming Club

The Gaming Club includes video gaming, tabletop gaming, and any other sort of fun gaming students may be interested in.  Gaming Club will work closely with the Esports team and may have additional days for specific games like D&D.  

Ms. Kolimas

We will meet every
Tuesday at 3 pm room 357.

First meeting is September 5 at 3 pm in the Media Center.

Cross Countries

Cross Countries is a student-led service group at OLCHS.  Each member has a strong desire to make the world a better place.  Our most recent focus is on helping our local community.  Service projects are our club’s primary goal.  

Mr. Repa 


Drama Fall


Rock of Ages

Are you interested in theater and drama? Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be part of a theatre production?  Interested in working behind the scenes?

Informational Meeting for Crew August 25

Audition Workshop August 24

Auditions August 24-26

 No previous theater experience necessary!

Mrs. Elliott, Director

Mr. Cortez, Vocal Director

Mr. Sipple, Crew

Crew meets after school Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Cast rehearsal provided at auditions. Rehearse three days a week then full week leading up to production.

All meetings/rehearsals begin at the Performing Arts Center unless otherwise noted on the schedule.

Drama Spring

Spring Drama information will be shared in December 2023.  If you are interested in performance, consider auditioning for the fall musical and participating in Speech!  

Mr. Olsson (Room 34)

Audition Information available December 2023

Frosh-Soph Class Advisory Board

The Frosh/Soph Class Advisory Board allows students with similar interests a chance to gather and plan leadership opportunities, volunteer for service learning, and attend school events.  It is our vision to create memorable moments in high school, to create belongingness to our school, and to strengthen Spartan Pride.  Past activities have included float decorating for homecoming, sponsor coat drive in the winter, donut sales fundraiser, game and volunteering opportunities.  

Ms. Sears

First meeting is on August 30th at 3:00.  Meetings will be every Wednesday.  

Location: RM 117- College and Career Center

International Club brings students together to promote cultural awareness and celebrate diversity throughout the OLCHS community.

Mr. Yerian 

We meet on Tuesdays at 3:05 p.m.

Please join by filling out this form.

Jazz Band

OLCHS Jazz Band is an extracurricular band.  Auditions are held in the fall and rehearsals begin in early November..

Mr. Levy 

We meet Wednesday’s from 315-430pm in the Band Room (Season runs from November until May)


Journalism combines Spartanite, Yearbook, and Video Club to compete at the IHSA State level.  This year we are waiting on guidance from the IHSA regarding this team.  

Mr. DiFilippo 


Junior Class Advisory Board

JCAB is a club for juniors who enjoy celebrating and fostering school spirit. We participate in school wide events and host Powder Puff Football, Turnabout and Prom. JCAB also hosts a fundraiser/charity event each year to raise money for the Karen Janecek Scholarship Fund.

Chris Repa



Mathletes is a competitive SSC activity in which students compete with other schools in various competitions of mathematical ability.

We compete in a variety of written, oral, and group competitions.  

Mrs. Nicholson 

Mrs. Watson

We will meet every Wednesday from 3:15-4:00 in room 209.  New members can fill out this google form to be added to our Canvas course.

MSA is a club where we will enrich our members with the Muslim faith through fun and interesting activities and topics.

Mrs. Razik 

We will meet in Room 107 every other Thursday from 3:00-3:45.

First meeting September 7, 2023.

Please join the MSA Remind to be added to the club.


NAHS is a program made to inspire and recognize students who have shown an outstanding ability and interest in art. The program supports members in their efforts to attain the highest standards in art scholarship, character, and service and to bring art education to the attention of the school and community.

Membership attained through application and teacher recommendation.

Ms. Cooper

Mrs. Clark

Returning members should look for an email regarding our first meeting.

The Spartan Chapter of the National Honor Society was established to recognize outstanding students who excel in academics, activities and athletics.  Members of NHS demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character. The Spartan Chapter inducts new members in the fall of junior and senior year.

Application eligibility is open to Junior and Seniors who maintain a minimum 3.5 Cum. GPA, participate in two extracurriculars or two sports each school year, follow the rules set forth in the OLCHS discipline code, and have completed all OLCHS graduation service hours. Click here for a PDF version of requirements.

Mrs. Nickless 

Meeting information shared with members through Remind.

*New NHS Members are inducted in November.

*Students who meet this year’s requirements will be sent an invitation to apply in late September.

*Students who choose to apply and are accepted by the Faculty Council will be sent notification in mid October.


At OLAS (Organization of Latin American Students in Solidarity) is a group of Hispanics who proudly embrace the richness of Latin American culture. We are a vibrant community that celebrates the beauty, diversity and history of our heritage.

OLAS isn't just a club; it's a family. A family where you can proudly share your roots, learn from others, and grow as an individual. Our welcoming atmosphere ensures that newcomers are greeted con brazos abiertos and introduced to the magic of Latin America culture in a supportive and inclusive environment. 

Ms. Torres 

We will meet in Room 356 every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month

Webex Meeting Link

Peer Tutors

The Peer Tutors club is a lively and inclusive academic support community within our school. It will provide a culture of learning and collaboration bringing together capable and compassionate students who want to help their peers achieve their potential.


As a peer tutor, you’ll be trained how to offer guidance and assistance to fellow students in various subjects and academic areas.

Mrs. Meierkort 

To apply, complete this form:

Information Meeting TBA. Complete this google form to apply to become a peer tutor.

Students must be in good standing at OLCHS and have attended OLCHS for at least one semester.  Members commit to a minimum of 10 hours of tutoring each semester.

Photojournalism Club is devoted to telling stories using photographs! Members will develop their photographic eye to capture moments as well as editing skills using Adobe Photoshop. Photographs are used in various publications, on the OLCHS webpage, shared with our yearbook, and posted on our Instagram stream @thespartanlens.

Mrs. Wargin 

We meet every Monday in room 240 at 3:00. Meetings generally last 30 minutes - 1 hour. Our first informational meeting will be on Monday, August 28th.

SADD is an inclusive organization, welcoming all students who seek support for healthy and safe development. The Club promotes broad understanding of the risks facing youth and the importance of reinforcing protective factors. We do this through scientifically supported programs and practices and by sharing youth voices and youth perspectives on issues and laws and policies that involve the education, culture, health, safety, and treatment of youth. All students are welcome to join at any point throughout the year.

Mr. McCurdy

Join our Remind App:


The Club meets at 3:00PM in Room 155 on the following dates:

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Scholastic Bowl is an IHSA competitive activity in which students compete against teams to answer questions relating to multiple topics, such as history, literature, mathematics, science, pop culture, sports and more. 

Mr. DiFilippo

Mr. Gerney

Information regarding the Scholastic Bowl season will be posted when available.  First competition is scheduled for January 2024. Wednesdays will be the main meeting days.

Senior Class Advisory Board promotes school spirit and engaging activities for the Class of 2022.

Mrs. Meyers

Mrs. Wholley 

SCAB will meet on Wednesdays at 3:10 pm

Fill out this form to be enrolled in our canvas course

Spartan Creative Writing Club provides students the opportunity to share their poems, short stories, and other creative expressions with others.  We also publish the annual Pegasus Literary Magazine, which is filled with poems, short stories, and artwork created exclusively by our OLCHS students.  

Mrs. Razik

Mrs. Madsen

Spartan Creative Writing Club will meet every other Tuesday at 3:00 PM

First Meeting 8/29/2023 at 3:00 PM in 117 (College and Career Center)


Spartan Screamers (Pep Club)

Spartan Screamers engages students in Spartan PRIDE by showing school spirit, boosting morale, and entertaining crowds at OLCHS events. We will organize themes for football and basketball games, face paint, participate in the homecoming parade, sell apparel, and brainstorm new ideas to increase enthusiasm and participation of peers at OLCHS events. We also will select this year’s mascot, Sparty.

Ms. Graziano

Spartan Screamers Meetings will be Tuesdays at 3:05 PM in room 380

***First meeting Wed. August 23rd***



Empathize. Embrace. Empower.

 Click on the link for a video.

Mrs. Odeh 

Mrs. Black 

Meetings are one Thursday a month during  Common Prep

in room 32

8AM- 8:30AM

Sign up for info/updates on the Remind App using  code: @spartansis


The Spartanite newspaper exists to allow students with similar interests an opportunity to gather and to empower other students  with opportunities to develop journalism skills while embodying Spartan Pride. We are eager to gain more news, sports, entertainment, and editorial writers this year! Join the Spartanite today!

Mrs. Nickless 

Mr. Frangella

Meetings are on Monday’s at 3:00p room 204

The Speech Team provides students with opportunities to develop their acting, public speaking, writing, performance, communication, and leadership skills through individualized events and competitions. Speech is a competitive IHSA activity composed of 15 different events that range from acting to public speaking, from dramatic to humorous, from persuasive to informative, from scripted to student-generated. There is something for everyone and no experience is required!

Mr. Capriola 

Mr. Olsson (Room 34) 

First Team Meeting

Tues. September 5th, 2023

@ 3:00-4:00pm in the PAC

Weekly/bi-weekly team meetings on Mondays at 3:00pm (Sept-Feb)

Weekly “dress rehearsals” on Fridays at 3:00pm (Nov-Feb)

Weekly competitions on Saturdays (Nov-Feb)

[a link to our season calendar will be added here on 9/5/2023]

STEM club provides students with hands-on experience in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. Our activities include 3D printing, robotics competitions, lab experiments, alumni seminars, design challenges where students compete in mini challenges, and so much more, etc.  

Mrs. Diepholz 

Mr. Kenny 

Meets every other Monday at 3 pm.

First Meetings:

Aug. 28th

Sept. 11th

Sept. 25th

Stitching Spartans is our knitting, crocheting, and general fiber arts and stitching club.  We sit down together, discuss our projects, and get to know each other in a warm and supportive environment.  Beginners are welcome!  We will meet on Mondays after school.

Ms. Cooper

Meets Tuesday at 3pm in room 236.

Some supplies are available for students!

Student Council promotes school spirit, student leadership and community service. Activities include homecoming, the student leadership conference, Thanksgiving food drive, staff appreciation week and many more.  

Mrs. Sidlow 

Mrs. Szala

Meets Mondays at 3:00pm

In the Media Center

To join, email one of the sponsors.

Student Helpers is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors who exemplify Spartan PRIDE. Student Helpers work with staff, students and the community to ensure a positive and welcoming atmosphere for all new students. It is our goal that all OLCHS students feel supported in their transition to high school through engaging activities and by sharing relevant and valuable information to promote a positive school experience.

Mrs. Meierkort 

Mrs. Maslowski

Student Helpers meet the last Friday of the month 3:05pm in Room 107

To join the club you must be a sophomore, junior, or senior. Use this form to join: 

The Video Club creates informative and creative videos for the OLCHS Community. The group also produces the Spartan News, which updates the school on upcoming events.


Mr. DiFilippo 

We will meet every Monday at 3:00 PM on webex

Student Action Club

The Student Action Club is a student activism club that focuses on planning programs and campaigns to create positive social change at the school, community, and global levels.

Mrs. Kuchyt

Mr. Bob Brida 


Visual Arts Club

Visual Arts Club is a club that encourages self expression and community building. Students are able to create artwork independently or follow along with the projects we will do as a group.  Students are encouraged to share their work and talents with others.

Mrs. Clark 

 We meet every other Wednesday in room 234 from 3-4 pm.  Please email for the list of meeting dates.

The Shield Yearbook club is responsible for making the official yearbook for OLCHS. In this yearbook, we cover the student life activity, sports, clubs, and academics for the school year. We are always looking for photographers, artists, creative minds, organizers, and writers.

Mr. DiFilippo 

We will meet every Tuesday at 3:00 PM on webex

Zzaj Lacov

OLCHS’s PREMIER Vocal Jazz Ensemble.  Members sing music from primarily the Jazz genre but will also include Pop, Rock, and other popular music.  Students perform in concerts here at OLCHS and around the Oak Lawn community.

Mrs. Elliott

Auditions will be held in Mid September. Information will be posted in announcements starting in late August.

If selected, rehearsals are Tuesdays & Thursdays after school.